“The pill”if stopped for a week every 21 days causes a pseudo period. It’s basically breakthrough bleeding to mimic a period. Women who don’t want to be bothered can take it continuously and therefore will not menstruate.

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I just wanted to share my most recent Substack post, a list of 200+ of the most recent & damning scientific studies on C19 vaccine injury, including summaries of their conclusions and supporting analyses by experts (most of whom you know such as Dr. McCullough, Makis, etc). It took me 3yrs to research and 3 months to write, and I've broken the studies down into categories such as Cardiac, Neurological, Autoimmune, Reproductive, Long Vax, Shedding, etc.

I'd be honored if you gave it a glance and shared with anyone who could use it as a resource! Thanks for all you do! :)


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Lupus, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, infertility, migraines, blood clots, diabetes, hair loss, thyroid and gallbladder disease; these and many more new ailments can be correlated to the rise of '"Modern Medicine " Also, seems the powers have a penchant for naming their projects with paradoxical titles, ie. "Health and Human Services", "Scottish Independence Referendum", "Housing and Urban Development", "War on Terrorism".

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Industrial Disease.

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I’ve had a note on my calendar since your interview of Cliff High which reminded me that he said that a big event would occur near 7/15 or 7/16…I am standing here a bit shaken thinking his computer prediction system (which I don’t fully understand) may in fact be correct…

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Early in the interview Naomi you express your surprise of women not menstruating at all while they are on the pill, but it is my understanding that women have never truly menstruated on the pill because it suppresses ovulation. If a woman doesn't ovulate then any bleed that happens thereafter is superficial. I took the pill in my early 20s and I remember I was told to take the pill every day to stay in the habit of it, but that for 7 days those pills would actually be 'sugar pills'. When you took these pills it was during this time you would 'menstruate' but and here was the strange thing... you could simply skip the sugar pills if you didn't want to bleed that month?? Doesn't this indicate that it is not a real period, but just something to trick women into feeling like they are in some semblance of a cycle when they are not? It is a synthetic experience of menstruation. The sugar pills provide a period that you have a withdrawal bleed from not taking the pill but they are not in truth a period. This horrific experiment on the women's body has been happening for a long time, in full view, it is not new. I recommend this book for more information https://www.amazon.com.au/Name-Pill-Mike-Gaskins/dp/173379350X

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616 studies involving irregular menstruation in other animals besides humans in connection with porcine zona pellucida sterilization (2 shots a couple/three weeks apart followed by boosters every 6 months to a year depending on the species). It has been in use successfully on over 80 species for over 20 years. Initiating its use on humans required a special program.


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Naomi , your reaction to piece on Breast milk being infected by this poison is revealing. How evil and dismissive of FDA and others in Health care authority . What is their reasoning to allow even a small chance of damage to Women of Pregnancy age? . Fauci is the face of this but he isn’t the brains behind it . Man is far too low IQ to be in a role like this . So who is it , who is it . You’re doing your very best Naomi to expose this evil . Must be a difficult role to play . Bless your heart .

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Thank you, Naomi for this report, I don’t think we need any more evidence of wrongdoing. Bring back the gallows.

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Thank you Dr Wolf for the interview!

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This is so terrible and evil as Dr Wolf states. The hidden truth is perhaps the most damming, as leaders at CDC and FDA knew of the dangers to pregnant women and babies, hid the truth, and lyingly pushed pregnant women to vaccinate. CRIMINAL! NUREMBERG 2.0.

In the Bible,Hosea warns of God’s anger 4:6, NKJV, ‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will reject you from being Priest....’

God is speaking through Hosea to Israel. Rejected knowledge = forgotten the law. The law is the Ten Commandments. People today are destroyed due to lack of knowledge in a real factual sense and in terms of not knowing God’s great moral law. Our country is in the throes of destruction because of turning our backs on Him.

I believe we have a hope of redemption, if we turn toward truth and light and faith in the one true God and follow his great commandments as our sincere way of life.

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Sonia Elijah-T H A N K Y O U- Dr Naomi, Goddess of our age- you are and will always be one of my HERO's💟🇺🇸👏🎶Thank you‼️

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It Turns Out

That People Are More Terrifying

Than An Imaginary Killer Virus.

Ain’t That Something.


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