Yes yes yes yes yes. The personality of the monster(s) driving this bullshit absolutely has the traits and deploys the tactics known to define malignant narcissistic personality disorder. Unfortunately/fortunately these behavioral traits became all too familiar to me over the last dozen years, and I recognized them in the globalist leviathan messaging and puppet mastering of all institutions of authority early on in their roll out of the Covid-19 terror operation/campaign, alerting me that the forces telling us what to do were evil lying schemers up to no good. When the power structure is filled with persons who are malignant narcissists, what happens is what happened and what is happening. These people naturally gravitate into Satanism, and are actual monsters.

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Thank you so much for sharing this. Your discussion was really enlightening. I love the idea going up stream so to speak by alerting potential victims and hopefully preventing the abuse from even happening.

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Governments almost invariably become abusers whenever they become too large and powerful. That's why democide (i.e. death by government) is historically the greatest cause of death and suffering worldwide. The COVID era was just another example of this on a grander scale. The following quote comes from the Wikipedia page on "Democide" which sites the work of a researcher named Rudolf Rummel on this subject:

"After studying over 8,000 reports of government-caused deaths, Rummel estimated that there have been 262 million victims of democide in the last century. According to his figures, six times as many people have died from the actions of people working for governments than have died in battle. One of his main findings was that democracies have much less democide than authoritarian regimes.[2] Rummel argued that there is a relation between political power and democide. Political mass murder grows increasingly common as political power becomes unconstrained. At the other end of the scale, where power is diffuse, checked, and balanced, political violence is a rarity. According to Rummel, "[t]he more power a regime has, the more likely people will be killed. This is a major reason for promoting freedom."[10] Rummel argued that "concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth."[11]". Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide

Our Founding Fathers understood the abusive, murderous nature of concentrated government power, which is why they tried to strictly limit the power of the Federal Government and leave most of the power in the hands of the smaller, individual States and the People themselves. Specifically, the individual liberties described in the Bill of Rights are a bulwark against government tyranny, censorship, persecution and mass murder. Our Founding Fathers knew that an empowered, free, well-educated and well-armed populace governed by the smallest possible form of government is the best insurance against democide in all its many forms.

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Very thought provoking. In my work with anxiety, I have talked with clients about how their anxiety acts on them in a coercive and emotionally abusive way. I talk about this in the following piece as it relates to the COVID response.


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I never thought of the collective process of demonizing one group and forcing everyone to comply with illegal orders is really that of an abuser and implies an abusive relationship, perhaps one that preexisted the arrival of Covid19. I can see that this understanding can give us a framework for analyzing and perhaps stopping future abuses.

As an analytical type who is resistant to coerced conformity, my approach was to look for evidence that proved what we were hearing on the news, or from Fauci, or from others complicit in the one sided narrative, was correct or not. Thanks to the truth tellers on the internet and some news reporting plus a few doctors like Peter McCullough, I questioned everything the government was pushing.

Although not in science, I had some grad school background in advanced statistics and started looking for numbers for all deaths. This is ‘all cause mortality’ (ACM) and the CDC used to openly publish this data on their website. ACM is a number that is not easily manipulated. I looked at and printed out the numbers for 2019, then I could find data for the first few months of 2020 (deaths are reported monthly in the USA, with a lag) but after a few months into the 2020 numbers, the CDC data could no longer be readily found.

Yet with what I did find, the numbers of mounting deaths on the TV news ‘Covid death scorecards’ were increasing at a rapid clip and this did not jibe with the CDC data. It just was not there...my simple yet incomplete analysis led me to believe/hypothesize that there was no statistically significant change in ‘all cause mortality’ or total deaths in 2020 compared to 2019, and that there literally was NO PANDEMIC. Deaths were not increasing overall (within the normal variation for prior years). This was the opposite of the approved narrative!

Now the available data from all over the world has shown this is true, no pandemic in 2020 by the numbers. Why were the scorecards of deaths so high? It was purposeful data manipulation, not a mistake or accident.

CDC/ NIH categorized every death from Pneumonia, Influenza, and Covid19 into one category coded PIC, and then called this entire number the total deaths from Covid 19. So in a never existing category, you suddenly have thousands upon thousands of deaths, creating fear, which becomes intense and almost irrational, opening the door to total control by the abuser. OMG!

Subsequent tests and reviews of CV19 deaths showed many of the tested deaths were from Pneumonia or to a lesser extent flu. Bacterial Pneumonia is a disease that requires early and aggressive treatment with antibiotics, oxygen support, and more. Yet people with ‘Covid19’ (actually pneumonia in many cases) were told to go home from ER’s and come back when they could not breathe. The standard procedure for these ‘CV19’ deaths was to deny autopsies to verify the disease/cause of death.*

Pneumonia is often said to be a major final cause of death among the elderly, with co-morbidities. I would look to biostatisticians for a finer analysis of how the fraud played out versus the truth. The COD - Cause of Death was even misclassified on death certificates to gain more money for hospitals for every Covid death. Some of these were purported to include automobile accident deaths,etc.

*This is similar to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic where a paper published in 2008 showed when tissues/slides were re-examined, most of the deaths were not from Flu, but they were caused by Bacterial Pneumonia. One of the authors on that paper was, none other than Anthony Fauci. So he knew that he needed to repress autopsies during the ‘Covid19 Pandemic’ or the narrative would collapse, particularly if Covid 19 deaths were found to be Flu and pneumonia, because no one would then take an mRNA Covid19 vaccine and billions of dollars were on the line with big royalties to federal agencies and their personnel, Fauci included.

We were told that 2020 was the year the flu disappeared and unstated but also true, pneumonia disappeared as well.

It was all from the new faux Covid19 deaths.

In fact, it wasn’t until the Covid 19 vaccines were introduced mostly starting in 2021, that excess deaths began to rise in the vaccinated age groups all over the world. Both Ed Dowd and Steve Kirsch have done masterful jobs in analyzing this data and published papers show the truth. Excess Mortality is not from a disease called Covid19, although it does exist it is highly treatable, rather it is from the toxic experimental mRNA vaccines.

Yet our government leaders (here’s looking at you Ron De Santis) know the truth and still have not removed the dangerous mRNA gene editing injections from the market. They persist in allowing the fraud and more people are poisoned every day, including children.

Americans are finally turning away from the mRNA vaccines in droves despite their Doctors continually pushing everyone to get more boosters.

My take on it is that the narrative was used to create irrational fear, leading otherwise intelligent people to turn over their autonomy to the government, which promised to save them. In their terror, no data, no logic, no analysis could be valid in their minds, because it challenged their salvation through the promised safe and effective vaccines. These people in turn demonized those who said no, who questioned, and who warned them of the dangers. We took away their dream to be saved from potential death.

The one good thing to come out of this is that more people are beginning to ask questions about everything.

I pray this continues.

May God Bless and protect you all.

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Thank you for sharing your excellent break down and explanation of this horrific crime against humanity.

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Thanks for your great summary and analysis.

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Many thanks Naomi and Dina for a wonderful interview. So clearly exposes how the genocidal sociopaths behind the plandemic perpetrated their agenda against humanity, and are continuing to do in different guises. It still amazes me how much of our "democratically elected governments" are so complicit in the genocide. Their use of censorship and propaganda is straight out of the Nazi Germany playbook, only on a global scale this time. They certainly overplayed their hand with the fear-mongering in their desire to herd us all into the modern day equivalent of the Nazi gas chambers.

However, the fact that we are now able to see it in full view indicates how much more light is available on our planet, exposing the iniquity of the sociopaths that has hitherto been in the dark.

More and more exposures like this interview are incrementally vanquishing the dark. (And I was scared of the dark as a kid :) )

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I really enjoyed this interview. I was waiting for Dr. McMillan to mention heterosexual girlfriends as being abusers. As I was listening I recalled 2 girlfriends who used these techniques as well. They couldn’t do enough for you until you felt really beholden to them. However, if you stepped out of line, they turned a cold shoulder. Fortunately, I eventually realized it and dropped the friendships. But not without a lot of sadness.

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Very interesting. In my group of women friends in our 30’s, it seemed that the women who were abused attracted the same type of man over and over again. We could not figure out why, as these were successful business women who mostly were college educated. I have never been with a man who ever threatened me physically or emotionally abused me.

I always thought it was because of the strange way I grew up compared to most women. I am 5’ 10” and fairly big and strong looking, but I was also taught (by my father) to project ‘I will not give in and if I kill you defending myself I am fine with it’ attitude. He taught us to be fearless, how to shoot every type of gun and rifle, and to speak our minds. He had only girls...no boys to teach.

Later I asked Dad after moving out of the horrible housing project where we lived, why my sister and I were never hassled, never touched, and no one even verbally threatened us so we could possibly identify who it was. He said, well I might have let it be known that if anyone ever hurt even the hair on the head of one my girls, they would be dead as a door nail on that day.

They believed him. Scary giant of a man going in and out of the door with rifle cases. They never broke into the apartment either...

We were socialized NOT to be submissive, NOT to be sweet to everybody just because we are girls, NOT to live in fear. I guess there is a lot to be said for a father’s influence on his girls, along with a big dose of housing project life.

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I notice a lot of left leaning women who would never have advised someone to put up with this controlling, brutal behavior in a boyfriend/husband/date seemed to think it was wonderful when a bunch of bureaucrats crushed them under its heel. It made them feel safe and protected so they defended the abuser and took its part against the rest of us. Reminds me of a girlfriend I cut off because she thought her violent criminal boyfriend was fun to be around all the time and he made me uncomfortable. (He was big, unstable, and had a criminal record.) It's sad, but if she is that desperate to be around him that she'll take his part when he harms other people that's her choice. Not mine. The bad Covidians are not just victims but enablers.

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Being older young criminals took advantage of me. Literally stole almost $100,000 from me. I called the police. They don't do anything. Police are useless.

In Northern Virginia where I live illegal immigrants took over the old Marriott in Rosslyn. Arlington County can't do anything about it. Useless!

They actually came back again. I chased them away with a shotgun. They screamed at 'we are calling the police on you'. I said go ahead. Nothing happened!

Don't screw with old men that want to be left alone!


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This is the best thing I have ever seen on Substack.

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An abuser???….more like COVID pushed scam and particularly the vac should be called a crime against humanity and punished as such….Faucci and those high up in big pharm knew of the hazards…lethal too…associated with the vac…and knew the drugs that would help in COVID lung inflammations but kept it all secret. Countless lives were lost due to BOTH and yet the world is still focused on the unvac’d…nothing of any real substance is being done to ensure this scam and gross lie does not happen again by a Govt of ours…stupid mask and all. Degrading what really occurred to us and others only ensures this WILL happen again. Accountability must come or else crimes against the world worst than the holocaust will occur again.

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An abuser! That’s the best descriptor yet. The physical, mental and emotional abuse are incalculable, as is the depth of evil behind it all. I firmly believe that only Satan could be the mastermind behind what has occurred. It is simply so diabolical as to defy human capability. It is as if the entire diabolical scheme has some kind of invisible and non-human power driving it. It is palpable. So many people that have participated in the evil at some level seem to have been ‘caught up’ in it, whether for money or prestige or fear. They are not blameless, but neither are they the seminal creators of the wrong they are participating in. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe there is human intelligence behind what has occurred and real human beings have been and remain very much involved. But they are part of a demonic construct and master plan. They are vicars of dark forces. I never thought I’d see the likes of this in my lifetime.

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"I firmly believe that only Satan could be the mastermind behind what has occurred. It is simply so diabolical as to defy human capability."

This is exactly what I believe.

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