Congratulations to Dr. Bock for talking about the psychological/emotion issues regarding mens sexuality. I'm amazed how surprised Naomi was about this, but I'm sure she's not alone. I'm convinced men know ten times more about female sexuality than women know about men.

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You mentioned problems with "Gristle" which is also known as Connective Tissue. Dr Stephanie Sennef, who is currently working with 'Moms Across America', describes the harms from Glyphosate, which is sequestered in those tissues.

As an artificial amino acid, Glyphosate is incorporated as an impurity, which might be another reason to raise children on organic diet.

Round Up The Regulators!

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When my wife hums (a sound wave), that does the trick. Of course, there is a fee.

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A Public Service Announcement to All Wieners


^^because denying the obvious cause of erectile dysfunction is limp-dicked all by itself.

Don't be stupid. Erectile Dysfunction is heart disease. How does heart disease make your root droop? The root cause is your juvenile attitude toward personal health.

Stop eating like a three-year-old left home alone. You look like crap, you feel like crap, and if you want to turn yourself into the ridiculous steer women already take you for, change nothing and die neutered.

Alcohol hates your guts, but it hates your penis more. You graduated from the beer keg to the booze cabinet after college; what a child you still are. Why not put on your big boy pants and stop it with the peter poisoning?

Whining about the spousal attitude toward sex, are we? "Hurr durr durr, it's her fault, hurr." I'm 67 and only reasonably fit-- my wife thinks I'm great, and treats me like a king. But I ejaculate three times a week whether she is in the mood or not. Why? Because I plan to die a man, and that means keeping the plumbing healthy, woman or no woman.

Erectile dysfunction? Really? You want a good erection, try straightening up yourself, and watch Mr. Penis follow suit.

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I'm not even trying to talk to smokers, cheez whiz on a cracker. I wish amongst all the other poisons in a cigarette there was one to make smokers sterile, because that kind of stupid should not reproduce.

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Yes, me included; smoked for twenty-five years.

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2 popsicle sticks and duct tape!

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The Chinese have been using herbals for this problem for thousands of years. The Emperor had to function in order to intermarry with each of the dozens if not hundreds of small kingdoms to have a family member on the throne locally... his "job" was creating royal offspring....

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well Dennis, which ones!!


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Ok I’ll be the idiot who speaks up.

As a 66 year old male who has enjoyed a wonderful time with the ladies over the years (I have been single since my divorce in 1993) I must report : in the interests of truth fairness and balance that my ambient level of abletodoitedness at any given time is about 40% although with written prior warning I can increase this to 41% give or take. (things like booze, chocolate, early bedtime etc)

Now, is this a problem for me?



Because it makes my live REALLY, REALLY PEACEFUL!

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Throw out the porn.

There’s a common denominator

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Register at DailyClout 👌👌

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ED is caused by insulin resistance, fix it yourself for free here



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If women want men to be attracted to them and be able to have sex, they need to lose weight, avoid tats and piercings. Be feminine and the men will show up.

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Wow, I cannot believe how many men are negatively physically and emotionally impacted by ED.

I think a new simple low cost non invasive treatment would be a grand slam home run.

Thank you for this.

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I think one is needed for women!

What a gold mine that would be.

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Aug 10
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troll, kind of.

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