Naomi—this is you at your best. Excellent podcast.

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Wake up people. RFK Jr. is a Zionist, as Trump is.

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It had to be a ploy. If it was an emotional affair, whatever that means, a friendship is an affair of the heart, why didn't it go further? Who determined he was 'bragging' about the photos? Of course, she would have his phone number if she was coordinating an interview with him. So, she had access to set him up by simply sending risque selfies. I do think though leaders should be held to a high level of honesty, and if they are unfaithful to their spouses, then trust in general is compromised. Although I don't think RFK Jr. did anything wrong in this instance, except perhaps he thwarted a Jezebel who was smitten by the Kennedy mystique by not responding to her advances. Hell, hath no fury..........

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And Naomi Wolf I watched you chat with the woman from Maui, Hawaii who wrote a book Lahaina Hawaii disaster and when she brought up the use of Lasers and "blue Lasers' you got really uncomfortable ...your body language speaks LOUD.....Dr Wolf...

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In this case Dr Wolf.....I place you on MyMountains List of 'questionable' people....

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Robert Kennedy Jr. has positioned himself as a populist outsider in the 2024 presidential race, but it’s hard to forget that he comes from American royalty and has hobnobbed with many of the most famous and notorious people in the world. Now he faces a problem suspiciously common for megarich people (and one other presidential candidate): explaining why he flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane.

In an appearance on Fox News on Tuesday, host Jesse Watters asked Kennedy, “You weren’t ever on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane, were you?” As a matter of fact:

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Twice?? thats what he admitted to...as was Trump...and how many other questionable clowns Do YOU want to be led by worthless talking piles of slime? .....they are all ' In bed together'...They all TALK TALK and Stab ya in the back while they smile at ya and raise you taxes and cleverly extract untold billion $$$.........

BigLie after BIGGER Lie and then they tell ya bullshit and encats some other cam to CONTROL you more........like the FEMA scam but them FEMA Camps are soon gonna start filling up with useless Goy that survive the 5G radiation and the assorted Laser'wild fires' that cremate everything just like Lahaina Hawaii and Paradise Calf and World Trade Centres....whats next? LA?? naybe California...Maybe Flordia ......Dallas Texas?? Chicago? Flint Mc?? Maybe Boston or NYC...

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Question is.............whos next? .....meantime you are worried about which Pedo is gonna be elected to be president..hahahhahaha .......USA.........a Nation of 300 million Clowns and pin-heads..all with slobbering verbal diarrhea .....with opinions and videos babbling on and on about NOTHING !!!!!!! Spewing out Globs of USELESS INFORMATION about NOTHING!!!!!!

Meantime , while most are entertained with election Bullshit.......5G will quietly Smoke something...........and that something might be YOU and you family and the house nyou spent a lifetime working your ass off for...POOOOOF !! vapourized in a heartbeat

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"...Clowns and pin-heads..all with slobbering verbal diarrhea .....with opinions and videos babbling on and on about NOTHING !!!!!!! Spewing out Globs of USELESS INFORMATION about NOTHING!!!!!!" Yup! Best self-description I ever read.

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No Matter David Collins ......you will fry like the rest or the Goy

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I see David Collins............so which group are you in?? 'Da PinHeads" r Da "Clowns' ?? maybe Both ???

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talk talk talk,,when 5G get totally installed there will be no more talk or chat or need for any government..there will no more internet.........no more of much left standing......the usa will be smoked as was Lahaina Hawaii....and what is not dead of dying will be looters and outlaws...gangs and sickies .....that will swoop out of under the rug and outta da woodwork to pillage , plunder rape and rob....just like most of the US Military did to Vietnam and Laos ,Japan and Korea and Afghanistan and a hundred other places .....Killing Robbing Raping Slaughtering Pillaging for "Peace&Freedom"

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get rid of all the scammers....the rep and demo are all in bed together... https://www.bitchute.com/video/4rKLd0j2NLbt <<< hang them all...99% the US Government must be hung. As in with real Ropes..hung ......

Bring back this party>> The Anti-Masonic Party in the United States

>> https://www.history.com/news/third-party-politics-anti-masonic <<>>

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

I've been somewhat surprised that RFK Jr. has not already addressed this attempted takedown in the manner you recommend. As you were speaking, I was reminded (some will laugh at this) of the growing hysteria, earlier this year, created by rampant speculation and factional bickering on both sides of the pond about the health of the Princess of Wales. _Only_ after the lady herself finally spoke directly to the public simply, briefly, and honestly, did calm and sanity reassert itself -- and it did so instantly. I thought it was a great lesson.

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I’m sorry to say since the app has updated I have been unable to listen to any of your audio for the last week or more. It always just says that the audio fails to load.

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hi folks from the uk....as an aside are you aware that tedros and his cronies plan to have the pandemic treaty done and dusted by the end of this year..consider this during convid the who advised the nations of the world on how they should act need i remind you of the disaster that happened as a result .if such a disaster happened by acting on there advice consider what would happen if they were the head honchos IE THE PANDEMIC TREATY it could easily happen and the vast majority of the public have no idea about it which is hardly surprising when you consider msm have NEVER reported about it and the censorship gestapo on you tube/twitter/gestapo book heavily censor and suppress anything designed to wake up the public..for much more information about the treaty check out the james roguski substack.....also go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..be sure to read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are....its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world..that said dont waste your time resharing it on you tube/twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will censor and suppress it....it currently has over 267000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and also by resharing it widely with all your like minded social media contacts and groups and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same...a hepful tip concerning the petition that will give us another string to our bow is this..go to the top of the citizengo.org petition page and click on the second icon on the right hand side and scroll down you will find that all there petitions are also in alternative languages including the one about the treaty....

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Wow. I read your piece the other day but to hear it in your words was worthwhile. I may have over done the garlic bread but the entire household came in to listen. Dr Wolf, you are a voice of reason and clarity. May your voice be heard far and wide. And know that you were born for this time.

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Well done Naomi. Great video and well thought out and presented.

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The woman sounds like Glenn Close in fatal attraction-except they did NOT have a physical relationship. Anything to smear RFK, Jr

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At least the bunnies are safe.

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The blonde took advantage of a senior citizen.

Most states have laws against that...

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