Naomi, Scott, who works with Pierre Kory, MD, is advising against collagen supplementation for people who have had Covid or the shots. I had just finished two weeks of very well tolerated collagen supplementation when I came down with Covid, and promptly stopped the supplement. Please do get in touch with Scott regarding this new issue.

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Naomi, you should interviw Dr William Makis.

Happy to make the introduction.

Regards, Allan MacRae


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Is a transcript of this interview available on web?

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"Is Cancer Care a Cynically Inflated Business Model?"

Yes. Solved that one then. :) As regards apricot seeds, the kernel within the shell inside the fruit, this contains tiny amounts of cynanide. This is carbon and nitrogen bonded.

It will neutralise nitrites and presumably nitrates which are broadly speaking toxic to our bodies and cancer causing. Nevertheless we do use nitrogen as part of our body structure where it is inert.

In bonding with oxygen it can become active, a negative effect which is useful for chemical nerve switching (like an off switch).

I explain more here if anyone is interested.


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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recognize vitamin B17 as safe, but its recommends vaccines for children, as being safe and effective. You can also read the following on their website: "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) share interests in scientific progress related to regulatory science and regulatory capacity building in support of advancing global public health."

The concept of "global public health" used by the FDA is therefore a euphemism similar to other globalist concepts popularized by their MS media. For instance, when they talk about "family planning", you know what they are planning for your family, don't you?

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Family planing as in planing down the size of the family. :(

Re "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) share interests..."

They also share the word 'Satan'. Therefore we can get 'Food and Drug Administration' being 'I Satan it god nimrod don fraud' and 'Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation' being 'Manifolded Satan built legion' (without the '&').

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Those people see it differently. Where you see "Satan", they see "God" and "good". Do you remember one of them, the banker Lloyd Blankfein, claiming that he was "doing God's work"? What we consider to be the sin of usury is for them a divine commandment that they have to enforce on all the nations.

And if you are unfortunate enough to belong to the Amalekite category, Yahweh has only one recommendation for you: inclusive genocide.

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I'm not following your substack any more. A quick check through PubMed will show that B17 / Latrile is not safe and has not been shown to help with cancer. From Medical News Today




writes a much more balanced and truthful description of "B17". You have steped over the line and are promoting a dangerous drug, using one sided reporting, that can cause deaths, in people that have not properly researched the drug.

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What Big PHarm company do you work for?

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You will be sorely missed, Drama Queen!

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Medicine and drug manufacturing are perhaps the biggest business in existence today. Perhaps even bigger than the arms business. 80% of doctors and drug manufacturers care about only one thing: making money!

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Formerly that was their prime directive (being controlled by greed), but nowadays it looks as though they are transitioning to being controlled by pride, which accounts for the system being activated towards killing as many people as possible. Ostensibly this is so that the fabled manageable and sustainable future can be achieved...but really it's the end point of the progression of evil along the dimension of pride/humility, where ultimate expression of pride seeks the annihilation of the other.

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Same difference really. Doctors and drug manufacturers are all about arms as in shooting people in the arms! Same effects too, harm and death.

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ALL care for EVERYTHING in the West is a 'cynically inflated business model'.

It's impossible to get good health care in the USA. Not 'without a job', not 'without good insurance', It's just. flat. impossible.

Being in Russia has convinced me that there is a better way. I don't know what magic they are doing over here to keep health care affordable and mostly very good quality, but I'm begging them to please KEEP IT UP.

Because health care doesn't work in the West.

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Be careful what you wish for... I'm in Canada. We have a universal govt run system. It features waits of a year for procedures like an MRI and YEARS for some "elective" surgeries, and is subject to the same Big PHarm dominated orthodoxy allopathic system as the US.

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Even if laetrile isn't effective, why is the government or AMA or anyone concerning themselves with what private citizens choose for their health care? It's clear they want no interference in their chemo profiteering scheme. They even kidnapped one healer from Mexico to send him to prison for healing people without a license - and actually healing them. I've read many books about the chemo cancer scam and how they prevent any genuine healing to be approved. My favorite would be "When Healing Becomes a Crime" about Harry Hoxsey who sounds like he was an incredible character - and an incredible healer. The book would make a really good (and educational) movie (my preference would be by and with George Clooney). Upon his retirement, Hoxsey left his tonic to his nurse, Mildred Nelson, and told her to open a clinic in Mexico and keep his name off it as the U.S. would not stop hounding her as long as they thought he was involved with it. She died in her 90's a few years ago and the clinic goes on across the border. After all I've read, if I were to get cancer, I would absolutely avoid allopathic treatment.

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I had my own experience with cancer in 2020 and immunotherapy which I took for 9 sessions until I realised that was a scam too. Avoid allopathic treatment like the plague I say.

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Don't know if you got my note on freezing a container of hydrogen peroxide... Then remove only what doesn't freeze. Twe drops in 8oz. Water highly oxygenates blood. Careful handling ... It's an oxidizer.

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Recommend oncologist writer Dr Makis. He has multiple articles that show published papers that show how ivermectin and fenbendozole interfere with cancer growth. https://makismd.substack.com

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The Epoch times has a interview with a cancer surgeon talking about people having great results with Ivermectin. Clip of interview here:


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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

Mistletoe is a potent cancer fighter too. Mistletoe has been used by doctors in Europe for over 100 years as a complementary treatment and is the MOST studied alternative cancer treatment in Europe. There are books written about it. https://www.themistletoebook.com/

I personally used Mistletoe to shrink and kill a large breast tumor.

Mistletoe is fever therapy. Fevers kill cancer cells.

Mistletoe isn't hard to get. There are doctors in the U.S. that use it. Once you have a prescription from a doctor you get buy it directly from Germany and it is not expensive. I use it subcutaneously for proactive treatment.

There is a clinical trial currently ongoing with stage iv breast cancer patients at John's Hopkins in Baltimore. This clinical trial was made possible by Ivelisse Page, the stage iv colon cancer survivor that this stack references. Her story can be found her: https://www.believebig.org/ivelisses-story/

Her oncologist at John's Hopkins, Dr. Peter Hinderberger suggested she try Mistletoe as part of her healing strategy.

Ivelisse went on to start the non-profit Believe Big the organization helping millions of people learn about how they can incorporate mistletoe into their healing protocol.

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Check out the book The Metabolic Approach to Cancer

Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies

By Jess Higgins Kelley and Nasha Winters

Foreword by Kelly Turner

The Metabolic Approach to Cancer offers an innovative, metabolic-focused nutrition protocol that works. Naturopathic, integrative oncologist and cancer survivor Dr. Nasha Winters and nutrition therapist Jess Higgins Kelley have identified the ten key elements of a person’s “terrain” (think of it as a topographical map of our body) that are crucial to preventing and managing cancer. Each of the terrain ten elements—including epigenetics, the microbiome, the immune system, toxin exposures, and blood sugar balance—is illuminated as it relates to the cancer process, then given a heavily researched and tested, non-toxic and metabolic, focused nutrition prescription.

The ketogenic diet—which relies on the body’s production of ketones as fuel—is the centerpiece of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. Further, Winters and Kelley explain how to harness the anticancer potential of phytonutrients abundant in low-glycemic plant and animal foods to address the 10 hallmarks of cancer—an approach Western medicine does with drug-based therapies.


Listen to a sample of the book at the link above.

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