
The Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity's doorstep & the time to escape is very short. To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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Great Information, Difficult Hearing with the Echoing.

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What happens if you pay a price for righteousness? There are many, many stories now of people being gagged because they "are afraid" of consequences. It seems that few will stand up for righteousness if there is a cost. I am crying right now over these injustices, and crying to God to heal my own nation and the world, but what can God Himself do if he WILL NOT violate Free Will?

I have paid a price, telling the truth in a courtroom, when I knew I would be harmed badly for it. Yeah, I suffered, beyond words. And I found inner Peace, a Peace beyond any peace of this world.

If you have to pay a price for righteousness, pay it. If you are Christian, that religion tells you to pick up your cross and bear it. That is better advice that anybody imagines who has never tried it.

There are civic consequences, too. Mattias Desmet described "mass formation" in the context of destructive COVID advices and mandates. His overall researches including Nazism, Stalinism, etc. revealed that in such circumstances, there are a third or so who believe the garbage, a third who won't speak up when they doubt the story, and a third who are more strongly against the lies. If those are silent, it eventually descends to mass murders. If those do speak up, it stays verbal until it eventually evaporates.

We must find courage. Everything worth living for, and Life itself, depends on it. Everyone who has paid such a price needs to tell their story to ignite the courage of others.

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A great deal of Tommy Robinson's problems stem from the English class system. This is a difficult thing for Americans to understand, but the real "enemy of the people" in the UK is not the upper class, the aristocracy (who are increasingly irrelevant), but rather the middle class, who were always, in their arriviste way, snootier than the aristocracy. And now, they think it's THEIR time.

Historically, the UK police, even very senior ranks, was a very working class operation. You came up the hard way and you were probably from a tough background, but marinated in old-style patriotism and service to your country and community. The old trope of the "tough but fair" copper may have been overstated, but it was not without foundation. The demise began with "accelerated promotion" of graduate entrants, until now you cannot get in UNLESS you are a graduate.

Now, the force is full of doctrinaire academic types who never walk a beat, but have credits in sociology and critical theory. The problem is compounded by the British habit of taking your class status not from your own position but from the people from whom you descend. Thus, some chief superintendent with a five bedroom house, a two-car garage and an Oxbridge education still insists on calling himself working class because his great grandfather was a coal miner in 1926. That leads to a very chippy attitude to people like Tommy Robinson, who actually IS working class, for somehow "letting the side down" by not being what socialist theory predicts the working class should become. It gets even worse when you look at the appalling way the British police have treated the victims of the Pakistani grooming gangs in the north of England, almost all of whom were indigenous working class and therefore trash in the eyes of the modern police.

I personally don't consider the positions Tommy Robinson holds to be very far removed from those of, say, Douglas Murray, but Murray "talks posh." He went to the right schools and writes for "respectable" publications. 100 years into the British socialist experiment, and the class system is worse than it ever was in the past. It's just that nobody will admit it.

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I am a quarter English and I cannot STAND the disgrace of the English people by the Tommy Robinson case. I want to write to the judge in England and ask him please to restore the honor of England.

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Tommy Robinson's film 'Silenced' is still on Youtube; -


If I may correct a couple of details in your interview - Tommy was jailed for Contempt of Court. He knew he was committing Contempt, and he knew he would be imprisoned for it. He is a very brave man. But his imprisonment is quite normal and proper for such an offence.

Where it goes wrong is in the civil suit that led to the movie being made. It has nothing to do with the grotesque wholesale rape of your British girls by Pakistani Muslims with the connivance of the police and the 'authorities'. Tommy has done sterling work on this topic, but the movie that got him jailed was about an attack on a 'Syrian refugee' at a local school. A local kid pushed this Syrian boy to the ground and poured a bottle of water over him, then walked off. Something and nothing, you might say. But when the press got hold of it, it was 'Syrian refugee subjected to water-boarding etc etc blah blah'. The Truth of the matter, which is what Tommy's film was all about, was that this Syrian 'refugee' had been threatening and attacking girls at the school, and this local lad, name of Bailey, had given him a taste of his own medicine.

The 'authorities' did not want the true story coming out, as it upset the narrative. This Syrian 'refugee' sued Tommy (for defamation I believe) and won, ordering Tommy to pay him £100,000 in dmages. The judge concluded that all Tommy's many witnesses were lying, and he ordered Tommy not to show his movie. Tommy, in his usual un-subtle manner, told the judge what he could do with his 'bull-shit injunction, and showed the film anyway. And it is THAT which landed him in prison.

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Normal but NOT proper.

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Do you think the judge should have just let him off? Imprisonment is almost guaranteed for Contempt of Court. Tommy knew this before he committed the offence. He knew he would be imprisoned, and his imprisonment was perfectly proper.

Everybody has the right to defy the law to make a stand. But they must be prepared to accept the consequences, and not expect to be let off.

What was NOT proper was the defamation trial that led up to it. The judge ignored all the defence witnesses, dismissing them as liars. That is absurd. And that is where our anger should be directed - not at the Contempt judge.

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The contempt judge is part of a corrupt system. He could have intervened (and taken his lumps like you expect Tommy to yet again ad infinitum) yet he chose to perpetuate this wrong. May the judge rot in hell and may his grandchildren curse him.

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How doyou think the Contempt judge should have 'intervened'? He was listed to hear a case of Contempt of Court, and he dealt with that case just as he would any other.

What do you think the judge should have done? Let him off? If so, why?

Whether the Contempt order should have been issued is another matter. But it WAS issued, quite properly in accordance with the law, and the judge had to hear it. This he did, and he handed down a punishment consistent with normal practice.

I agree that TR should not be in jail, but you are attacking the wrong judge - he had little choice in the matter.

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Yes, I think the judge should have let him off. The contempt order should not have been issued. But the judge either agrees with Tommy’s persecution or he is too cowardly to prevent it.

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Well, that is an interesting perspective. You think a judge should deal with a defendants according to his own personal political perspective?

We have seen where this leads, in the 'lawfare' persecution of Donald Trump.

I'm surprised you should commend such a subjective application of the law. Needless to say, I disagree with you. In any case, British judges have very little discretion in sentencing these days - their hands are tied by the Sentencing Council, and sentences are prescribed by this NGO.

To re-iterate my position; I disagree with the defamation judge. I think he was totally biased. I disagree with his Order not to show the movie. But the Order WAS given in accordance with the law, and to violate such an Order is Contempt of Court, which (almost) always carries a prison sentence. Tommy Robinson KNEW he was committing Contempt, and he KNEW he would be jailed for it. There was never any question of that. He is a VERY brave man. But you cannot criticise a judge for following the law. That is his job.

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I do not have time to travel down this rabbit hole. HOWEVER, I can generally discern and parse information. I somehow conclude these facts of yours are accurate.

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I have started watching that documentary because defying gag orders like this is a civic duty. Tommy is "googling" the web to find stories. Google is now worse than MSM for spiking all the important stories. It is NOTHING like the wondrous search engine it was 15 years ago. No longer do you get access to what you are looking for if there is a political narrative on it.

Naomi mentions ironies about where Americans flee to for freedom. The greatest one is Russia. Nowadays, Russia is much like 1950's USA in what you can do without government permission (when will Americans realize that that is the very essence of freedom?). And the ONLY search engine I have found in the last year that does not get its web-crawl data from google and thus indirectly censor everything important--is Yandex, based in Russia.

If you are reading this, it is your civic duty to avoid google all you can, and to check out Yandex.

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That is most useful - I had not heard of Yandex. I get a daily digest from RT (formerly Russia Today) which is very informative about world affairs. Of course it is not entirely un-biased, but it is far more accurate than any western media.

I use Duck Duck Go as a search engine.

Russia should have been our greatest ally since the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is the great tragedy of this century that we have treated Putin with such un-disguised contempt, and driven him into the arms of countries less well-disposed towards us.

Russia looks like a wonderful country, where men are men and women are women, and the difference is celebrated, not eradicated. And income tax is 13%. Pity it's so cold though!

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Persecution. Not prosecution. That having been said, "every country gets the government it deserves" - Count Joseph de Maistre

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We need to stand together & not let them take this power . I cannot live in a system where I am controlled

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Freedom is life itself. We’re all here for such a short time in the scheme of things and it’s so odd to me how many in control seem oblivious to this.

I think we all live under fascism but don’t realize it as we’re led to compare our system to more fanatical and cruel controls.

My family’s horrors have all been due to our legal system or non responsive government agencies that had to be dealt with in order to get things done.

We have lost our savings, a promising career, and our spirits here in the land of the free and the home of the brave

because of our government and it isn’t because we didn’t do as asked.

And we are the kind of folks any group of fellows would like having in their midsts, but that doesn’t count for squat.

I believe in the golden rule but I don’t “believe” in my country or any country in the world for that matter. I’m far more afraid of “systems” than any fellow victim struggling to survive.

Fighting it will only get you in trouble and pave the way for the next elite head case “who knows what’s best for us” to have control.

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Tommy Robinson is a super patriot. The UK “authorities" are the criminals.

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At this stage, these arrests, de-banking, etc...for wrong-thought mean one simple thing...don't go to the UK or submit to its jurisdiction in any way until it throws off its current status as a brutal police state that's worse than Stalin's in some ways...

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