Moral behaviour apart, what of physical behaviour? While in the US, Iowa in the sixties, I made good friends with an Indian, Cherokee at that, who told about their rain dances ever so often back in Arizona. Do they help? Of course, of course, otherwise we would not do them, was the answer. Considering what we now know of MNP:s, radiation, the influence of sound not least, one better understands how that might be. So, why not imply also the moral behaviour as decisive to the future of the world. I for me think I can buy that!

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“Preppers” are routinely mocked by legacy media. Isn’t that interesting?"

My son was following a discussion on a home canning and preserving forum on Facebook, when Facebook suddenly offered up: "Are you or a loved one suffering from an obsession with preparedness?" The same formula used to "counsel" gambling "addicts!" The reaction of everyone in our family was, WTF? I have several chipped Mason jars I was deliberating whether to reuse -- would you like instead to store them in your "organic root cellar," Mark Zuckerberg?

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What a great Geneva Bible reading restart it's been! Thank You!

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Naomi asks: "Is the change merely of our perception, due perhaps to our time on phones? Or is it that we are located now in a different and weirder place physically, in the universe, with weirder energies around us? It is just ourselves aging? It it the electromagnetic fields proliferating around us due to the expansion of our devices and wifi?"

"Or is it due to none of the above?"

"Who knows?"

Who knows? God knows.

Naomi also states: "our very reality, is changing."

Only those who have no knowledge of God and of His revelations to us (or rejects them) where He has told us of why He created the world and us, what we have to do to live as His created creatures, and what happens to those who do not submit to His truths.

The world will end. All of us will die one day no matter what happens in the world.

We are at a point in history where demonic influence has increased as more and more of the people's of the world have succumbed to their diabolical ide as the one, true triune God has been incrementally denied and despised and man's fallen nature has been derived of His grace necessary to resist unbridled passions and pride and hubris and the belief that man has the power to create his own nature according to his image and desires.

Like it or not, you are at war. No matter who you are—whether or not you know it—you have a mortal enemy who wants to destroy you, not just in this life, but in the next.

No matter where you live on this planet—whether or not you can see it—you live on a hotly contested battlefield, and you can’t escape the conflict. It’s a spiritual war with crucial consequences in your everyday life. And the outcome of that war will determine your eternal destiny.

The first rule of any type of warfare is to know your enemy. How can you fight an adversary you can’t identify? Worse yet, how can you avoid being a casualty in a battle going on all around you if you don’t even recognize that you’re in danger?

Your adversary is the Devil, with his army of demons. Your battle with him rages not only all around you, but also within you, a fierce conflict for control of your mind, your heart, and your ultimate destiny. The world may scoff and tell you there is no Devil and no battle. But the world has been blinded to these realities by the Enemy himself. Its skepticism is part of his stealth strategy: Those who deny his existence are an easy prey.

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"Three previous human worlds were destroyed when people became greedy, worshiped technology as a god, fought and hurt each other, and repeatedly forgot the ethical teachings they’d been given to honor the Earth as the source of life and sustenance. Three apocalypses inevitably ensued—first by fire, then by ice, then a flood. Noah’s Ark floated through one book’s collective memory to escape a similar greed-ending catastrophe. The future is visible in the now."

This is a total myth. The truth is revealed in Sacred Scripture written through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity-Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The is the only true God who never revealed other "human worlds" other than the earth which He created. He did not tell us to "honor the Earth" but gave man dominion over it as He created it specifically to sustain the life of man. That is not to say we are to destroy the earth but to recognize everything in it was created by God who is the one to honor.

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Naomi states: "A friend told me that serious astrologers explain that the earth is being bombarded by a massive amount of new energies. “You aren’t imagining it,” she said. From where? I asked.

“From the universe”, she shrugged.

I believe it. I feel, everyone sensible and sensitive feels, on edge — estranged, in a sense, from what had for so long been our solid, stolid planetary home."

Did the Lord God tell us to look to astrologers to reveal future events?

My friend explained that we are in a time astrologically when our institutions are collapsing, one by one, to be replaced and rebuilt by 2026.

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you and joe allen are two of the great minds of our time, your truth telling is filled with facts and spiritual goodies, beautiful prose, always hitting the nail on the head!Thanks for your knowledge, i am going to start buying your books, rally enjoying your writings! Blessings of the Moshiach to you and family!

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1. they'ze groomin' us for an endless cafeteria-style conveyor belt of Nothin' Burgers--expectation fer a "meal" (fine 'er lousy 'er even noxious--like eatin' bugs)


2. agreed they've been "preppin' US" for endless emergencies, panic attacks, interven-shuns (they should be ashamed) an' they got hoss-spit-alls "ready" --- "operators" & operations standin' by!


Here (above) I also went over all the symbolism 'n stuff includin' the fear mongerin', pre-dick-tive programmin' -- an' the "demonic" CON-"CERN"-- clearly wearin' my tinfoil hat (aka crackpot) proudly, no trippy-day-shuns 'bout bein' WEIRD cuz I've always rolled that way an' made peace with it.

Also lovin' yer bible "studies"--I guess we New Yawkers leavin' NYShitty fer good (methinks?) an' not (rilly) lookin' back like Lot's wife done is a lesson ta be larned! (my kiddos would still disagree...) Now that I've left the land of "Lot Full" an' entered the one of "Lots for Less" (boonies have the equivalent of "dollar stores" but they sure do take up space--a lot've it!) I (sure hope) I gotta Lotta Livin' ta do!

Amard Sevil! (that's "Drama Lives" backwards which pegged me an' my friends as thee-ate-'er nerds back in Jr High when we actually had t-shirts made that said that!)

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Hi Hannah

Gobekli Tepe is a mystery. As you say it is thought to be around 12000 years old and there are many interpretations of what the pillars and glyphs represent. I was referring to Graham Hancock’s work and his reading of one particular pillar that he thinks refers to a very specific astronomical alignment. As far as I’m aware no one knows who built the site or why it was subsequently buried. What is fascinating is who had such sophisticated astronomical knowledge at that time. Your final comment may well be relevant…

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Many old indigenous people have and have had unbelievable knowledge of the skies, take the Egyptians, the Mayans. This might have been taught by some invading aliens, or merely understood by close watching. What is remarkable is that the remaining sculptures, statues etc show the same kind of carried little handbags, evidence if any of the same race living all over the planet. So an open, humble attitude in front of the coming might be the right thing!

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My son who is in his 20s often marvels how time seems to be going faster and faster. I never felt that way at his age. He also asks if everything feels different than it did before the lockdowns. This feeling seems widespread. On a biblical timeline, in about 6-9 years it will be 2000 years since the death and resurrection of Christ. His words-- "Take heed that no one deceives you.... And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!" (Mark 13:5, 37)--are increasingly relevant every new day.

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Apr 12Edited

"The question confronting creative, thoughtful people today is: How are we going to emerge on the other side of this earth-changing moment?”

I've just come from spotify, randomly finding yourself and Tucker talking all things spiritual. I live in the Hermit Kingdom and cannot explain the change we've experienced. I couldn't be further from your world but my only answer is to find solutions to that which disturbs me most. Vaccinating children and denying those who don't an education comes to mind. I'm not sure if you have read the recently released book 'The Needle's Secret' - it goes a long way to explaining the Bolus Theory and why injections are harming some people and not others. I'm an introvert, but after listening to your podcast I feel I need to speak up more. There will be detractors, but please decide for yourself whether this Frenchman's book has merit and whether it can help us emerge on the other side of horrific harm. Harm like what my mum experiences after an injection left her with a SCI, a medical mistake that changed all our lives forever. I often think of your chicken soup....

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One thing (among many....) that I notice is an almost complete lack of curiosity in many people about the propaganda they are fed.

In my circles, people used to question pretty much whatever the MSM said. Now I hear people parroting whatever the line is with, apparently, no questions coming to mind. I know people routinely frightened by a sunny day - ´global warming. ‘ Young people who welcome the idea of eating bugs. Others who are STILL getting ‘boosted’ despite developing various (unquestioned) illnesses. Others who have NOTHING to say about CBDCs, digital ID, the WHO global coup attempt, laws which are suppressing free speech (France, Scotland).

There are others who do now, belatedly, question the injections but by & large I’m seeing people who seem to be on the one hand lapping up propaganda & otherwise studiously avoiding any issue that might be troubling. It definitely feels peculiar.

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"In my circles, people used to question pretty much whatever the MSM said. Now I hear people parroting whatever the line is with, apparently, no questions coming to mind."

When you grow up dedicated to "fighting The Man," then you find out you ARE The Man:


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Yes indeed.

Suddenly people everywhere - our ordinary fellow citizens - were demanding to see our ´vaxx pass’, throwing us out of shops for not wearing a muzzle.

How the « authorities » must have laughed that almost overnight they turned a large percentage of the population of western countries into unpaid foot soldiers, enforcing the removal of basic freedoms.

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A good video about the connection between the red heifers and the Antichrist https://youtu.be/hUCYDoNin1E?feature=shared

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If you don’t mind, I would like to share some information about everything happening. I have no authority over truths; for me, only one source has that ability. For 16 years, I’ve been on a gnostic journey, one that found me. I used to live through my ego self, happily programmed without knowledge of the money, effort, and fear-mongering put into that circus.

What I can offer you is something that was taken from all of us, and I was able to get the closest to factual history than I have with any other sources.

It's not one thing, but a series of events, but the most important is a book written in four days by an individual with no agenda.

“ A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospels of the Tripartite Tractate.” Dr. Cyd Ropp wrote this and two books before it. Lulu.com bookstore is the only place selling it at the moment. For 15$, its worth is priceless. I ask one thing: read it with bias aside.

If you are familiar with Carl Jung, I cannot express the importance of The Red Book, Liber Novus, and the Black Books, which are the notes from the Red Book. The RB wasn't published until 2009, and the B.B. in 2021! For a man who has been stamped with labels and titles that could not be close to who he indeed was, I often wonder why even today some Jungians refuse to understand what he discovered.

Joseph Campbell is another author who has some insight into the human conditions of our time.

I'm not going to waste your time listing off credentials given by institutions that believe a piece of paper makes an individual exceptional. All I can do is be honest, and I hope you are able to explore these two works, and make the connection.

Onward and Upward

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Dear The Alchemist - I too have read much of Jung .. and lived it … his early work The Undiscovered Self describes the way in which Mass Hypnosis takes hold in a population and how an individual can only avoid this through the inner work of Individuation. A ver interesting read.

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Gnosticism is demonic, as is alchemy and New Age. Their occult "great work" of the centuries is to bring back paganism, which is the worship of Sat*n and other evil spirits, through terrible human sacrifice (especially the oceans of blood of children through abortion), the demons released through homosexual conduct, among many, many other sins. The occultist, elitist teachings of gnosticism and the New Age are an enormous deception from Sat*n, the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). Stay far away!

For more info, see Michael Knowles' YouTube interview with the exorcist Fr. Dan Reehill (and Reehill's podcast, and Knowles' interviews with a former witch, psychic, astrologist, and "psychonaut" i.e., drug user); exorcist Fr. Carlos Martins podcast; exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger on YouTube; Jesse Romero at his blog and podcasts Jesus 911 and Liber Christo War College Situation Room; Isaac Weishaupt's podcast Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture (warning: "Weishaupt," a sardonic pseudonym, is a *very* lukewarm and leftist Christian who does not know his faith well, but he does know about the occult); Daniel O'Connor on YouTube especially about the fake "aliens" psy-op; Jay Dyer podcast; James Perloff blog; Altiyan Childs video on Rumble exposing Freemasonry.

Turn to Jesus Christ, our merciful Savior, through His Church, the Catholic Church. The Church hierarchy has been infiltrated with communists and occultists for over a century, so most of our *leaders* are crumbling, just as the Jewish leaders did during the time of Christ. In the tribulation, the false, evil Catholic leaders will cooperate with the evil, globalist totalitarian elites (you can already see that happening) and will help usher in the antichrist, just as in the time of Jesus, the sinful Jewish leaders cooperated with the pagan state (Rome) to crucify their Messiah Who had come to save them.

It will *appear* as though the true Catholic Church has died an ugly death, just as Her Head, Our Lord Jesus, went through His brutal Passion and it *appeared* that He was dead - not God or even a good human leader - for a time. But then the Resurrection came, and the same kind of resurrection will come for Christ's body, the Catholic Church.

The true Church is still here in its traditional parishes, and it will be alive through the tribulation, but persecuted and underground. Look for the Traditional Latin Mass (https://www.latinmass.com/find-latin-mass). God bless you and your loved ones.

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Agree 100%. Jesus said "I say to you, You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18

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Someone who speaks the truth. Thank you.

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May I ask why you’re absolute in what you and Antonia say is true? I think it’s important to understand why and what we call truth is precisely that, truth. I’m not talking about faith or doubting your faith, but have you ever had the chance to study history? Especially between 300 b.c and 400 a.d.? There is a written and documented history by the Catholic Church on exactly how they came into power over an entire people. Before Christianity became the official church and rulers many Roman Emporers let freedom of religion thrive as long as it didn't affect the rule. In the second century, Christianity lacked a fixed agreed-upon scripture, a universal ecclesiastical hierarchy, a Pope, a doctrine of dual humanity and divinity of Jesus, and a formal, universally recognized creed. There was no doctrine of Original Sin or consensus on the nature of the Trinity, consensus about resurrection, about women as leaders and priests, or cathedrals and churches.

Christianity as a minority religion faced a lot of challenges as it strove to gain a foothold in the Roman Empire. The main thing a new religious group needs to thrive is people willing to join. But conversion in antiquity is not something we understand, primarily because we lack evidence for this time period. Romans allowed freedom of religion but they also put restrictions, like freedom to assemble without information on what the assembly was about.

Christianity grew through intimate networks and the freedom it gave to people. They allowed all people to join but the one way Christianity moved away was a divide emerging between a Christian pro-assimilation faction and a Traditionalist faction. This is one way of moving from the old established Orthodox, nor pro Orthodox that placed a high value on being anti-Roman. Splitting this narrative it allowed some to ban almost anything in the name of Christianity. Traditionalists were hardcore martyrs, Pro Assimilation Christians were not. They were also known as Gnostic Christians, but this isn't front-page news or knowledge. The winner writes history, and the story written is this.

Emporer Constantine I 306-336 B.C. famously converted to Christianity following a dream in 312 B.C. when his allegiance to Christianity won him a decisive battle over his enemy Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge. In 313 the Edict of Milan ended the formal persecution of Christians and granted Roman citizens the freedom to practice whatever religion they chose. Within a decade, Christians were granted the right to build churches and basilicas and the right to assembly. The growing power also coincided with an increased need to police the boundaries between illicit and licit forms of Christianity. A lot of Christians were silenced, then in 367 A.D. the powerful bishop of Alexandria, Athanasius issued a formal document known as the Festal Letter of 367 denouncing the use of certain Christian writings and outlining which books consisted of proper Christian scripture. His approved books resemble the ones we have today.

I believe in Jesus Christ, and the Father, but what I have chosen to do is educate myself on factors that everyone can agree with. I am not in a position to spread awareness that the Catholic Church was based off greedy men who found a way to control an entire continent, and if you decided that Christianity was not your preference, then death was the only option. My faith is based on an all-loving Father, one that would never converse with anyone but his son because he is inevitable, incomprehensible, and if anything were to observe him they would be obliterated. The First Testament is the Jewish Bible, and if you read it carefully you will notice the word Eloheim or God, but the problem is that Eloneim in Hebrew is plural, as in God’s and the assembly of them who were in an ego grab among themselves. I can not comprehend an all-loving, pure-conscious creator associating with such petty muses. That is why they were stuck down.

I don't want anyone to believe God doesn't exist, or not know Christ and Jesus because these are true entities. I only ask that before you speak with any authority to know the history and how and who decided on what is a Christian text, and what is not. I don't put my faith in Roman Christian men who saw an empire crumbling around them while they declared only they and the faith could save everyone. As humans, it is in our nature to grab power. Back then was an entirely different world, and even to this day the Catholic Church has thousands of scriptures in its vaults that no one is allowed to see. It's 2024 and they still hold immense power over people's lives and minds. From 1000 A.D. to the 1900’s they attained a capacity of power that nothing can be compared to. People say this is “ new age” Christianity because that's all they can do. They say what they are told to say. They refuse to even consider thinking that mankind in the centuries between 1. A.D. and 400 A.D. were not flesh and blood beings, but saints who claimed God had chosen them to communicate with. How sad is it that mankind is naturally bent towards hatred, jealousy, envy, and insecurity in their ego selves that they believe they are the eyes, ears, and mouth of an all-loving God? People in positions of power are not known for honesty and the well-being of everyone. Sorry, but the truth sucks.

We have already decided our fate, which eventually is the continuation of war. War makes money for everyone, and almost every religion will declare war in the name of the religion. Does any of this add up, make sense, or even come close to what Jesus preached? As an individual who has experienced God personally, I feel like that gives me at least a 2% say in all of this. I am not special, and I'm not a saint but I lived 35 years as a disbeliever I had no beliefs of any God or Christ. That all changed in one night when my perception of my ‘self’ was truly humbled as I needed to be. I lived through my ego as most do, and the things I thought I knew were extremely distorted. We live in a world where 8 men have more money than half the planet. These are facts, there is an elite group of people who live in a different world than you or I could even imagine. It's one reason I stopped watching TELL A VISION 8 years ago, and stopped listening to “news.” In no way do I expect anyone to listen to anything I have to say. I'm not the voice of anything aethereal. But I have been saved, and while that experience is unexplainable I will never doubt what happened and who spoke. I am a walking miracle, I should not be here, and I never in a million years thought I would acknowledge a loving, creating God beyond my comprehension. I don't have words to describe any of it, except for pure love beyond comprehension.

This isn't a new age cliche, it's years and years of dedication to the Father, Son, and the Above. The church is not about standing together, the church promotes one thing, itself and the men who have the gal to claim that they are the voice and authority over beliefs. They are men who have no right to say they know God, and are privileged by God in some way. That's the Ego, the Demiurge, the false God who has tricked most of the planet into believing in his materialistic creation of all things dead.

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I beg to differ. The Catholic Church has been fighting the heresy of gnosticism, and a plethora of other heresies, since the very beginning. Gnosticism, or hidden knowledge ("hidden" is the meaning of the word occult) is for the elite initiates only. That's just as well, because as people "rise" in the ranks of Freemasonry and other occult, gnostic groups, they find out that more and more horrible satanic immorality is required to advance (sex magick, calling on demons, homosexuality, bestiality, pedo, blood sacrifice, torturing others, etc.).

If Catholics sound harsh against heresies, it's because, like cancer, they hurt and harm people in body and soul, and send unrepentant people to hell, where they will be tormented by demons so horribly that I could never wish it on my worst enemy.

The totalitarian globalist elites today, who brought us COVID and the deadly jab, are high-ranking members of gnostic and demonic cults. And yes, there are so-called "Catholic" and "Protestant" leaders up high in those ranks, too, but they are not actually Catholics or even Protestants... they're satanists. Their Christianity is just a mask.

Gnosticism promotes superiority and disregard for the common man, whereas the Catholic Church is the very Body of Jesus, given in charitable love for literally everyone, even *especially* to the poor, the uneducated and illiterate, the disabled, the "mere" workers, the sick, men, women, and children, people of every race, and anyone humble, who agrees with its principles. The Catholic Church is the source of the idea that the strong should protect and lift up the weak. It started the first hospitals and the first universities. "The last shall be first, and the first shall be last," as the Bible says (Matt 20:16).

In this care for "the least of these," the Church follows our good and holy God, who created the material world as a **good** (though we fell through original sin, so our natures are damaged). He cares for His beloved creation, especially people, in their souls **and in their bodies.** From His total perfection and power, in His total mercy and sweetness, He descends to us in constant loving care, provision, and guidance, and through the salvation and redemption of Jesus, who became a weak, physical human being for us, to lift up and heal our bodies and spirits... because God's rule is that the strong help the weak. Because God cares so tenderly for *all* of His good creation, including the bodily, material aspects of it, the Church puts much emphasis on the physical human body in her creeds and in her liturgy.

FYI the teachings of the Church, about the details of the Trinity, Jesus, Mary & the saints, etc., were not revealed by God immediately, but were revealed over time by Him with the study and effort of many devoted Catholic clergy and theologians, and even laypeople. Several Doctors of the Church are women, some of them from medieval times, as far back as the 11th century.

On another subject, the Holy Spirit only supernaturally protects the *teachings* of the Church, not necessarily the holiness of the members of the Church, so we have had baptized Catholics who have been terrible sinners. Even Judas was a disciple of Jesus Christ Himself. As the Bible says, the wheat will grow with the tares, and each man must work out his own salvation with fear and trembling before God.

We have especially had many so-called "leaders in the Church" in the 20th & 21st centuries who have committed terrible crimes and sins ... especially since the Church was deliberately infiltrated by Communists and Freemasons in the 1900s in order to bring the Church down from within. This information comes from Freemasons and Communists themselves.

Read the Early Church Fathers in their fight against the gnostic heresy at NewAdvent.org > Fathers tab. Also read about the history of the Church and the popes (most of whom from the first to the fourth centuries were martyred) at Catholic.com. God bless you & your loved ones, and all who are reading this comment!

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"is our weird time getting so inexplicably, unnaturally weird that we need to humble ourselves, and go back to the most basic moral questions, just to survive?"

The Truth of the scriptures is unchanging. The world is getting weirder because, as the Hopi elder basically said, people are walking away from the Truth.

To find the right way, all one must do is to seek the Truth. In God, however we know Him, the Truth is everlasting. And the Truth is ours, if we only seek it.

"7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."

-- Matthew 7:7-8 (KJV) (from the Sermon on the Mount)

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