I am so surprised by the way you interviewed this Michelle M. You were condescending and impatient and kept stopping here and correcting her. To the point, I had to stop watching the interview. I was surprised you were so ungracious and rude, frankly.

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Totally agree with all the comments. I felt bad for her. Very condescending & unprofessional. I had to turn it off.

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I started following the posts and U tube accounts by on-scene witnesses at the time of the fire. There were many who were suspicious of the way things were handled by the government officials and even law enforcement who should have at the very least, to allow residents trying to drive away from the fire, many of whom were overwhelmed by the heat and smoke as they dutifully (and unaccountably!) did as they were told!!! For days that became weeks I went on YouTube for the latest news. No doubt in my mind that the people concerned about the whole disaster and what followed, had every reason to be suspicious and outraged for how it was handled. And now, we all KNOW the infuriating truth. Just another example of heartless, lawless corruption is right out in the open. These corrupt officials are going to get away with this. I pray for all those who were displaced and are now destitute. Does anyone think Maui resident and billionaire, namely, Oprah, would offer any help? Hell, no.

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Wow, Naomi . Having a bad day? I’ve not seen such a condescending and arrogant aura around you. This woman is very knowledgeable, and I’m surprised that you kicked her straight out of the gate. For someone who espouses herself as a spiritually aware empath, it was painfully obvious how annoyed you were growing. I was interested in her experience…no reason to interrogate or cut her short. You were crabby.

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links to ms melendez’s videos?

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Thank you 👆🏼for posting Michelle’s website. I too am from Maui, and found this interviewing intolerable. Michelle has her own YT podcast, with many episodes,is a skilled interviewer and was expressing herself well. So sad (and very distracting for all viewers/listeners) that she was interrupted so rudely over and over. 👎🏼

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Naomi is not making this interview easy to listen to .... like Alex Jones..... let your guests SPEAK

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This is interviewee’s website is Blossom Inner Wellness on You Tube. Naomi did not post it in notes after the interview.

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Fifty years ago when my husband was in the US Navy we briefly lived in an apt-hotel in Waikiki then were assigned housing on the base at Pearl Harbor, where we lived for a year. Some of our fellow officer families were interested in purchasing land in Hawai'i after their retirement from the military but learned that it is almost impossible to actually OWN land in the state. Much of it is held in perpetuity by entities like the Bishop Trust, so your home is actually on an 80-year leasehold. This perhaps explains why the folks in the fire-damaged area in Lahaina may have lost control of what was once their home, due to the regulations that come with such a situation unique to the islands.

I would have thought Michelle might have mentioned this -- perhaps she did, but I quit listening.

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Yes, I think they get 80 yr leases, but some of these people were descendants of the original Hawaiians, and I am not sure they had leases, but actual ownership. I would like to know the answer to that question.

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Interesting insight. this is the first time I ever saw Naomi act like this on a video. Kind of shocking.

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I saw it in another interview, can't remember who was on the receiving end, though.

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Wow!. She had an initial condescending attitude. Making me think about her in a different way.

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I agree. I wonder if she was stuck with Michelle for some other reason., realized the problem but couldn't fix it as the program was underway. The situation on Maui is indeed creepy and reporting on it has been dropped by the media, so I was interested in learning fresh news about efforts to rebuild and re-establish a vital part of the state's economy. This didn't happen and it was disappointing.

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Being in Hawaii often ( resident) you come to understand that the Native Hawaiians are not generally assertive, nor do they seem to be of the “fighting mentality”. They are often quietly spoken and unassuming. These characteristics are wonderful, but they have made the people vulnerable to the sharks and the human sharks are all around them.

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Thank you so much for this frightening expose! I had been wondering when we would hear from someone on that blessed island! IT IS TIME!

I simply want to add...since the issue about the military occupation of Hawaii was unknown...there are more and more bits o information which ALL AMERICANS SHOULD KNOW! Personal responsibility begins with information and we have so little after all these years of indocrination! IF YOU WISH TO INVESTIGATE...there are many ways. yet I would recommend a beginning to be:


THANK YOU, Doc N, for your continued willingness to SPEAK!!

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Last comment I’ll make re this post on Lahaina interview which I appreciated — as well as the many apt, helpful comments & critiques!

I can totally imagine using our 40’ sailboat and tender to make multiple trips to recover live and deceased victims of this tragedy. Multiple trips and whatever was necessary we would have employed without question, as I know would and undoubtedly did other private & commercial boats owners. So, to question the veracity of a boat captain’s claims of having saved whatever remotely logical numbers of victims & bodies is just crass, not logical and is at least uninformed.

Again, whatever the details, the main point is that for certain, we did and are witnessing another gentrifying land grab. Powers that be and limitless greed struck yet another vulnerable community in a gorgeous spot. Residents were just inconveniently in the way of vile intentions. It’s one way to reset and move off “undesirables”.

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Very well said. Thank you.

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Oh my goodness...let her talk

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Goodness me, I have always enjoyed your interviews Naomi, but you are so rude to this woman. You are continuously interrupting and undermining this woman's attempt to answer your question. I find this interview from you to be completely rude and condescending - I never would have thought this from you ever. Not nice at all. You have lost credibility after this interview.

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Just saw on "X" that the Battalion Chief on Maui, Shawn Rogers, has been indicted for the continued sexual abuse of a minor since 2019 when she was only 12 years old. He turned himself in this week. He was the incident commander during the Lahaina wildfires.

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What?! Awful…and definitely makes you question things even more.

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Lord have mercy.

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Many thanks once again Naomi for your interview and the descriptions from your guest. The extent of the criminality by the genocidal sociopaths seems to know no bounds. Your exposure of what took place in Lahaina last year serves to feed enough rope to the perpetrators to hang themselves, but I suspect the ultimate justice will need to be meted out by military tribunals all around the world when the time is right. Currently the effectiveness of civil justice systems has all but evaporated, in much the same way that the technology was used to selectively obliterate people and property on Maui.

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