
Thank you so much for all that you do. The TRUTH is getting out there thanks to people like you who are not afraid to say it out loud. Keep up the good work , we need you.

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“Even as Marxism reinvents your local supermarket, Federal redefinitions of various 'races' - including 'Asian American Pacific Islander' and 'BIPOC' - seek to erase US”

It would seem as if very very strange things are happening in the US, but it is as far from Marxism as you could get. I think Americans are being pointed in the wrong direction and turning on each other. You need to unite.

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ALL for one and one for ALL, "...TO EACH...FROM EACH ....", ! iS YOUR HEAD IN THE WRONG PLACE?

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Cut to the chase. The POC don't like white people and they have convinced enough dumb s*** white people to vote their kind in power. Wait till they come for your house next. It sounds like Salem Massachusetts is the dumb s*** white people center of New England. Then again there's the entire West Coast.

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I cannot listen anymore. I cannot bear to watch you shove your hair behind one ear or another, or pushing it away from your face over and over. Please, tie it back or gather it back in a plait but stop fiddling with it!

There is only one race...the human race. The rest are badly constructed reasons for divisions. Everyone has a bloody past if you look for it.

Naomi, I think your belief that you can offer everyone the answers they need is over-blown.

Daily Table is not Marxist! Nonprofit and government support does not automatically mean Marxist. Do you honestly think that the O&G receives no gov handouts? Only in the many $trillions. Non-profits need to make money too. This is stupid fear-mongering. Capitalism does not create shame, hierarchy, and exclusion? Only citizens can vote so collecting names only works to a certain degree. The personal info is what is collected at almost every grocery chain or any store in the country because what they want is data for marketing and advertising.

You are continuing to raise fear in many of your followers. No one is trying to punish anyone. Shop elsewhere. Vote with your feet. Stop fussing with you hair!

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What do you think Lenin, Marx, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min, Nikita, Castro, Hillary, Obama, Biden are all still telling citizens, students (Hitler said "your children now belong to us!") Many NP's suck my tax dollars to create a democracy, then totalitarian utopia (which historically failed). 1984 = 2024! Is your neighbor still there? What's that noise at the front and back door? Worry about your own hair, not everyone elses, you fussbudget!

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Hitler never said that.

Kahlil Gibran, the poet said: "And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, Speak to us of Children. And he said: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself...”

Marx would be tickled at all the excitement he has caused for decades now. But exactly what are Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot and the rest of the dead guys telling people? Clinton, Obama and Biden? Not Trump, McConnell, Bush and Cruz? Let’s ban books like DeSantis and Abbot, no books no uncomfortable ideas.

It’s important to have goals. And yes, Stalin is making a comeback and we should all be very concerned. But Trump opens his mouth wide every day to distract from his very real crimes and that’s OK?

It’s the NP that has sucked up your tax dollars? Not the DoD or Corporations whose sole purpose is to increase shareholder profits. A red dad hat retails for $50 or more because of $0.30 of machine stitching and costs $0.50 to make including freight. But it’s the non-profits and NGOs that are ripping you off? I think not.

Create a democracy then a totalitarian utopia? I don’t understand what you are saying. Did someone tell you that? You are 80ish and you believe every silly thing you are told? I think that any sort of utopia would be too boring to last more than a 2-week vacation.

Larry, I would suggest you read one slim book. Tim Snider’s “On Tyranny, twenty lessons from the twentieth century”. Or watch him on YouTube. He is a historian, a professor, not a NP or a Marxist (so 19th century).

Yes, my neighbours are still where they have been for years (they are working in their beautiful garden). The noise at my front and back doors is my grandkids tearing about. It’s a good noise. My hair is not being recorded in the hopes that many will attend what I have to say. Naomi has always had a beautiful head of hair but as I stated, the fiddling distracted from the message and not for the first time. I care not a whit for yours or anyone else’s hair unless I find them distracting or comical and I am not alone in that.

Oh, Larry, bless your heart, I’m not the fussbudget.

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Non-profits, just by their descriptive name, notes a "HANDS OFF" immunity from scrutiny not due other special interest entities that lobby for, or implement policy. The entire non-profit sector, like ANY OTHER entity deserves critical review. The border mess, run in large part through NGO's and "non-profits" is EXACTLY the problem. Unaccountability has metastasized itself through out our society and operate using federal 'laws', and charity dollars. Powerful careers are built and lobbying power is exercised to the detriment of state and local concerns and effects. HELL YEAH they need critical review. Early and often starting NOW!

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Of course, you are misreading their descriptive name. How do the words “non-profit” denote "hands off”? No definition describes that idea except for the one you have convinced yourself of. There are rules and regs for non-profits just as there are for any other sort of business. Churches have been non-profit forever, or close enough. Think tanks describe themselves as non-profits and register as charities.

Non-profit essentially means they do not have shareholders looking over their shoulders demanding return on their investments. Non-profits and NGOs have expenses and pay wages but no one is getting big personal bonuses.

The border is not run by NGO’s and non-profits. The feds and the state do. They are there because of the situation, they did not cause it. Why is there not a grab bag of such entities at the northern border?

"Unaccountability has metastasized itself throughout our society and operates using federal 'laws', and charity dollars. Powerful careers are built and lobbying power is exercised to the detriment of state and local concerns and effects.” I love this! Where did you find this statement? Does it even apply to non-profits? I don’t think so. You certainly have an over-the-top opinion of the people who run them. And I am sure some are ripping people off, misusing funds or bending laws past breaking but not most. That is the American Way, isn’t it?

Non-profits and NGOs are not the problem you seem to think they are. And all the uppercase words you use do not clarify your position. Name me 3 non-profits or NGOs that have you so excited. I’d be interested to see who is building careers and lobbying against the state and local concerns and sucking up your tax dollars.

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Omaha, Douglas County is failing as they largely rely on Federal Grants, or the big money globalists, soros,....! My tax dollars again! Problem is it's drying up as ARPA is being used to .... the kitchen sink. Oh to start a NP Community Partner, pay your self a big expense (salary) and claim you didn't make a profit, need morrrrre! All gone soon - then what will they impose????

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What did George Soros do to Douglas County, Omaha? He’s older than you but I still doubt he did anything to Douglas County that it couldn’t come up with on its own. You are not giving Soros your tax dollars. Not a penny. And what Globalist Cash bought into Douglas County? Who has received it and why? Do you live there? What does the kitchen sink have to do with ARPA? How big a salary are you talking about?

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She just needs a hair cut or a nice hair band. It will look so nice. Meanwhile, I am enjoying this very much.

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I was inclined to stop reading your rant, once you commenced on what Naomi does with her hair. I gave you a chance, right till the end and now see that you are entrenched, in fact stuck, in leftist quick sand. Maybe move on to another Substack. Because when someone starts scraping the bottom of the barrel, by resorting to personal attacks about a persons' appearance or mannerisms, it's very clear that you've lost the game, due to lack of substance and facts.

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As usual with .....!

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What in the world is “leftist quicksand”? Is it any different than “rightist quicksand”? Oh honey, I am not entrenched anywhere.

Move to another substack? That is right in there with “move to (insert name of country) which is such a “rightist” way of not engaging reasonably. But I see you claim to be “awake”.

I did not attack Naomi’s hair. She has beautiful hair. I do not, but I can admire it when I see it. But mannerisms of course should be called out when they are irritating enough to distract from the message, a message which I can disagree with, no? I had to scroll past any sight of the fiddling. Were Naomi my daughter I’d be smacking her hand away. If she picked her nose as unconsciously should someone not say something? If anything, the fiddling has become more pronounced. Mannerisms are important when speaking publicly and we are public here are we not?

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Your head is not in the sand! Move on to some nitwit groups you can browbeat! I guess you were never disciplined!

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I just bet you are the type who likes to discipline.

I’m surprised only a wee bit that you and your ilk don’t tell me to move to another country rather than another substack.

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We seem to have no problem describing many of our family's origins in single highly generalized terms : "western European" or "European" or simply "Western". There was a time when maps were "oriented" east/west instead of the current north/south. It was during this period that peoples from the "East" became known as"oriental" because of this E/W map orientation.

When I was scolded by my political correct/woke step-daughter for using the term "oriental" instead of "Asian" I had to remind her that at least oriental had actual meaning as opposed to Asian. I felt it necessary to clue her in to some physical/cultural geography to illustrate how absurd this Asian label was. Being Asian could refer to anyone on the most massive and diverse continent on the face of the earth; from Norway to Indonesia, from the Bering Straits to Turkey. Asian is by far the most vague and imprecise woke term imaginable. Her wokeness comprehends LBGTQ + ( whatever additional letters) formally and with ease. So why the reluctance when it comes to real cultural/ethnic/geographical/historical differences? Well, I suggest its shear laziness, when woke culture has it that anyone who has epicanthal folds should be categorized as Asian and that this label is somehow more "respectful" than oriental. Since many indigenous peoples in the Americas have this feature they'd be automatic Asian Americans right? Hah;)

Loosely speaking, if one is "western" then it should be OK to call someone "eastern" ((oriental) right? When we need to be more precise then we can narrow the field to Laotian or Korean or Fijian or Inuit or Aymara. I don't really understand why the Census Bureau can't accept and acknowledge more actual ( instead of contrived )cultural affinities. What difference would it make to have hundreds of different affinities i.e.( fill in a blank instead of checking a meaningless box.)?The post office has pretty sophisticated scanners that can straighten out scribbles and get the mail sent out correctly why doesn't the CB borrow the PO technology and develop an ACCURATE list of the TRUE diversity of this country. I think it would be fascinating to see that list.

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Words matter? Islam = religion?, Muslim = a race? Politcal = ?

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And how did your stepdaughter take your correction about "labeling"? I too have run into the scolding of using the descriptor oriental.

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She was totally dismissive. She expressed no understanding of either her own position or mine. I still don't know why oriental is offensive (and it sounds better than mongoloid). Having known her for 30+ years I am positive she would have no problem with the term "westerner". One might argue that oriental refers to race whereas westerner refers to socio-political history although it also implies caucasian or having caucasoid facial features and skin tone.

I have a physical anthropology background which explains the technical terms I've attached to physical traits. In the proper context this is non-prejudicial terminology. Some people do get "hung -up" on this point and start interpreting scientific usage as vernacular usage.

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Someone who can't explain their use of, or definition of words they use has no critical thinking skills; there's no debate. Maybe a dictionary could be of help to her, at the least. No judgement, just look it up dear, then we'll discuss. Good explanation about difference of using Oriental as opposed to Asian. We are in a very weird period of history. The Tower of Babel come back.

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But ".... who owns it , but who wrote it?" (Vote counting???)

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The immigration exclusion acts from the 1920s to the Immigration Act of 1965, along with the two “world wars”—whatever you think of all those things (their causes, etc)—gave Americans a generational period with which to integrate many people from disparate backgrounds and create a somewhat coherent national identity. At least that is the way it seems to this Gen X-er, in retrospect. That identity has all but been erased over the last four decades, with the massive influx of peoples from “wars” and conflicts that 90% of Americans wanted nothing to do with, and things like the bizarre H-1B visa program, which I could see was radically altering California even two decades ago. The globalist takedown of America has especially ramped up since 9/11, perhaps “their” salvo to destroy the proud vision of America that many of us shared and many of us belived would exist in some forms in perpetuity.

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The Frog Hollow section of Hartford, CT seems to have implemented the same food plan via American Rescue Dollars for area residents. This info is from CT NBC pm news on 5/28/24.

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Gee, well I can't click a 'heart' Jackie. I can only say, it's very sad that this is infiltrating in pockets across our country.

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I have a dear friend who lives only a block from the satanic temple. She rarely passes by it and says that it isn't as bothersome and disturbing as the invasion of people every halloween. People sadly do not even know the history of the terrible story around the young women called witches.

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A great essay- very informative and interesting. Thank you.

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I want 'that America' back too Naomi. I am a US immigrant, from Sydney, Australia. My husband and I spent a lot of time and money bringing me here on February 11, 2001. I have been a proud US citizen since 2011 and a reformed (no longer) Democrat voter since 2017. We lived in New York City's East Village for six years and I was swept up by the promises of 'Mr Hope and Change', as so many of us were. I am now mind blown by what I did not see previously, in both the Democrat party and the uni party. Yet I am awake to it all now. I love this country. I am still most honored to be American and I pray that we can save this beautiful country.

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I wish you would provide the full transcript for those of us who love to read but hate listening.

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Love NH.

I subscribe to a substack so I may read the musings and thoughts.

Like others I have lesser patience for vids.

I don’t absorb vids as well, and most can read a transcript of a 45 min vid in 10-15 min.

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Plenty of free speech to text tools available - search; speech to text tool - it does not seem that users have access to your audio file to enable them to translate.

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In any event, if Naomi transcribed it one time, we would not have to thousands of times.

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This is unbelievable.

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Writing Thanks or No Thanks (linked at the end) delves into what’s the intent of the destruction of Western society that has afforded the freedoms and prosperity we’ve enjoyed. This prompted looking at what’s behind the intent… the poisonous fruit it’s bearing… the destruction of our food production and resources to exist. https://hopeishereblog.wordpress.com/2024/04/24/the-gate-keeper/

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Proverbs 20, matt.11:15 for those to hear and see a psyop in real time. It’s bing played out.

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Dr. Distortion

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Uhhh huhhhhh! Scram, beat it king george!

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Gladly. Prince Storer of the Biblical BS.

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