Innocent men women and children are NOT "colateral damage". Netanyahu in Israel and Zelenskyy in Ukraine can't get enough American Taxpayer money.

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Does Chuck Schumer feel bad Adam Shiff?

Were the Bolsheviks of 1917 Russia brave and noble men, Naomi.

Ever read any of the books of the Christian with the Jewish name,Naomi. Alfred Rosenberg?

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Chicken shit cyber account seditious drivel should be not only banned, but prosecuted.

Bruh, douche canoe elsewhere .

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The 'reporting' in this video is the most sophomoric analysis of the 'shooting' that exists on the internet.

What a sham Wolf is.

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Hey Naomi, love your stuff. Something to think about. "THEY." In this audio, you use the word "they" a lot. Who are "they"? Remember: "First they came for the socialists, but I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, but I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, but I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the me, and there was no one left to speak out for me." We might notice, if we pay attention, that the "they" changes over time. "They" like to take power when it is available. When they came for the socialists, the other "they" was waiting...

We might create an updated version along the lines o: Then they came for the maskless but I did not speak out, because I was wearing a mask. Then they came for the unvaccinated, but I did not speak out, because I was vaccinated. Then they came for the freedom speakers, but I did not speak out, because I was not a freedom speaker.... Then they came for the me, and there was no one left to speak out for me.

But who are "they?" Are they government? Are they the bureaucrats? Are they some powerful individuals or organizations that remain hidden, but pull the strings? Who are "they"?

Let me explain... I know you have been married. And divorced. What happened? A marriage is a "they," a community of two. Over time, the marriage, the community changes - often out of control of the two individuals. A marriage is almost like a living entity, with a life of its own - and sometimes a death of its own. Do you know what the cops hate? Domestics. People who might be perfectly reasonable, perfectly manageable as individuals - can become monsters in a "community." They are the community.

Communities are "they". Sometimes, a community, like a married couple, obvious, visible, explicit. But many "couple communities" are not. Is an "affair" a community of two? Or of three? Or sometimes both? But "they" is not just about marriage - it's about communities.

We live in a soup of communities. Each community is constantly changing, trying to find order, trying to support itself, cooperating and competing. This is life. Some communities are visible. Some are hidden. Some are largely open. Some are very secretive. Some communities are very small and clearly defined, ranging from "me, myself, and I" to huge fuzzy communities like "the Republican party and their supporters" or citizens of a country. Corporations, working together is an opportunity - communities grow. Corporations working with government to create laws about the industry is an opportunity for communities to grow. There is seldom need for a "small group of conspirators" when an entire corporate sector and an entire government department are aligned.

A truly open democracy would aim to make the communities visible. It is important to make them visible: "We have met the enemy, and he is us." is a great quote, illustrating the communities of "we" and "they." We can be them, if we can see them.

An aside, it's interesting (although a bit depressing) to read your Whackapedia page. Who are the communities (plural) that wrote this negatively biased nonsense? As long as Whackapedia is anonymous, it remains "unfree," a secret community. Whackapedia's claims to be "written from a neutral point of view" is clearly nonsense when we read statements like "Naomi... is a conspiracy theorist," ""

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Awesome! Dr Kirk is a wonderful person, I’m so glad he will be a regular. Thank you Naomi.

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Anyone else remember Trump's promise to have the miliitary deliver Warp Speed vaccines to every door?

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

It's clear the Trump shooting was a false flag. And Trump is a deep-state-desirable, war-minded candidate, and he still loves the vax too.

"Trump’s first term was a war presidency, even more than Obama’s. The Trump team: *Armed Ukraine to the teeth and flooded it with NATO advisors, setting the stage for the current war. *Assassinated Iran’s General Soleimani, a shoo-in to win that nation’s presidency, thereby almost setting off World War III. *Ratcheted up the covert US war on China, in part by attacking China with the COVID-19 anti-economy bioweapon. *Refused to withdraw from Afghanistan. *Refused to withdraw from Iraq and Syria despite demands from both governments. *Massively increased military spending. *Declared World War III against the world’s nearly two billion Muslims by approving Israel’s theft of territory, moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, and generally obeying Netanyahu’s every order, setting the stage for the current genocidal war."

Mark Crispin Miller says there was cheating to get Trump in, in 2016, followed by cheating to get Biden in, in 2020. Trump could well serve their purposes again, and based on past behavior, would not hesitate to herd Americans into quarantine camps.


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Trump's team wasn't in on it so that leaves the Biden abomination I mean administration and their deep state allies.

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Oh Trump gonna do a whole lot more than just that.

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Hi Andrew,

IF Trump can clean up the Climate and Covid frauds, he will be one of the greatest Presidents of all time. Frankly, he blew it the last time he had the chance, and caused enormous harm to America, harm that is still continuing.

~1.6 million Covid-vax-killed Americans and tens of millions of vax-injured all agree with me. Globally, so do ~20 million vax-killed and billions of vax-injured. No wonder he doesn't want to admit the truth!

If Trump can complete the rest of these achievements, he will be the greatest of all time.

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I've already done this once - when I was ~40, I initiated new ideas that were adopted that revitalized the Alberta oil sands, making Canada the #4 oil producer in the world. This made Canada the strongest economy in the G8 for two decades and injected more than a trillion dollars into the Canadian economy.

All my initiatives were later destroyed by idiot politicians - Canada is still #4 oil producer but all growth is gone, downtown Calgary offices are empty and our educated kids have to move elsewhere to get good jobs..

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A personal note to Naomi Wolf:

Dear Naomi,

I like you. You sound deeply shaken by the July 6 assassination attempt.

I've experienced several severe traumatic events that could have destroyed me.

I don't have any special recipe for survival - I just soldier on and after a while it gets better.

Stay grounded, close to those you love. NO alcohol, drugs, or other crutches.

Get lots of exercise, eat moderately, get lots of sleep.

Focus on the beauty and the wonder of life!

Best regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

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Who is Naomi Klein Allan?

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Naomi Wolf

Naomi Klein is from another universe.

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Just another Jew Actor >> Donald (Duck)Trump.....

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Troll? Or did you have an argument?

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This latest act of globalist theater should not make us forget that Trump remains the “father of the vaccine” and has never denounced the fake pandemic or the fake vaccine. On the contrary, he recently praised Pfizer's mRNA technology for fighting cancer.


This victimhood staging, so dear to those to whom he has always pledged loyalty, does nothing to erase the strong points of his biography: after seeing where he comes from, where he's going is unlikely to be anything other than Zion, the den of globalism.


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Exactly. I read recently that every single American president, bar none, since Washington, have belonged to the European monarchy families - and with this one you can see it in the family crest - all roads lead to the Lion of Judah, Zion. The Israelite priestly families, the descendants of Moses, the Secret Society of Moses, that worships the cult of Mithras, and they are the true Deep State. The Zion Imperial Empire.

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Wake up and smell the coffee America, what happened in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024 was a hasty and reckless plan by the DEEP STATE to whack Donald J. Trump. As I have stated to my wife for years, Barack Hussein Obama is overplaying his hand, both in deeds and pride:


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get real......they are all in bed together.....every us president lick the balls of the baby raping Jews

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It's not the "Jews" my friend. They are but the same useful idiots for their religious overlords that all Catholics and all Church of England British subjects were for the empires that used them as cannon fodder for the true evil - the Crown Monarchy Imperial Cults that come from Zion.

I read recently that every single American president, bar none, since Washington, have belonged to the European monarchy families - and with this one you can see it in the family crest - all roads lead to the Lion of Judah, Zion. The Israelite priestly families, the descendants of Moses, the Secret Society of Moses, that worships the cult of Mithras, and they are the true Deep State. The Zion Imperial Empire.

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If you know: The Mueller Investigation was a witch hunt, Covid was a Plandemic, Pfizer and Moderna jabs were not safe and effective, Joe Biden was cognitively impaired and CCP compromised in 2020, The 2020 Election was Stolen, January 6th was not an Insurrection, War in Ukraine was a money laundering operation, Inflation was caused by trillions in federal deficits and the war on fossil fuels, over 10 Million unvetted illegal immigrants were invited into America, Fentanyl Crisis is a CCP / Mexican Cartel operation, the Raid on Mar a Lago was staged, the DOJ and FBI have been weaponized against political opponents, DEI is a cover for Government and Corporate Criminals, Then You Know the Trump Assassination attempt was planned by the same Blob that did all the Above. Fight, Fight, Fight the Blob!

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Hey Eddie, no one ever told you that shit post and block is fucked up? The refuge of losers liars and sock puppets

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You need to help that only a true professional can give. Pathological liar is a terrible optic

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100% Agreement Jpeach!

We are submerged in a Sea of Lies concocted by our governments.

Rule One: The Left Lies About Everything!

THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae

"The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence."


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull



Fifty Years of False Fears



The New Dark Age


Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

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interesting how DARPA is in Bed with FDA ..........Jews are Masons as are Jesuits....and there are a few more....and their first meeting was at the Vatican from 1540s to 1563 .....better known as the Council of Trent in which they censored out books in the bible and set up the original One World Control , and since has been augmented to fit the times......change to maintain control without being obvious.. Jews-Jesuts-Masons have been the sole publishers and editors of most school text books worldwide public and private schools....Jews also edit encyclopedias ,dictionaries and history books along with most Bibles and Korans and have for centuries....JJM have been in control for centuries...and today the JJM now control all your food and most food stores and chair stores...They Created a World control system called Department of Advanced Research Prolects Agency >> https://www.darpa.mil/ << DARPA was created orginally as ARPA in 1958 as created by DD Eisenhower to basically cover his administrations assets over several '"Mistakes" he had to create ARPA to cover the "Mistakes" ...as too many got caught with ..........list is LONG!!! https://www.worldhistory.org/article/2018/index-of-prohibited-books/ But DARPA is now worldwide in every nation...and their 'fingers' are FBI and CIA and HOMOLAND security (and acting Jew Trump) ...DARPA controls Walmart , Most governments , Artificial Intellects , Hospitals , medical unites including Doctors m Nurses Pharmacies , Big Pharma all energies oil gas electric , Educations and on and on...... DARPA is the 'Do-Boys' for the JJM >>>> https://www.darpa.mil/ <<< DARPA has its 'Fingers' into everything , your habits , your medical issues , your family your Kids and pets But that only who controls everything....now 5G will finish off anything that is still moving after 2027 until 2030 when there will be Peace on Earth......90% of the Goyium and worthless feeders will be eradicated...... WOW.......I wonder what Jew Alex Jones will talk about then????

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Hello Jpeach: As stated above, I have told my wife for years Barack Hussein Obama is overplaying his hand. Not only in his deeds, but also in his pride. Accordingly, methinks Barack Hussein Obama had to greenlight this failed CIA assassination of Donald J. Trump and here are the reasons for my theory of BHO's involvement:

Do you remember that time in 2016 when Attorney General Loretta Lynch decided she would take a private meeting with Bill Clinton on her plane as it was parked on the tarmac in Phoenix – while Bill’s wife, Hillary Clinton (when she was Obama’s Secretary of State), was under federal investigation for using a secret and unlawful private email server at her New York home, to receive thousands of top secret and classified government emails?

With the obvious corruption of the Phoenix tarmac meeting in mind; it is my humble opinion that our Constitutional Republic permanently fell during the 2016 presidential election cycle on July 5 when FBI Director James Comey ignored the rule of law and “exonerated” Hillary Clinton for the illegal server and the thousands of her classified emails. At that point in American history, the “rule of law” in the USA began its demise and because the constitutional provisions for remedy to the ensuing felonious acts and omissions (think FISA Court - “Crossfire Hurricane”) of James Comey, (et al) were never pursued; our Constitutional Republic has fallen and is irreparable…... and the 2022 FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago along with the four unconstitutional indictments of Donald J. Trump and the “Bragg show trial in New York”, is my proof We the People now live in a banana republic.

[However, with Saturday's (7/13/2024) failed CIA assassination of DJT, the term "banana republic" is no longer accurate. Fascist/CIA/JUNTA/Stasi is closer to the DEEP STATE than "banana republic".]

Please be cognizant: The Comey/Hillary Clinton exoneration was three weeks prior to a July 2016 Oval Office meeting orchestrated by President Barack Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett and attended by Vice President Joe Biden, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, national security adviser Susan Rice and CIA Director John Brennan.

According to CIA Director John Brennan’s handwritten notes, Brennan informed attendees of “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton" on July 26, 2016, of “a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.” [In other words, a scandal about collusion with Russia.] According to a CIA memo, the intent of this plan was “distracting the public from Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.”

Later it was shown that the plan was enacted via the Steele dossier, which Robby Mook, Clinton’s former campaign director, acknowledged under oath in 2022 to have procured. So explosive were Brennan’s notes that U.S. senators needed a federal court order, issued four years after Obama’s Oval Office meeting, to wrest a copy of it from the Department of Justice. Released along with Brennan’s notes was a copy of a CIA memo sent to FBI Director James Comey and Peter Strzok, (the deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division and manager of FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane”), delineating the Barack Hussein Obama’s Oval Office meeting’s discussions and Obama's directives to the intelligence agencies.

That is why I posit; Barack Hussein Obama greenlighted the 7/13/2024 failed CIA assassination of Donald J. Trump.

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I spent my entire life in the technical world as a software developer, and an instructor in the field of industrial automation, namely in the logical realm.

I just don't understand why the Democrats refer to Trump as a fascist, a danger on a planetary scale, a person, who will destroy America. I am intimately familiar with European history, having been born during WWII, starting my life in a Communist-controlled state. I thought that moving to, and living in North America, the aberrations of the old continent would be gone for us. And lo and behold, the ugly head of all the despicable traits appeared, especially in the US. To me, a part Ashkenazi Jew, the endless, unbridled antisemitic riots in the cities was an utter shock, from which I cannot recover. If this is what the Democrat party condones, then I will never understand why anyone in the US would remain a supporter of that party.

The Trump incident just increased my indignation and fears. I am glad that I am in my eighties and will not have to see the devolution of this word into abject anarchy.

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DJT threatens their grip on global wealth and power.

If the globalist billionaire club asked the people to support them against DJT so they could stay rich & powerful, they'd get no support.

So they came up with the "Trump is a racist" narrative, then "Trump is a white supremacist", then "Trump is a nazi".....

Those Big Lies, ludicrous as they,are, are used to get foot soldiers - useful idiots - on the side of the global mafia.

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Out of the Nazi playbook. You tell a lielong enough and often enough it becomes the truth. The young are so ignorant of history. To them God is a smartphone.

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Yes, Joseph Goebbels as Hitler's propaganda Minister. As head of Nazi propaganda efforts, Joseph Goebbels crafted many of the myths and rituals that spread anti-Semitism and demanded devotion to the Führer in Germany....Goebbels propaganda strategies are the forerunner of today's "gaslighting"- now being unleased by the Marxist-corrupt MSM on the credulous sheeple.

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Get real Carl.....all you really KNOW is what the Jew Published Textbook you were forced to read.........all textbooks in Public and Private schools are published and edited by Jew Owned and edited by Jews ./fact......,maybe take the time to watch the Other side of the coin>>> https://www.bitchute.com/video/LK8YspWivxwz

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So. God did NOT move Trump's head at just the right moment. (Nor the devil as one person hypothesized.) Trump was complicit in a false flag. He is a false messiah (aka an antichrist). I earnestly pray the Creator will show the Truth to everyone who wants the truth.

Biden is an enemy, too. Not sure the 3rd party candidates are any better. Better focus on our local elections, and explore things like Tactical Civics plans to restore an America worth cheering and fighting for. Tactical Civics itself is anti-American, as they are against applying the First Amendment to Muslims. But we need to read and understand their books.

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Being infected by the TDS virus is like shingles, which is caused by the Varicella zoster virus. Once in the body, it will remain there for the rest of the patient's life.

TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) will remain in the brains of its patients. Recovery is not possible and up to the present, there are no treatments to stop and reverse the condition.

The most vulnerable prospects are students in institutions of higher learning, where the disease originates from the teaching staff.

Somebody should start configuring a histogram, so that we can see how the disease spreads.

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I am not inclined to believe that recovery is not possible. Was JD Vance not a sufferer at one time?

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Vance still did not reach the irreversible stage of TDS. He was lucky!

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I am not inclined to believe God saved Trump, but why are you so certain God did not save him?

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Find the video posted below by Vee. My comment was intended as a reply to that by got moved to the main thread when I logged in to post it. The video is as good as proof gets that the event was staged, a false flag.

On the other hand, Trump and his team have repeatedly told us that we are at war. According to the Chinese classic "The Art of War" by Sun Tsu, all warfare is deception. Trump has repeatedly glorified the Creator and Jesus Christ. So maybe Trump really is "God's David" as prophet Kim Clement put it. Maybe God is very much with him.

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I thought Kennedy sounded okay. But he's into radical environmentalism. I believe this shooting on Saturday will be used to restrict the 2nd amendment.

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Everything will be used to restrict the second amendment.

Actually, "infringe" is the only word we should use to describe any negative effect regarding the 2nd amendment.

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