IN defence of Arm and Hammer Baking Soda, which has brought so much good to us since 1847:

Thanks so much for your interest in Church & Dwight Corp Inc. and our products.

2024 08/19

Regarding your inquiry, we do not add any flavoring or coloring ingredients, chemical preservatives, or any other artificial or synthetic ingredients including aluminum to ARM & HAMMER™ Sodium Bicarbonate. However, aluminum may be present at trace/un-reportable levels.

In response to your inquiry, our ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda started as a mined ore called trona. Trona is mined in the Green River Basin of Wyoming. Trona deposits were formed over four million years ago after the evaporation of great salt lakes in Wyoming, as well as in Kenya, Egypt, Venezuela, and the deserts of Central Asia.

After trona is mined from these areas, the trona ore is heated to make soda ash (sodium carbonate), which is then dissolved in water. When carbon dioxide is bubbled through the solution under pressure, sodium bicarbonate forms and precipitates. Also, the scientific name for Sodium Bicarbonate is NaHCO3.

If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, I’m here for you! And so are my fellow team members. Just call 800-617-4220 (M–F 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET) or visit www.churchdwight.com.

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Birth control pancake mix: Count me in. Still, informed consent would be nice. I won't have to take testrolone any longer.

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You mention our children are being experimented on - I honestly don't believe they are. I believe these people know EXACTLY what will happen and so there is no question, theory, hypothesis being tested. Without testing it isn't an experiment - it's just poisoning, pure and simple

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SO interesting..my husband and I have said for years how "not tough" men in movies seem to be in recent years..this was great information, and puts so many things in perspective. I truly can't thank you enough.

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…I guess that all depends on who you are having breakfast with.

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Here is a write up my husband did on making an aluminum free cake for his mother's 90th birthday. There is a history of baking powder in the write up. She had late onset Alzheimer's and her symptoms began impacting significantly when she was 85. She drank silica water (which removes aluminum) and the progression of the disease stopped and her cognition improved and symptoms such as sundowners stopped. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.blogspot.com/2016/10/a-cake-for-mymothers-90-th-birthday-my.html

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Aluminum may be forever but its effects may not be. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30055551/

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Sorry if has already been mentioned; I didn’t have time to read through the entire thread today. Aluminum is typically NOT in deodorants but IS in antiperspirants. Also, it’s in the crystal deodorants; “alum” is aluminum.

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Reading the Defender article, I came across to an article about aluminium, and then I reacted with an E-mail:

Fra: HANNE Koplev

Sendt: 13. marts 2024 13:20

Til: Jacek.baj@umlub.pl <Jacek.baj@umlub.pl>

Emne: Aluminium in the Human Brain: Routes of Penetration, Toxicity, and Resulting Complications

Dear Jacek Baj

Concerning your research: "Aluminium in the Human Brain: Routes of Penetration, Toxicity, and Resulting Complications"


(quote from your article): " Vaccines introduce negligible amounts of Al..." (end of quote).

(quote): "Scientists at Europe’s food safety watchdog have assessed the safety of aluminium from all sources in food and established a Tolerable Weekly Intake ( TWI ) of 1 milligram of aluminium per kilogram of body weight." (end of quote).


(quote from this link.https://www.videncenterforallergi.dk/wp-content/uploads/files/ph.d-afhandlinger/PhD-Hoffmann.pdf):

The overall bioavailability of ingested aluminum is low, with approximately 0.3% being absorbed from water and 0.1% from food." (end of quote).

An ex. :Vaccination with Gardasil 9 against HPV.


Adsorbed on amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate adjuvant (0.5 milligrams Al). Point 2

0.5 mg Al injected during vaccination with Gardasil 9 corresponds to 500 mg taken orally (se the information above).

A 12-year-old girl (at the HPV vaccine age) weighs on average approx. 40 kg, which gives a Tolerable Weekly Intake of 40 mg. Aluminum per week.

Vaccination with Gardasil 9 therefore corresponds to approx. 88 times the "daily tolerable load" of aluminum!

Two vaccines means approx. the amount of 1/2 year's daily tolerable load of aluminum!

Vaccination is only "small amounts of aluminium", when you use the tolerable weekly intake of aluminium through food and forget to take into account, that only 0,1 % af aluminium is absorbed from food, in contrast to, when it is injected!

But to your credit, WHO makes the same grave error.

WHO: https://www.who.int/groups/global-advisory-committee-on-vaccine-safety/topics/adjuvants

(quote) "The FDA analysis indicates that the body burden of aluminium following injections of aluminium-containing vaccines never exceeds safe US regulatory thresholds based on orally ingested aluminium even for low birth-weight infants." (end of quote).

Please be kind. Take care of children and correct your error.

Our kids needs protection.

Best regards

Hanne Koplev

retired veterinarian


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Reading the Defender article, I came across to an article about aluminium, and then I reacted with an E-mail:

Fra: HANNE Koplev

Sendt: 13. marts 2024 13:20

Til: Jacek.baj@umlub.pl <Jacek.baj@umlub.pl>

Emne: Aluminium in the Human Brain: Routes of Penetration, Toxicity, and Resulting Complications

Dear Jacek Baj

Concerning your research: "Aluminium in the Human Brain: Routes of Penetration, Toxicity, and Resulting Complications"


(quote from your article): " Vaccines introduce negligible amounts of Al..." (end of quote).

(quote): "Scientists at Europe’s food safety watchdog have assessed the safety of aluminium from all sources in food and established a Tolerable Weekly Intake ( TWI ) of 1 milligram of aluminium per kilogram of body weight." (end of quote).


(quote from this link.https://www.videncenterforallergi.dk/wp-content/uploads/files/ph.d-afhandlinger/PhD-Hoffmann.pdf):

The overall bioavailability of ingested aluminum is low, with approximately 0.3% being absorbed from water and 0.1% from food." (end of quote).

An ex. :Vaccination with Gardasil 9 against HPV.


Adsorbed on amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate adjuvant (0.5 milligrams Al). Point 2

0.5 mg Al injected during vaccination with Gardasil 9 corresponds to 500 mg taken orally (se the information above).

A 12-year-old girl (at the HPV vaccine age) weighs on average approx. 40 kg, which gives a Tolerable Weekly Intake of 40 mg. Aluminum per week.

Vaccination with Gardasil 9 therefore corresponds to approx. 88 times the "daily tolerable load" of aluminum!

Two vaccines means approx. the amount of 1/2 year's daily tolerable load of aluminum!

Vaccination is only "small amounts of aluminium", when you use the tolerable weekly intake of aluminium through food and forget to take into account, that only 0,1 % af aluminium is absorbed from food, in contrast to, when it is injected!

But to your credit, WHO makes the same grave error.

WHO: https://www.who.int/groups/global-advisory-committee-on-vaccine-safety/topics/adjuvants

(quote) "The FDA analysis indicates that the body burden of aluminium following injections of aluminium-containing vaccines never exceeds safe US regulatory thresholds based on orally ingested aluminium even for low birth-weight infants." (end of quote).

Please be kind. Take care of children and correct your error.

Our kids needs protection.

Best regards

Hanne Koplev

retired veterinarian


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Thank you for this post and video. A daily diet of pancakes, waffles, muffins or biscuits increases the risk of Alzheimer’s by 760%. (Rogers, M.A.M. and Simon, D.G.; A preliminary study of dietary aluminum intake and risk of Alzheimer’s disease; Age and Ageing; 28:205-9 (1999)) It is very easy to make your own aluminum free baking powder. One part baking soda to two parts cream of tartar. You can add one part cornstarch to prevent clumping. Baking powder is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of our exposure to aluminum. Here is a very good list of other sources of aluminum which you want to avoid. Did you know that most drip

style coffee makers have an aluminum heating element? The good news is you can drink, silica, rich mineral water to remove the aluminum from your body, including your brain. I am 69 years old, and I’ve reduced my body burden of aluminum to below a 20 year old. I did a 24 hour urine test. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.com/2021/10/04/sources-of-aluminum/

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In NE Texas I found 2 sources of Spring Water with silica at my local Natural Grocers store: Proud Source, 12 mg/L is packaged in an aluminum can! FIJI Water, 93 mg/L (wow!) is packaged in a plastic bottle. What the heck?

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I recently saw water in an aluminum can and also they are now making aluminum cups and restaurants and bars are using these to serve alcoholic beverages outdoors. The aluminum industry is capitalizing on the push to reduce plastics and to use things that can be recycled. Here is information on reading the label of bottled water for the (OSA) orthosilicic acid levels. There are 3 units of measure used to report orthosilicic acid levels, 1. to convert silicon (Si) to OSA - multiply by 3.4 2. to convert silica SiO2 to OSA multiply by 1.6 3. orthosilicic acid or silicic acid Si(OH)4 doesn’t need to be converted. The units can be ppm or milligrams per litre, these are equivalent units of measure.

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Christopher Exley on substack has a book that shows some of the brands that have silica.

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I've been buying Gerolsteiner, one of the ones he mentioned, in glass jars. But it's a little past my price range. I'm looking into Mineragua by Jarritos - doesn't list silica on the bottles, and Topo Chico.

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Personally I would spend any amount of money to protect myself from aluminum. Aluminum interferes with hundreds of processes in the body including the brain. You can make your own water. Dennis N Crouse who is a chemist has developed a recipe for making silica water. If you live in the US the ingredients are easy to get. There are ways to get the ingredients outside the US. I will post a link to a list of bottled waters that have enough silica to remove aluminum and a link to the recipe to make silica water called Silicade. Here is information on reading the label of bottled water for the (OSA) orthosilicic acid levels. There are 3 units of measure used to report orthosilicic acid levels, 1. to convert silicon (Si) to OSA - multiply by 3.4 2. to convert silica SiO2 to OSA multiply by 1.6 3. orthosilicic acid or silicic acid Si(OH)4 doesn’t need to be converted. The units can be ppm or milligrams per litre, these are equivalent units of measure. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.com/2021/08/26/bottled-silica-waters-from-around-the-world/

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Thanks for your comment. SO good to know. Have you ever made silica water, and do you think that could somehow be done in conjunction with a SodaStream? Searching forever for a SodaStream glass bottle - if anyone knows of one, please tell!

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I have made Silicade. I am Dennis' wife. I have a soda stream machine (penguin) and I carbonate the Silicade. They still sell the replacement glass bottles for the machine I have. I am disappointed they are using plastic bottles for their new machines.

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Laurie - thanks for this wealth of information. I was a little daunted by the recipe for Silicade but will likely get past that and start experimenting very soon. best, April

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Just a clarification. Dr. Naomi mentioned baking soda with aluminum. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. Unless it is adulterated, it never has aluminum in it. The problem is baking powder with aluminum.

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Is it an american thing again? I hear the number of food additives there are way over the top, at least much much more then in europe...

This alu phosphate thing is called E541 in europe, and the EU recommended (it did not ban...) to avoid it in food (Verordnung Nr. 298/2014) to reduce the aluminium content.

And I can confirm anecdotically: never seen (say few years back) baking powder here in europe that had E541 in.

So sometimes they do something good, not just 'spraying us with poison...'

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Dr. Naomi, to your excellent article we should add the "war on children" too - via the pediatric schedule of immunisations. It's in 80% of vaccines at very high neurotoxic levels. Never tested properly.

Also the "war on women". The aluminum chlorohydrate in antiperspirants has been linked (cause and effect) to breast cancer. Dr Exley explains all this in his book. I have worked with aluminium salts. They are used to coagulate organic material in water in order to create "potable" water. The dissolved and invisible Aluminum 3+ ions are POWERFUL COAGULANTS (like adding vinegar to milk) and should not be ingested or injected into anybody because they turn our proteins into cheese and create havoc and chaos in a body that did not evolve over millions of years to either use or to remove aluminum. It was only recently extractable using high energy processes.

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My mom intuited this breast cancer-antiperspirant link back in the 1980s! But we could never find anything in ordinary research to back her up!

Just another day at the FDA!

Only Secret brand offered one Deodorant… unfortunately only as an aerosol… until they discontinued it c. 1990!

And then for about 20 years, as I grew up, normal women’s deodorant was next to impossible to find! Lady Speed Stick made a nice “Crystal Clean” deodorant for a while and then that was discontinued… meanwhile men had many deodorant options so we wound up buying men’s deodorant, smelled masculinely feminine LOL.

Yes, it is entirely creepy and obvious. So glad/sad my mom is vindicated in so many things (infusing children’s vitamins with NutraSweet in 1984 was another red flag alarm for her).

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Yeah, but unlike kids getting stabbed by adults, the women are stabbing themselves in the armpits. Just sayin. In possibly related news, most women smell good so they just leave well enough alone.

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Great read Naomi. We are being attacked at every level ... our food, air, water - you name it. The corruption in government, the alpha-agencies and BIG Corporations need some serious clean-up and/or demobilized. They've had too much power for too long ...

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I think of all of these problematic ingredients, the worst offenders are the ones sprinkling it down from the sky onto (into?) my poor little kids. I can avoid pancake mix, but we can't escape the air....

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Unless it’s pancake mix they’re sprinkling.

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Aside from the big picture, why? they put aluminum in did, why do they, more immediately, put it in food? Preservative, anti caking ......?

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THIS is the question of the century... WHY?

Why are ANY toxins desired and allowed to be produced, marketed, sold, consumed, profited from??? 🙃

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Big Money Agro interests are often allied with Big Harma AND then we come to those of the cabal for whom the rule is? Profits at all costs! Lower cost using toxic ingredient? Damn the torps full speed ahead! Margarine vs. butter anyone? Seed oils are plain bad, we look at the Mediterranean diet and they don't eat much sugar, much white flour etc. Olive oil yes, but not in excess amounts. Hum... USA food sources once were clean, but now are full of toxins that accumulate over life to reduce life expectancy. life expectancy took a dive recently ah, what occurred recently? Yup jabbers. And for life expectancy to DIVE you have to have? Excess YOUNG people dying. Not old. Just throwing few things out there...

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I blame the humans.

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