Cpt Lobach lost situational awareness on account of her having undiagnosed Autism. Most women in male domains do.

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Naomi wolf would you consider having a discussion with senator Randall about covid-19 and the repercussions that have occurred. At Steve bannon's war room.

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Women drivers, no survivors.

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Here's a thought: Has anyone considered what a difference 1 second would have made? If the plane was 1 second ahead or the copter was 1 second behind.

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I have seen no evidence so far that this tragedy was a result of a poorly trained crew and it does not seem right to suggest it yet. According to an FAA person interviewed on Democracy Now DEI has no effect on who gets chosen for any positions. It simply increases the size of the pool that potential candidates are chosen from. Only the best qualified are put in positions of responsibility.

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Has AI copter control been totally eliminated? Is this the test case for who is liable if AI makes decisions over citizens’ lives?

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Copter crew heard twice on audio track they see plane and assume visual separation. https://rumble.com/v6fojij-analyzing-the-mid-air-collision-over-the-potomac.html

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That is nonsensical- it's like saying "I see that Mack truck coming at me but I will assume it does not hit me."

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Visual separation means that the copter took responsibility for keeping away from the plane. Copters can descend quickly, but this one sped up.

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forget about all the things they are talking about which led to the copter crash. only thing that needs to be found out is why the copter aimed at and purposely flew into the jet in a straight line for at least 1000 yds. the jet was so lit up it looked like a meteor

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The Covid "vaccine" isn't a vaccine--it's a gene therapy according to Dr. Robert Malone and other accredited doctors and scientists.

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DEI at DOD might be to blame inasmuch as IQ standards for enlistment have been lowered to help fill the ranks vacated or left unfilled by intelligent people. It is clear from the CCTV images and the accounts from ATC that the copter was in the wrong lane at the wrong altitude. The copter was on the WRONG SIDE OF THE POTOMAC. ( the east being the correct side). That copter pilot has to be pretty drunk or pretty stupid to miss that one. Assuming there are instruments that indicate altitude, there is NO EXCUSE for that pilot to miss that datum either.

Once in their predicament and with limited depth perception at night it's not surprising that a collision occurred. AA flight did nothing wrong.

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Just as public outrage against the use of poison gas in war led to universal ban against its use, the public must rise up and demand of its leaders that "gain of function" research be banned, since its intent is to render deadly diseases even more deadly, and furthermore, trade with any nations found to be engaging in same be banned as well.

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Interesting- Great questions proposed here about drones and connecting recent attacks on America… Are they connected? Please continue to probe. Well done gals! As soon as I heard about the military Chopper involved in the fatal crash (Having been married to a USAF pilot) I thought “sabotage.” Maybe COG?

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I didn't think sabotage at first, but with all the GoF news, I'm thinking maybe. If there's a whistleblower out of Duke, then maybe it's Lobach's father and the copter was deliberately sent into the plane. I rule nothing out when it comes to the MIC.

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Something ironic about its being an exercise to spirit government officials away to safety in a national emergency while the rest of us are left to rot.

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Some contributing factors

- Apparently the tower chief let on of the controllers leave early so the controller was either doing double position duty or working longer stints. Audio for the last 15 minutes is almost continuous

- It is very tight airspace., Pilot apparently mis-identified the inbound traffic or never saw it . Aircraft was approaching from the left and helo was turned to the right to correct for crosswind. .

- I seldom criticize Trump but his immediate speculation will be forgotten should he be right and remembered forever if he was wrong.


There are times when the most brilliant response is silence.

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Naomi, I enjoyed your interview of Ken McCarthy about the origins of the internet, but was surprised that no mention was made of Al Gore, the "father of the internet" as he calls himself. As you worked for his campaign in 2000 please tell us why you ignored his fathering the internet. And please look into the death of JFK, Jr. who was in the way of Hillary's political ambitions. As you worked for the Clintons you must have many sources who could shed light on this. But be careful! I remember when Sec. Ron Brown resigned from the Clinton administration and said he was going to write his tell all memoirs. I thought that he had just signed his death warrant. In the next week his plane crashed into a foggy hillside, and before they could investigate the crash the air traffic controller committed "suicide." So, to be safe, stay out of airplanes until the Clintons are locked up in prison after Kash is confirmed.

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WORKED for AlGore ? yes , worked for Clintons ? yes - - as infiltration 4 WH's ?, pls consider , we play the 'full monty' too . . . . . .blessings to u , mark

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Hi naomi

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After watching the grainy collision video many times, IMHO, whoever was flying the chopper, was not paying attention.

Add that to the catastrophic failure of air traffic control. Another terrible preventable tragedy in 21sr century Amerika.

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Has it been established whether they were wearing night vision goggles and not even using their eyes normally?

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