It’s not just Steve - the bureaucrats ignore everyone they possibly can.

Since 2020, I’ve written to dozens of individuals & organizations (including Ian Diamond at ONS) - medical boards, academics, health officials....demanding explanations for their behavior & opposing it.

With TWO exceptions - an academic at Johns Hopkins & a Canadian health authority - they ALL ignored the contact.

The two responses I got more or less just parroted the safe & effective mantra. They avoided the substantive points.

It seems those involved in the covid crimes have almost uniformly decided - or been briefed? - that the best way to deal with protest & scientific arguments is to stubbornly ignore them.

This is one of many reasons why we need trials. Trials make people accountable.

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This conversation (Thank you Naomi and Steve!) reminded me of a line in a Talking Heads song: "Facts just twist the truth around".

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