You are correct.

But you are confusing libertarian with liberal/leftists. I think they are two distinct groups.

But I don’t want to argue semantics with you here or anywhere.

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The first recorded implementation of “libertarianism” that I know of is recorded in Tanach, in the book of Judges. “Every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”

I used to say that I “leaned” libertarian, but from a biblical, constitutional perspective. In other words, a biblically based governmental structure, which I believe the founding fathers, despite their imperfections, had. I want the liberty to drink raw milk, garden, home school, homestead, have an outhouse, raise animals, eat local grass-raised meat, buy locally and directly, etc., without government harassment.

I live in New Hampshire, where the “free staters” are congregating. Sadly, what I have seen is too often a defiance of family values in many cases. They want the “liberty” to do whatever they want around and in front of other people, forcing us to smell their pot smoke, hear their foul language, etc. It is not about the freedom to do good things, but the freedom to go downward.

Not that this is all there is to it. There is some fighting back against government encroachment on liberties.

Not far into this interview, Mike said something that made me stop and do a little research, during which I discovered who has been nominated by the libertarian party since the interview.

Why am I not surprised at the outcome of their vote…? That is what libertarians want. Freedom to indulge in the sinful and degrading things in this culture, and worse.

This spectacle is very different from the people who supported Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012.

There is another “third party” that I have been following since 1993. Originally the U. S. Taxpayers Party, it is now the Constitution Party. https://constitutionparty.com/

Okay…. So, I did finish listening, although I wasn’t sure I was going to... As usual, it sounds good on the financial level - no IRS, so S.S., minimal government, government out of education... It’s on the moral level where it breaks down. When people can’t agree on what marriage is, or the fact that gender is binary, or whether young children should be exposed to sexually explicit content, including men dressing up as gaudy women, etc., etc., there is no solid basis for society.

The God of Israel, the one true God Who inspired the writers of Tanach and The Messianic Writings, would have a different perspective on these things than the libertarian party. He designed male and female, families, sexual purity, monogamy.

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100%, lilac. The collapsed Biblical era of judges is being repeated right now. A secondary definition of Anarchy suggests a universal moral compass guides everybody, but the primary definition is practical. James Madison understood that men are not angels, and John Adams warned, “Our Constitution was made for only a moral and religious people.”

Political parties from Libertarians to Constitutionalists won’t admit that the American premise is based on one God and Christianity. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise or find any political plan that works better than Love God, Love Your Neighbor. I’m exploring Buddhism, but I haven’t found any other religion that fully supports America’s core values and Christian principles of free will and respect for others.

I recently Stacked a response to the laughable notion that the founders were Deists. That’s an absurdly twisted and dangerous lie, and my response is grade-school civics up until 1980. I think we’re down to two options. (1) “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it’” (Jeremiah 6:16). (2) Face God’s judgment.

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The complete John Adams quote is: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Wholly inadequate. That is the reason the constitution is no longer effective. It assumed the foundation of biblical principles.

The Constitution Party was founded on the same foundation that the founders understood, accepted, and believed in: the Bible. The reason I left the Republican Party in January of 1993 was because the Constitution Party (called the U. S. Taxpayers Party at that time) embraced the biblical principles that our country was founded on, which the Republican Party gave lip service to in some ways, but which they did not live out.

I think a few of the founders may have been deists, but not most of them. Even so, they held the Bible in high regard, and especially the fundamental ethics, morals, and right and wrong, as given by God.

Yes, the majority of people seem to be defying God, thumbing their noses at Him. The evidence is all around us. They are calling good, evil, and evil, good.

I recommend the book The Separation of Church and Faith: Copernicus and the Jews by Daniel Gruber in your search. It is excellent. There are also audio teachings of each chapter by the author’s son at elijahnet.net (lower right).

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Looks like an interesting read. Black eye for the Church. Considering all the scholarly research proving our Christian roots, I can only laugh at the Deist argument. A cursory review refutes it. Madison, likely Deist. Hamilton too, but quite a deathbed conversion. I think the Deist hero is Paine. Clearly a revolutionary, and little if any indication of Christianity, but I understand he didn’t sign the Declaration, and I think he refused to sign the Constitution. Kind of a prototype Libertarian. But "they were Deists” is an absurdity. Christians run the GOP party in my county, and GOP candidates typically win ~70% of the vote. The party looks secure, but making disciples is what it’s really all about.

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I have had a hard time finding out about Thomas Paine’s involvement in the Declaration of Independence and the constitution. I have never read his name in connection with either. I did find this in regards to the Declaration of Independence: https://www.historynet.com/the-patriot-who-refused-to-sign-the-declaration-of-independence/. Someone did refuse to sign it, but it wasn’t Thomas Paine. I don’t think he was a delegate. I don’t think he was a delegate to the constitutional convention either, but I haven’t located an article about that.

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Excellent article. I subscribed although I have way too much to read and much I want to write. Dickinson sounds like the true rationalist (small R) in the room. I like his “all the world’s a stage” perspective. “Tragedy . . . thro the first Act.” I wish cooler heads always prevailed. I don’t like the sight of blood.

Somewhere I read the initials “TP” are on the back of a now “missing” draft of the Declaration, which strikes me as a weak attempt to give Paine credit. The pro-Deist argument badly wants him to be The Founder. I was taught he was indeed an influential firebrand, but who knows. Comparing linguistic styles in the Declaration and his known writing could prove interesting. I would love to explore the Library of Congress, National Archives, and private collections, but the garden calls me this morning.

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If you mean you subscribed to history.com, I just wanted to let you know that is just something I found in my search, not something I’m familiar with or for which I can vouch, generally. I just saw that one article.

I sure know about having too much to read (and listen to). I’m swamped. I’m running summer fencing for the cows today. I’m for a short lunch break. :)

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Unfortunately there’s a terrible echo so I can’t stand watching the video. Headphones for both are an absolute necessity.

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I wish libertarians would vote their values instead of voting democrat.

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What values? Pot for the masses?

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Libertarians mostly agree that they love our country, however they tend to vote for the leftists who want to destroy America as it exists.

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You don't try and destroy something you claim to love.

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“Read App” refuses to work on ipad or phone ☹️

Missing the written format.

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Not surprising this is a upper middle class white male supremacist with a party of the same. There is no concern for the nature of Capitalism which developed as we have it because that is the nature of the beast. Class based to the hilt, no consideration or even consciousness of how such a hierarchical system controlled by a small, distinct class of men will ignore how their system has created poverty, racism, sexism, etc. Social security is one of the most viable government programs designed to ensure people did not end up on skid row in their later years. The problem, conveniently ignored, is how the government has used that fund to pay for other govt programs designed to benefit the corporate moghuls. That money as far as I know tends to never get paid back; ie, the govt if raping the working public with no oversight. This Libertarian platform also ignores so many facts about a huge, megalithic country works to support the needs of all. The problem is that is is the self-serving, wealthy class that has control and works solely for itself. After people spend painful years trying to lobby for their interests that should be paid for with the taxes collected they wind up with crumbs being told to be grateful for anything

Of course Wolffe sidestepped the military/industrial/Pharma complex that sees only their profit and power as important while seeking ways to keep the public molified and controlled. Thus, that class has ome to own 95% of all mass media which promotes the propaganda for the wealthy. Covid is a great example of this marketing policy for mass social control by fear and mind control.

And where is the concern for the toxic work conditions for the majority of people which were rampant before any govt regulations defined safety regs. Totally imperfect they were much worse without them The Libertarians totally ignore the needs of those who actually do the major production.

Of course how decision-making will/can occur so that people actually do have meaningful voice is totally non-existent in the Libertarian ideology. It is an ideology of the wealthy white males by the wealthy white males and for the wealthy white males. Wolffe has sold her soul to the devil.

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See insurance and reinsurance companies. Taxing windows led to deaths from fires in clothing firms. See Humane Investments at PAYEhome.org

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While I agree the current system is one of usury by corporations not sure this PAYE % system is reasonable for many people. It still demands repayment of the loan which for poor people may mean a lifetime of debt. There are other systems that work much better. Socialized medicine has been successful in many countries. One of the problems is the military/industrial/pharma complex where government funds are used to support corporate greed at the expense of human needs. I recall the effort to push privatization of Social Security and many were falling for the greed of privately controlling ones investments. However, the system was still obligatory with people forced to invest their money thru a corporate investment house at 6% cost to the investor. This would have made oodles for the rich while further financially raping the individucal worker. The Soc SEc program is a great program but it allows the govt to 'borrow' without oversight to ensure repayment. It is like the wonderful postal service we have but Bush pushed thru the demand a self-sufficient system pay retirement for workers years in advance which put financial strains on the system. it was a plan for Designed Failure in order to promote privatization. That is a problem with hierarchical structures of power, not the program or the idea of it. Libertarianism is more of the same promoting corporate power over people under the guise of 'free market' which, in fact is a fake idea as nothing is free. It is an idea that want the wealthy to have free rein to suck profit from the environment and workers without restriction. We had that and it lead the disaster we have today; ie, the apt phrase "Disaster Capitalism!"

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Socialized medicine? Where you wait months to see a cancer doctor after diagnosis? Or the alternative, you pay personally in order to approach the front of the queue?

And chance some bureaucrats decide that you are not worthy of continuing treatment?

No thanks.

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Hon, why don't you go live in one of the shithole, crime ridden cities run by blacks or the white libtard s who enable the destruction of our society so they can stupidly opine pablum garbage or psychobabble like you just did??? Seriously your ignorance, racism and stupidity are on full display at this moment and you proudly wear it Karen.

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Sounds like you’ve done exactly what you accuse her of doing.

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Not hardly. I support progressive ideology with the people i the driver's seat including poor people, people of color, women, non-binary people, etc. Democracy is rule by the 'voice of the people' in case you don't know--not just a few of them who see themselves as better than others.

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Right, an Athenian democracy is exactly that 50% +1 vote carries the issue.

We live in a Constitutional Republic, with the laws created to protect the rights of the minority against the tyranny of the majority.

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Democracy is nothing but mob rule which is why we are supposed to be a Constitutional Republic. To keep angry, bitter, libtards from forcing your insanity on the majority and guess what, we are winning the battle.

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A nut job who will get a total of about 5,000 votes is hardly newsworthy. Why not cover a three ring circus of mentally ill transgendered kooks who believe they were born the "wrong" gender, and can change it with surgery, and hormones?

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"Was" a leading contender, maybe, until 3 days ago.

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They came out of the closet, left of the Dimocrap party. Libertarian party is strange combination of criminal sympathizers, drug pushers, drug addicts & people who celebrate a hedonistic lifestyle. It’s not about liberty, it’s about license: Doing whatever you want with no responsibilities and no consequences ~


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It's a marginal party of kooks. Even the Green Party wackos are more intelligent. Of course the DNC, and GOP are criminal organizations beholden to PhRMA, and the Zionist terrorist state of Israel's foreign agent, AIPAC, which requires the con artists in Comgrss it bribes to sign a loyalty oath to the Zionist terrorist state of Israel.

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But they chose "armed and gay" Chase Oliver. Another party that can't be taken seriously.

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The “ Libertarian” Convention was an exercise in surreality. A tremendous disappointment that segued from a scene from Tammany Hall, to a corrupt union strike, to a rude, puerile high school weed party circa 1979 to yet another captured, WEF /Soros backed puppet show. It was an embarrassment of seeming orchestrated chaos.

If Chase Oliver is the Libertarian standard bearer, Javier Milei is a technobureaucracy enthusiast, Thomas Sowell is a Communist, Tony Fauci is Luc Montagnier incarnate, Joe Biden is Pat Moynihan and I’m a “ Queer For Hamas”.

The event had all the telltale markings of a Soros funded operation. Conveniently orchestrated protesters equipped with identical placards, chaotic behavior, shouting down invited speakers, empty seats… RFK Jr, though not a libertarian in the tradition requisite was more a libertarian than Chase Oliver and Chase Oliver is in no way a classic liberal. A supporter of BLM, Defund The Police, the most harmful, draconian COVID policies including vaccine mandates,ostracization and criminalization of the unvaccinated, removing a mask for anything other than a few bites of food , daring to step outside for a breath of fresh air, violating the six foot social distancing sadism- eerily reminiscent of Jews lined up for the camps, any who accidentally stepped outside the line, stumbled or daring speak out, shot.

And with all that, allowing for the BLM and Antifa Droogs, illegal, unchecked migrant insurgents to freely take to the streets , swarming, threatening and burning down “ the house”.

Oliver promotes open borders, non-deportations, abolishing ICE, non-incarceration of violent, recidivist felons, homeless encampments lining city blocks, defecating publicly, discarding needles that threaten public health, DEI, CRT, sexual indoctrination and mutilation of children, Drag Queen Story Hour for an audience of children, and the political prosecutions of Trump and his inner circle- with Trump convicted and sentenced to life behind bars, without having committed any definitive crime. This is in no way “ libertarian”. It’s the purposeful destruction of cultural norms, the rights of the individual, social order, the expectation of privacy, civil liberties and ownership of private property. His flagrant identity politics… Chase Oliver is a plant.

I’m a classic liberal and a small government fiscal conservative.A pragmatic Independent with a libertarian bent. The convention and nomination was a clusterfuck travesty.

Michael Rectenwald, who I’ve always admired, made an ass of himself. Eating a weed gummy before taking the stage and sounding like Joe Biden was insipid. I’ve eaten gummies and had an episode tantamount to a really bad acid trip. Wound up lying naked on my slate floor, curled up in a fetal ball, convinced I was blind and having a one on one conversation with Tulsi Gabbard. But I couldn’t remember my name. And I’m the quintessence of a fuck you, don’t tell me what to do, if it’s questionable, I’ll try it rebel. But not if I have to be on my A-Game and not subjecting my children to the theft of their innocence.

I spoke with Lew yesterday, who I differ with on certain issues, but agree on most. I asked him whether I was nuts to think the event and nominee were representative of Libertarian ideology. He replied,” I’m not a Libertarian”. I exploded laughing, but he was really angry and launched into a cathartic takedown of Oliver and the clown show.RFK Jr and Trump were the first Presidential candidates of different factions to accept an invitation to address the convention. If this was the typical reception, it’s no wonder others declined.

I’ve attended Mises events with guest speakers who aren’t traditional libertarian lockstep ideologues. Including Naomi’s appearance at a recent Mises event. Actually, she was the reason I traveled from Miami to Auburn for the event. She was met with applause and the very large, audience clamored to purchase her book and praise her. The way civilized adults once behaved as a norm. Even if they aren’t in agreement on other issues.

As per the event, RFK Jr and Trump might not fit within the Libertarian box, but compared to Chase Oliver, they were Hayek and Ayn Rand.

Chase Oliver is gay. BFD. So are Tammy Bruce, Ric Grenell, Brandon Straka, Carl DiMaio, Martina Navratilova, Rob Johnson, Camille Paglia, Dave Rubin and Scott Pressler.They just happen to be gay. But it doesn’t define who they are.It doesn’t make them better or worse than hetero. But Chase Oliver, like the No Longer Recognizable Dem Death Cult wields his sexuality as a political weapon. Caitlin Jenner is trans. She doesn’t support males competing in female sports, sexualing and mutilating children, thugs roaming the streets harassing innocent civilians, burning down businesses, barring Jewish students from college campuses, defunding and murdering cops , open borders or malicious Lawfare used to intimidate and imprison political opposition, lockdowns , experimental mRNA gene therapy “ vaccine” mandates for an extremely suspect lab created virus.

This guy’s a Trojan horse and like the Stepfordized Deep State Soros/Fauci/Klaus Schwab/CIA/ Surveillaince and Identity Politics illiberal no longer Dems, has “ captured” the no longer recognizable so-called libertarians.

Oh, but for more Tulsis, Naomis, Drs Risch, McCullough, Ladapo, Kory, Atlas, Battacharaya, Kuldorff, Cole, Malone, Stella, Gold… Lara Logans, Sharyl Atkissons, Kash Patels, Rob Schmitts, Shellenbergers, John Leakes ,Maajid Nawazz, Neil Olivers…. A President Milei or Burkele- unafraid to stand before the WEF and expose the entire UN/WEF/WHO/Soros cabal of soulless Kleptocorporate multinational monopolistic megalomaniacal psychopathics and their tyrannical goal of destroying all things living in pursuit of life eternal. The Brave New World Transhumanist Technocracy feudalist lust for power and control over an androgynous , disposable engineered, enslaved, greatly reduced population.

Huxley, Orwell and Bradbury would have included Oliver and the devolving libertarian attendees in their books.

All the so-called parties are stripping away our liberties one by one. Albeit the left is doing so at the speed of sound.

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BTW Tulsi Gabbard is a Soros minion in case you didn't know.

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Oliver supports everything Democrats support:

A supporter of BLM, Defund The Police, the most harmful, draconian COVID policies including vaccine mandates,ostracization and criminalization of the unvaccinated, removing a mask for anything other than a few bites of food , daring to step outside for a breath of fresh air, violating the six foot social distancing sadism- eerily reminiscent of Jews lined up for the camps, any who accidentally stepped outside the line, stumbled or daring speak out, shot.

And with all that, allowing for the BLM and Antifa Droogs, illegal, unchecked migrant insurgents to freely take to the streets , swarming, threatening and burning down “ the house”.

Oliver promotes open borders, non-deportations, abolishing ICE, non-incarceration of violent, recidivist felons, homeless encampments lining city blocks, defecating publicly, discarding needles that threaten public health, DEI, CRT, sexual indoctrination and mutilation of children, Drag Queen Story Hour for an audience of children, and the political prosecutions of Trump and his inner circle- with Trump convicted and sentenced to life behind bars, without having committed any definitive crime. This is in no way “ libertarian”. It’s the purposeful destruction of cultural norms, the rights of the individual, social order, the expectation of privacy, civil liberties and ownership of private property. His flagrant identity politics… Chase Oliver is a plant.

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Voting Libertarian is ineffective. Virtually no one knows their candidate, and his presence doesn't invite sane curiosity.

But, besides that, Trump and RFK were invited to speak at their convention (I assume Biden was as well), and they didn't possess the good manners to respectfully listen. This clearly tells you who they are. I don't vote for rudeness. There is plenty enough of that in politics already.

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While I'd love to believe a libertarian party is a good thing, I haven't found that to be true.

Their platform leaves a lot to be desired. A couple of examples:

1) "As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty: a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and are not forced to sacrifice their values for the benefit of others." And yet, they do not see babies as real humans who should be able to live and make their own sovereign choices. They are fine with killing babies.

2) "We, the members of the Libertarian Party, challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and defend the rights of the individual." And yet, they don't seem to see the need for an orderly society. While we don't want a Marxist nation where we are controlled, we do want order. Some governance is necessary. The problem with today is that there are people in power who want to own the world. Choices made by individuals under the guise of "liberty" can hurt other people and ensue violence. You cannot have individualism to the point where the rights of others are harmed. Personal liberty IS important -- but you can take this too far, and I think the libertarian party takes it too far.

They also need to clarify their stand on illegal immigration. Libertarians don't like laws -- and the rule of law regarding the invasion of illegals is a big deal.

I could make a list a mile long, but the libertarian party has become a party of dissidents rather than understand liberty does have boundaries (which, whether you like it or not, has a moral component to it). There was much potential in the beginning, but no longer. They really are children who refuse to grow up and play nice with others -- no different than the Democrat party and rino republicans, I suppose.

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For corn sakes, see PAYEhome.org/tool-kit for 400 years of Volitional science precedents

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I lost all regard for the Libertarian Party after they chose Oliver as their POTUS candidate, an Antifa lover and all for an open border. When Trump spoke at the Libertarian convention, their stage backdrop proudly read, "Be Ungovernable!" How does that make any sense?

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Didn't they already pick a queer guy who wants kids to be trannies, mandatory vaccines, and many other things which are completely contrary to liberty? The whole Libertarian party is even worse than the Democrats...

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