the link given for america outloud news goes right to a podcast so I was not able to access any articles. Is there another way to get these articles?

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Thanks Naomi

You and I are the same age and it’s so wonderful to hear another woman have the same opinion I’ve had for decades. When I’m sexually active, I use a diaphragm. When I went through menopause, I took soy based Estroven and changed my diet quite a bit which stopped the symptoms. I never considered HRT as it seems extremely dangerous. I also never considered smashing my breasts between two plates and radiating them. Just seems like common sense to me.❤️

Eileen (grateful physical therapist)

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My father who was a medic was horrified that the core “precautionary principle” of medicine was, it seems, completely forgotten. He was right.

Amazing what $ can do…

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Cui bono?

Follow the money

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Here's another story that haunts me:

My friend is a BC survivor. She did not take any shots. She doesn't work. She is somewhat captive to her working husband. She has a 15 year old and a 19 year old son. They live in Florida

Her husband is insane. Smart, educated man. He has had 6 shots. He has also tested himself for Covid over the past 4 years more than 30x. I am not aggregating.

His sons have had two shots and at least one booster each.

Again, my friend has had no shots. She was aware early on of the issues and tried to get her family to not get any shots but the husband was feared by the news and he won the battle with the sons. They listened to dad and the fear porn and refused to listen to mom.

The older boy, at the time 17 developed seizures after the 2nd shot. Not one doctor would confirm the seizures were from the V and as a result wouldn't say, don't get anymore shots. My friend, was hoping and praying that some sanity would prevail and that someone would save her from her husbands influence over her sons, but even doctors wouldn't say the truth. The son is now on medication for seizures and he's 19 now.

They all still wear masks when they go out and even the wife, my friend has to wear them. Her husband lives in fear of the virus. He's had 6 shots. He's also had the RSV, Flu, and shingles shots.

He has had many health related issues (rashes on body and around eyes) since all these shots, but he does not correlate. He even had surgery on his knee (no injury). EKG prior to surgery showed no heart issues. In the beginning he would terrorize my friend saying she was going to die if she didn't get the Vs. She is fine and healthy. He still does not see or correlate. He's insane.

FF to this past week. The 19 year old who was home-schooled and doesn't have a license and works a computer job from home wanted to go to a conference out of state with some friends. The father didn't want him to go because he was afraid he would contract Covid and bring it home. Four years later he is still holding his sons hostage afraid of this virus. The son won the argument and went to the conference. When he arrived home he was not feeling well. He has a cold. This sometimes happens when people travel. He told his father he was sick and his father tested him and he was positive for Covid (if you believe these tests mean anything) and that was the father's worst nightmare come true. They took the 19 year old to the doctor, made everyone wear masks in the car on the way. The doctor refused to see him in person. The doctor saw him tel-med style while the kid sat in his parents car. Mom had to stay outside because the kid needed to take off his mask.

They prescribed prednisone and cough syrup. It's a cold!

The father than proceeded to call the mom's sister in another state to tell her that the son tested positive for Covid and asked the sister if she would be willing to take the kids if he and the mom died since they both have underlying health conditions. My friend is super healthy and takes very good care of herself. He, the husband thinks she is going to die of cancer and tells her this openly. He is that abusive.

The sister thought he was crazy - said that her sister was healthy and that she is not worried for her and that his 19 year son should be free to go places and not locked away living in fear of a virus.

He has a cold!!! The sister said he didn't seem to hear any of that and just wanted assurance that she would raise the kids. Meanwhile, one son is an adult. They don't see this. That too is insane to me.

Afterwards the father went out to get more covid tests. Everyone is wearing masks in the house now and the father is looking forward to getting his next shot this Fall and is planning to get the mRNA bird flu vx as soon as it's available.

My friend lives in a house with three very heavily vaccinated people and deals with this madness daily. She doesn't want her boys to get anymore shots. She lives in fear of the father persuading them to get more. She is being terrorized by this situation.

I tell this story because it's one of the many crazy, unbelievable stories of how our government and pharma have destroyed people and how their constant fear porn are needling away at what is left of people who are living in fear and how it effects people around them. The father could vaccinate himself to death. And the sons listen to the father not the mother. The mother has no agency to do anything but try to persuade, but this causes her stress which isn't good for her health. It's just awful.

Reading others crazy stories helps me feel less alone in this insane time.

Update: Cause you can't make this stuff up. Even though he has had 6 shots he is getting a prescription for Paxlovid. When talking to the Nurse Practitioner over the phone he told her his symptoms were sneezing with an underlying condition of diverticulitis. He must have told her he has tested over 7x because she told him to save his nose and just self isolate for 5 days from the sign of symptoms.

He called the covid test company because some tests were defective. He's wearing a mask in the house. He says to his wife, my friend, "I can't believe you are doing this to yourself."

I said that she shouldn't let this moment pass without asking him why he doesn't trust the 6 shots he got. And why if he doesn't trust the shots should she be upset she didn't get them. Meanwhile, the son has a mild cold and now the husband is sneezing. And my thinking is it's probably psychosomatic.

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That poor woman is living a nightmare.

What a humble and powerful woman to stay babysitting a mentally ill abusive manling like him.

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Oh man. Poor folks, this is like living in an asylum. At least the mother has sovereignty over her mind and a connection with you, a sane friend.

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This is the worst story I have ever heard ...how awful!

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OMG- when people are fearful they lose their ability to have critical thinking --and are very easily controlled , but his man is insane -wonder if he had underlying mental health issues prior to Covid .

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I believe he is "on the spectrum" or as we used to say in the 70s and 80s "touched". Is that even politically correct to say now.

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If he didn't, he does now...

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Agree. Maybe she can create a healthy separate base to which her kids can go and get some perspective

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We all have stories about people we know or knew that met their fate via these injections. And they are all profound in some way or another. There are many that haunt me and this is one of them:

There was a woman who was a 30-something year BC survivor all natural modalities outside of surgery. She avoided chemo and radiation and lived well for more than 30 years after her surgeries. She was a pioneer in the alternative healing space. She even started a foundation called The Annie Appleseed Foundation where she shared the alternative healing information that she learned. She also held a conference every Feb in Florida. Her work, her foundation, and her conferences helped thousands, if not millions by proxy. You can easily look up who this is, so I won't name her here. She was helpful to me during my experience with BC.

She managed to avoid Pharma for all those years. She was a beacon of alternative healing hope for millions of people.

I know from her personal FB posts and DMs that she did take the first Moderna shot. She shared this with her followers. She said, she immediately developed blood clots and could not take the 2nd shot. She said this in a defending manner. I believe because the pressure to get the shots were so great. She said she was treated for her blood clots. In the preceding months she reported having a new lump develop in a lymph node in her groin and then she did report being diagnosed with lymphoma and was being treated for that. I wasn't following closely, but did learn that she passed away in January 2024.

I am absolutely speculating when I say that she likely died due to the Moderna shot.

But what else am I to think?

She spent her whole life beating cancer - over 30 years.

She took excellent care of herself.

She was a pioneer in the alternative healing space.

She was a beacon of hope for many.

She took one Moderna shot and now she is gone.

I did reach out to her about taking the shot, asking her why after all the years she didn't trust Pharma would she now trust them and she didn't have much of answer. She apparently was caught up in the fear of Covid and the pressure in the older community to get the shot.

We all watched people lose their minds during this time. Acupuncturist that were the purist of pure people. These people who would read every label for every piece of food they would eat, but then blindly take an experimental pharma product. Unbelievable. I never thought I would witness anything like this in my lifetime. Who could imagine such horrors?

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I have a few comments and concerns. First I personally healed from BC using alternative methods, specifically Mistletoe. I have shared my story in the comments of other columns written here, so I won't go into details now.

My concern and question (for Dr. Ryan Cole really) is; given the nature of the cancers we are seeing from the mRNA / nano lipid particles / possible DNA contamination / SV40 promoter are these people able to heal themselves via normal healing modalities or are their cancers so aggressive and not treatable due to the very nature of the mechanism of action by which their cancers were caused?

I tried to phrase that in such a way. I hope you understand my question. Asking anyone who may have heard or know. I haven't been keeping up on the latest from Ryan Cole and others. So interested in this topic.

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Hi Lori - its my understanding that these Turbo cancers at the time of diagnosis are already progressed like a wild fire and do not respond to established treatments. One theory is that these cancers are really a failure from the immune systems surveillance cells being altered by the lipid nano particles in the MRNA gene therapy --

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Right, I understand that and so if the immune system is not capable of doing it's job then it may not matter what treatment they do, conventional or alternative. This might be a case where nothing can bring their immune system back. The system is broken. So sad that people unknowingly did this to themselves.

I am a medically skeptical person. I handled a cancer experience very carefully with alternative treatments and avoided conventional outside of surgery and even then I used a laser surgeon that didn't take insurance so I avoided much of the Standard of Care most have to abide by today. The thought of getting anything injected into me, especially something that was experimental is insane. I tried to warn people back in Feb of 2021 and people refuse to believe it was experimental. They bought the bull that it was safe and effective even though there is no way anyone could know it was SAFE without years of testing. It baffles me how trusting people can be. It's insane. Everyone I know that has had the shot has had a new or multiple new medical issues. But most do not correlate. I wish the cloud of denial would be washed away and people would see the truth about these shots. It's time.

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The corruption is mind boggling. Somehow we have to break the dependence of doctors on the hospital organizations. This will be hard because they are now employees of these centers rather than independent contractors. The “bribe” of $100 million per institution tells the story and the physicians became useful assets. Unfortunately, once these useful assets are no longer needed, they are phased out. We see this happening especially where PAs and nurse practitioners are taking over many of the visits of patients instead of the physician. I see organizations like FLCCC and the Wellness Company attempting to develop a new process of delivering patient care. I pray they are successful. Pharmaceuticals must be taken out of the game of directing treatment as well as insurance companies. We have to go back to independent contractors who determine the treatment of their patients.

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Anecdotal evidence is no evidence at all. Why are there no rigorous studies showing statistically significant results of mrna injections?

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Good point. Can't imagine facing that, if you are a doctor raised in the "doctors are angels" culture.

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I appreciate your humility and honesty. Very refreshing. Great information presented very well. Thank you.

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Naomi, I have been watching you, reading your books, joined your substack since your interview with Tucker, you are a voice crying out in the wilderness , I read your book "Facing the Beast " and read it again and highlighted much of it - so resonated with me and honestly could not stop reading - I cried when I read about the life and loss of your precious dog _Mushroom- my heart was broken for you as I recalled our dogs -who have died -- Munchkin, Teddy, Zoe-- they where the 1st group of our dogs, then Benny , now we have Buddy -who is 12, and Beau who is 3, they where and all mixed breed shihtzu .Maltese, Poodle etc. I related to your experience of the your friends and acquaintance who had been skeptical of big pharma, some who where vegans who would not eat eggs -but raised chickens - HUH , what not eat honey - What -- only ate organic whole foods , non GMO,wore masks outside alone, sanitized their amazon packages , would not touch doorknobs, but where the 1st to line up to get the GMO gene therapy --I felt like I was living in an alternative universe --so watching this interview today - I am so distressed that when I try to bring up these issues - Crickets --My 38 year old niece had to have hysterectomy - because she was bleeding "for a year " my nephews wife had to have blood transfusions after giving birth to her 2nd child , went to a funeral 3 weeks ago for a friend was was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 3 months ago, just heard of 3 people I know who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, another person with breast cancer, a woman who was in a painting group, left for Florida about 2 months ago, on the way to Florida she was experiencing servere back pain - she was admitted to the hospital and died of acute Leukemia within a few days , also blood clot s and pulmonary embolism in neighbors , atrial fibrillation and cardiac issues , my neighbor had bells palsy, others with strange neurological issues -- I ask are these all coincidence--- I am a retired nurse and all this concerns me -- but what concerns me more is the the medical industrial complex is not investigating or even considering that it may be so related to the MRNA -So much to think about -- outside the matrix--- Naomi - I hope you can have Dr Ryan Cole on you podcast --- thank you for be unafraid -- God Bless You

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Terrible echo on the good doctors voice almost the entire time...Hard to listen but I pushed through. Appreciate the info.

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Using pregnant women and unborn children as experimental pawns is beyond unethical and any physician who continues to recommend the gene therapies, knowing what we now know about the extreme harm caused, is committing a crime against humanity.

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Dr. James Thorp shames the cowardly silence of the bought-off medical community…both individuals and organizations.

Thank you Drs. Thorp and Wolfe, we are deeply grateful.

We the People are with you.

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Post menopausal hormone replacement treatment should ONLY be very low dose (10-50microgram) estradiol vaginal route or skin route. NEVER use oral steroid drugs. NEVER use other so-called 'estrogens'. And, still I point you to the dangers of aromatase inhibitors, including antifungals for vaginal candidiasis.

This doctor is still completely ignorant of these basics.

My substack has all the substantiation. Go there:


- Laura Kragie MD

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OMG. You are sooo wrong on understanding hormones. Why do you promote this misinformation? For example the synthetic oral progesterones increase risk for breast cancer. Estradiol, low dose, unopposed, topical route of admin, DECREASES the risk of breast cancer. Stop spreading fake medical info.

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No one as I recall is promoting synthetic hormones. I am not sure to what you are responding

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My female boss was very pro vax and was delighted when her daughters ( very famous) obstatrician recommended in 2020 covid jabs to the daughter before and during pregnancy.

It’s only recently emerged the daughter suffered a number of miscarriages thereafter.

Whilst at this point the link to the jab is not proven in my view the obstetrician was simply negligent in his recommendation.

He surely knew it was untested at that point on the pregnant and woefully tested on others.

In my view these people are no better than the guards at the concentration camps ie complicit.

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Jeez. Chesterton's fence, isn't that the most sane route to take? Esp. w. pregnancy.

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Agreed. I wouldn't trust asking them for the time.

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