It’s time again, right? Please more? You are helping me keep a gang of bullies at bay!

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I don't really understand where this Bible is from, I am more familiar with Catholic bible, what is the difference in this Bible?

We also say God, and just saying.

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Thank you so much for continuing these readings! You are a blessing. 😊

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Want to preface this by saying I do not read Hebrew. As an Israeli once said< "He knows ten hebrew words so now he's an expert." Which is close enough to truth to sting a bit. I do not think we are far apart but I was of the impression "The Father says to Moshe: "This is the name you and your descendants shall know me by forever" rough paraphrase from memory. Which in the early 90's on AOL's Bible Fellowship chatroom I contended that the tetragrammaticon was not his name it was the name we could know him by. That as his ways are higher than our ways his name is beyond our ability to grasp. To name a thing is to establish borders. To me one of the most gross misunderstandings is the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient creator. I cannot seem to prove that with the word. Seems to me that you have to go out of your way to explain away countless verses that refute that assumption. Could the Creator have retained all power? Could he have desired to be everywhere all the time? Could he have known everything about everything? Yes,, and in a sense that is true and yet in another sense it is not. Consider the Creator sits outside of time. He must he created it. And from that position the end of time (for men to decide imho) is the same moment as when the angels sung his praises when the earth was made. Yet Hashem translates "the mightiest of hosts" Seems to imply if you are the mightiest there must be other mighty ones. And how can a prince of tyre hold back an Angel of the lord if he has no might? As to the all good, yes that seems to be true. In him is light and there is no darkness he is all something. I think good may not be broad enough to declare what he is all of. Light on the other hand like Gravity, Time, Space, Matter for that matter. Is measurable to some degree understandable and yet if we look to deeply it defies our ability to comprehend it. Shrodinger etc. And so a more appropriate label for the creator than good? Ive recently come to an insight on genesis that may be of some help deepening our understanding of Ex' 3. I had been praying and listening for his word to come then seeking wherever that word led me and have found answers that I can think of no other way than if that Word had not come to me I would have found it. Also it taught me to consider what is stated entirely and to look at what is not included. For example the Olivet Discourse the messiahs says paraphrasing, "Do not believe me, search the law and the prophets' Even though I know what a TaNaKh is. It had never occurred to me till recently as I have been praying and waiting (being still) for his word to come. That the messiah did no include the Wisdom Books to prove his words by. He did not obviously include his words and thereby the New Testament is excluded from being a proof of truth so to speak. If he is truth then proving his words is how we prove truth. Which is two if we include the law and the prophet as one proof. And "the spirit of the lord as the other proof" His word that is sent that will guide us "to seek to understand" So that even after we have proved it. Do we understand? Ok now to Genesis actually we start with someone help me here is it Jeremiah? Isaiah? David? should be multiple verses in the law and the prophets that mirror this one. "I set before you blessings and curses, choose." I know the messiah says Whatsoever you curse you will be cursed whatsoever you bless you will be blessed" but by his own word he is not to be used as a proof. Interesting. However look at what is not said ever. I have made man with blessings and curses. So man apparently was not made with the ability to bless and curse? When that hit me I ran straight to the garden. The fruit of tree of knowledge of good and evil. Ok so almost, except like I said i have developed a habit of not reading and thinking on what I've read but reading and praying over what I have read. Then being still and first making sure to forgive and to repent wash the world off myself so to speak in his blood by his name etc. Not always, isn't his grace amazing his spirit convicts me when I slip but has never condemned me though I deserve it. So what I heard that time was; Knowledge? and I thought yeah not sure what that is either better look into it. So etymology hebrew but when I searched the word to define itself as early Puritans taught let "scripture define scripture" I add not Webster or Strongs "Let all men be liars" selah? So this I do not think it was my insight although would appreciate any critique or clarification. But was led not to seek verses that use the word knowledge but to consider verses that used the words "To know." and once again that what is not said least I didn't find it said. That he knew his wife many times but she never conceived? Seems to always be and "He knew his wife and she bore him a son." So "To know" while I had always understood to be "Had sexual relations with" Apparently is only the surface and not exactly what that is conveying. To know your wife is to bring forth fruit together. Not merely to copulate. Does man know how he "knows his wife" of course not. Do we know how our "Blessings work?" nope not that either. But a blessing is "the ability to bring forth fruit from." And a curse is "to cause to be barren" exhibit A "No weapon forged against me shall prosper" does both protects me and my walk and if I was obedient I would be working and there will be fruit. And the work of my enemy will not bear fruit against me. Considering that when the Father says this is the name you may know* me by. Isn't that literally saying that my name is sufficient to bring forth any good thing for You, My people or those people who travel with you. Not sure I grasp this never considered this verse since that insight. Which was not that long ago less than a year certainly. Was only three years ago I discovered I had not been studying properly. Close I knew I should pray, and consider his word as I went about my day. keeping his laws ever before my eyes. which is also his word euphemistically. But even though the verse which ends with "As do the noble Bereans do." something like that was one of my favorites in the late 90s. For the wrong reason. Cause I though yeah like me, I study so Im Berean. "Pride" that brought no good fruit." Wasn't till someone on twitter pointed out that being still meant your mind as well as your body. Stop trying to solve the problem you just asked him to solve!!! Thats insulting. Now be silent and still and wait... til when? til his word comes! Wow his word will come if im still and patiently waiting. Yes, it does. And to study any other way is to lean on Man's wisdom your own or a teacher, and that is foolishness to the lord. You may learn enough to be saved? But will you understand enough to avoid being destroyed. Cause that is what is going on now and has been going on off and on since Heaven only knows but seems like that the fallen keep using the same tactics, that eventually leads to " The Great Hunt" where many are destroyed. My people perish from lack of knowledge. So, if you would not be destroyed seek knowledge daily continuously. Which I find a struggle, not sure why my adhd my ptsd or just not constant enough. Or maybe I judge mysellf to harshly? Which would fit my self-sabotage issues. One last this is an old understanding and if any have read this far would like to hear your input on this. In the early 90's pre-net for me. I struggled, couldn't grasp what I read and couldn't find someone that did. What was easier to learn than truth was what was not true. I could and others could show how this or that or everyone is teaching some untruth... seemed like to me then anyway. Eventually came to the conclusion, that proving what is not true is not the best focus. And if all these scolars teachers evangelists are mistaken biographies their works showed they were all more diligent faithful smarter than me. How was I going to figure out what they couldn't? Stopped contending so much which was a good thing. Cause Iv,e been convicted recently on many things I used to believe and repeated that were my misunderstanding or scholars lies. "I would that few should teach, they will be held to a higher standard." So stopped reading "problematic verses and mainly focused on figuring out proverbs and psalms. Not the wisest idea, but even a little bit of his wisdom will sustain our faith. With grace selah.

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Two facts keep illustrating the nature of God: we have so much to unpack, and so much of it is unfathomable. What if conflicts between translations are not errors or even contradictions? At the very least, they prove that language is inadequate for expressing God’s unfathomable nature. Your point about the “potential for wordplay” in Hebrew is relevant and fascinating. A holy language should indeed suggest infinite ways to express an unfathomable God who subsumes and transcends every language, every conjugation, and every known word. Against and with that mind-boggling reality, we received the simple beauty of "I AM" and "In the beginning was The Word."

Thank you for another wonderful presentation. We’re looking forward to the next episode.

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Dear Naomi,

I love your readings from the Geneva Bible. I have listened to each one. I hope you continue to read the Bible to us. I check daily to see if you have posted new Bible chapters/readings.

I need to hear the truth...God's true Word. God really prepared you for such a time as this. Listening to you teach from the Geneva Bible is an amazing journey for me. Thank you.

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This is fascinating and illuminating. I have been following your readings in my (beautiful) copy of Robert Alter’s “The Hebrew Bible” which comes replete with many detailed notes on his translation choices of important Hebrew vocabulary and it is interesting to see how this prodigious Hebrew scholar sometimes does and sometimes doesn’t follow the same logic as you. Your mission to personalise our relationship with God and to deconstruct the linguistic barriers which substitute fear for love resonates deeply with me. Thank you for your scholarship.

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Dear Naomi, what Jesus actually said in the Gospel when asked directly by the chief Priest, "Tell us plainly, are you the Christ? Jesus said, you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the power." That's when he was delivered to Pilot. His proclamation of personal diety is repeated many times in each Gospel. What Jesus said about Himself and what the prophets foretold, the Messiah is God incarcerate. Isaiah is clearest, but David in the Psalms makes it clear. Enoch also states the Son of Man's diety. If you continue your search for the truth you will find Him. He's definitely calling you. He knows you and loves you very much!

By the way, "the later teaching" about the atonement of Jesus sacrifice as the "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." In actually in the gospels. It's not something Paul made up. Being Jewish, you know what the atonement is. There is no more sacrificing lambs on the alter. Jesus made the atoning sacrifice. He's it now. His blood, once for all.

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Naomi, I have been following a bit from afar, and this is, I think, the second time I’ve listened to your reading Scripture. How do I get more of your reading Scripture? Thank you🙏🏻💞

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

Alan Greenspan was sworn in for the Federal Reserve in 1987. Greenspan used the Talmud during the ceremony, rather than the Hebrew Bible. Does anyone know what the difference from the Talmud to the Hebrew Bible is?

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

Thank you again for sharing your spiritual thoughts Naomi. Not to be critical, but in Matthew 23:23 Jesus criticized the Pharisees because they tithed from the herbs of their gardens, but 'neglected the weightier matters of the Law: faith, judgment and mercy'. And in verse 24 He described them as 'straining at gnats, and swallowing camels'. Your pitting of an early English translation of the Hebrew against the original Hebrew feels like gnat-chasing to me. Let me explain.

You are doing heroic work regarding this recent Covid pandemic and the poisonous jab. Your integrity and public service in this discovery process is now legendary, and rightly so. You have faced deceitful and murderous evil face to face, and are as dismayed by it as the rest of us are. And you have also seen such wickedness elsewhere, including in the sufferings of the Jewish people. So let's talk about weighty things; faith, judgment and mercy.

I myself was a very evil man; perverse and detestable. By the age of 25 I had broken all of the 10 commandments MOST thoroughly. I was filthy. And I came to acknowledge this fact not because I was noble or honest, but because I had come to the end of my rope. An angry father-in-law wanted to kill me because of how unkind I had been to his wonderful daughter.

And so, like the thief on the cross next to Jesus, my only remaining option was honesty; owning my deservedness of crucifixion (capital punishment), and my need for Someone powerful to help me. And in my acknowledgment of sin, my eyes were simultaneously opened to God's remedy for my sin; Jesus' death on a cross. Faith and an understanding of Christianity do not come through intellectual efforts. Christianity is seen through the eyes of the conscience.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, by admitting my deservedness of a cross, the Spirit of God was freed up to unite me with Jesus on HIS CROSS. While He alone experiences the physical agony of the cross, I also died, was buried, and then was raised from the dead in union with Him. His shed blood became my own shed blood. And so henceforth the angel of death saw the blood of the Lamb on the doorway of my soul, and saw that justice had already been carried out.

This is how much the God of both the OT and NT cares. This is how close He wants to be to us! And by the way, even in the context of all the evil in the world today, Jesus' crucifixion can also save repentant Pharma execs, rotten politicians, lying talking heads on TV, and even Hamas murderers. This is the power of the blood, symbolized by all of the animal sacrifices of the OT. And the Bible declares that we ALL need it.

You look like you are in your 30's. I am in my 70's. Neither one of us has any time for gnats and camels. I would encourage you to cheat a little bit, jump ahead in your studies, and read Isaiah 53. And thank you again for your labors on my behalf, and for bringing light to the world.

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It is FINALLY coming to light that the "God" of The Old Testament is NOT the Creator of All! Check out Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino's book, "Gods of The Bible"!! Anglican Priest, Paul A. Wallis brings us gently along to discover that same truth after having been in the Ministry for 33 years!! How does one undo the brainwashing of centuries??? One person at a time!! ;-)

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YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN IEEE 802.15.4 and the NIH since 2015 & 1924 measuring

the human bio electric field at its scalar levels as well as the whole of the electrical field of the human body to regard the full electrical homeostasis of an organism in preparation for morphology and transhumanism.

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Naomi, hello again . . . I feel very strongly that your topic again validates the breakdown of the mother-child attachment system, and how it gets projected onto God. If we did not have an experience of the Divine with our mothers, we absolutely will not find intimacy with God.

The foundation of human civilization sits directly on this attachment system and all that we learned and experienced in it (or didn't). Without an embodied experience of the Divine though our mothers, humanity cannot survive. I see this breakdown in attachment everywhere, particularly in people's widespread tolerance for bizarre and perverse behavior and unquestioning acceptance of atrocity propaganda. These are ALL active acting-our behaviors characteristic of insecurely attached humans, some of whom are psychopaths.

Thank you for continuing to document this critical breakdown in different areas of the human experience.

Warm regards,

Janae B. Weinhold PhD LPC

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