Labor deserves better pay. Strikes should hit CEOs

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Workers deserve a decent wage. The CEOs should cut their pay. Thstockholdwrs should stay second. Workers should be well paid.

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The strike was over within 24 hours--and it sounds like the cost of EVERYTHING imported will be rising dramatically as a result. While I support the right of employees to negotiate with the people they work for to ensure that they are paid a reasonable income, I have some really mixed feelings about the costs going up, as our inflation is so bad already.

Also, Naomi, I know this is off-topic--and I apologize--but...are you prolife? Can you help me get the word out about something that's going down in Nebraska that needs to be stopped?

I've recently learned that the proposed "prolife" amendment to Nebraska's state constitution that the Nebraska Family Alliance has been pushing (https://nebraskafamilyalliance.org/pro-life-and-pro-abortion-initiatives-certified-for-the-ballot/) is NOT prolife! It will enshrine abortion UP TO 12 WEEKS GESTATION in our constitution!

We already have a compromise law that legalizes abortion up to twelve weeks, we do not need a state constitutional amendment too.

But--the NFA is billing it as the prolife answer to a more radical proposed amendment that would enshrine abortion up to birth. They have far too many prolifers absolutely convinced that they MUST vote for this or we're going to be stuck with abortion up to birth. (this is insane, that is not how ballot initiatives work)

I would ask that you share this video by G3 Ministries (https://youtu.be/50A2hpHRDkA?si=ZHWnHAHAOPGT5t50) that explains why prolifers in Nebraska shouldn't vote for either amendment.


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No. It is solved. And I knew it would be just like I knew NC Helene was purposeful the day it happened.

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Hi, as an MSRD and GAPS Practitioner, I was impressed with his suggestions. I made my pemmican when I was fired b/c of the jab so have a good amount. He is spot on. Fat, preserved lemons, dehydrated eggs, fat such as tallow, honey that lasts forever. I also dehydrated citrus slices for vitamin C. Water is key!!! They are fixing the upstate water tunnels in New York so I think may be a factor with our water (black swan event with this). Drinking your urine is a good tool. I think he was right--pemmican and fat and WATER. We can do months without food but only days without water. No electricity means no water.

There are several ways to make pemmican and it is best to find a good recipe b/c many on the net basically give you a recipe for jerky which will spoil. No fruit or nuts or honey should be added and the dehydrating temperature should be very low. A good site I used (and then listened to some others to learn more) was the Lost Herbs. I have several of their books.

And as Naomi always emphasizes, this is a spiritual war. If we don't get our act together and turn back to the Creator, this will be as predicted by the Mary apparitions. Still working on myself as if they ever ends LOL

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Corrupt governmentsl, what an anomali! All the same they are everywhere feeling swell!

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..... >>>>> https://www.bitchute.com/video/71OmvHBI4VD7/ they killed this man

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Just a note to help the victims of Hurricane Helene, consider donating to www.samaritanspurse.org, to help support their teams sent in to assist those suffering, with rescue, food, water, clothing and other necessities, in 5 locations across four states. FEMA has failed to arrive yet in many locations, yet the early response with trained teams by samaritans purse was even mentioned in some news reports. A key ongoing mission is to help with storms and crises around the world, and in our own backyard. This is a Christian organization led by Franklin Graham. Please forgive the commercial, but things look very dangerous still in many areas devastated by the storm and FEMA help is lagging badly. Thank you for whatever you can do. God Bless you all.

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Just read on zerohedge that the dockworkers signed a contract and the strike is over.

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It is only postponed till December, due to the bad optics it gives the Dems currently for the election! That is the rest of the story...

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Suggestion to you ,asking for article about manipulation and price fixing amongst society for personal and financial gain.By corporations, Governments and the extremely wealthy, .able to exert influence and control markets,price fixing, etc.Im sure prime examples can be found throughout the world.

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Towns in NC destroyed. Will they be CONDEMNED? 🤔......Maui, Lahina?? There's lithium in them thar' hills.

$750.00 assistance from FEMA??

A joke.

Fight people, fight!! Don't back down this is going to get worse.

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On Tuesday Costco was already out of toilet paper & paper towels. I’m already stocked up but wow that was fast.

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This is a perfect time for another national movement, BAA, Buy American Again!!!

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L'Shonah Tovah to everyone.

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Dear Ed, I published an article yesterday for Rosh Hashanah which might give a gentle base on which folks could discuss Gaza:


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Thanks, Mary, will take a look.

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I did stock up on chocolate and instant coffee.

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