I received mine the day it was released. I was not expecting a text book! I'm thrilled! Diving into it this weekend.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

So happy to have received my copy today, and although only a quick look through so far, I'm impressed by how easy it will be to read and digest, even for a lay person. I believe this book is not only important to read, but to have in print form. THANK YOU, Naomi Wolf, for your courage and tenacity. No easy thing during this time we're living in.

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My copy should arrive tomorrow.

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My copy arrived today and I am eagerly digging into this wonderful book. Thanks for the heroic work you’ve done.

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Thank you for creating the road map to the TRUTH! May those holding the guilt of their actions , find the power of the path to truth no matter how painful their journey.

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Classic case of Genocide, Medical Fraud, Coercion, Racketeering, Mass Murder, Money Laundering, Embezzlement, and Treason.

Gates, Eugenicist like his father William Gates who worked with Margaret Singer at Planned Parenthood, the biggest killers of babies thru Abortions. Gates Quoted: We want to reduce the Population thru vaccines and other reproductive methods. So the rich and wealthy can live with all the resources.

A bunch of Satanic Diabolical Monsters who sold their souls to the devil.

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Congratulations Naomi and co-authors on your new book!

Most of my Substack is devoted to the Covid and Climate Scams, the greatest frauds of our Age:



I emailed many of these posts to our Alberta government, who continue to pretend to "act dumb" wrt the great harm they have done. I stopped being polite with them years ago.

In both the USA and Canada, the death toll from the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" now exceeds our total losses in ALL our wars, dating back to the 1500's. Some 20-25% of our huge vaxxed populations are vaxx-injured, many seriously, and will never be healthy again.

Since Sept2022, I have advocated with the Alberta and Florida governments to treat the vaxx-injured with "Ivermectin Plus" (plus suitable additives to rid the body of the toxic injections), thus far without success.

My books were published about one year ago, so have become somewhat dated, but still record some of the earliest and most accurate assessments and predictions of the Climate and Covid frauds.

THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae

"The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence."


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull



Fifty Years of False Fears



The New Dark Age


Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

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Got it this morning in hardback. I have the first printing in paperback already but want the updated hardback for the future.

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When I asked my Dr if my thyroid cancer which appeared after the one Pfizer vaccine he dismissed it as well as heart palpitations.

When I reported this to CDC they did nothing. I’ve developed AS since the one vaccine

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See Dr William Makis substack re the latest on Ivermectin cures for some cancers.

Blessings, Allan

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My pre-ordered copy landed on my doorstep yesterday. I started reading last night. Naomi & Amy, this discussion was so helpful in approaching the volume of information. Thank you all for your endurance & hard work in bringing this format to the public.

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Thank you to you, Amy and Naomi, and all the volunteers who worked so hard to bring this book about. Thanks, too, to Steve Bannon for encouraging the writing of this book. I’ll be anxious to read it.

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Thank you! I requested that the local library purchase this book. Question: How long before the Global Justice Tribunals begin? ...And when will Reiner Fuellmich be released from prison?

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I ordered your new book and I can't wait to dive into it! These disgusting humans must be held accountable for their crimes against humanity and people can never again be so quick to jump on an evil bandwagon and allow fear to guide them when they don't know the facts.

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Just ordered a copy. Let's expose these assholes once and for all. God bless you and other truth tellers for all your hard work.

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What you did was the work of Ha Shem. It is astounding. It made me realize how blessed my family has been.No one in my immediate family took it. One morning in March, my son woke up , called me and said he and his family were coming. I said great. Not one of the adults ever said," Should we..." Reading your post, I understand more fully the blessing that we ignored everything we heard and read. You are doing God's work.

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At almost $27, the Kindle book is a bit pricey–nearly double the price of the audiobook.

What is the pricing strategy, especially given #Bidenomics?

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Order the paper book.

A digital copy could "disappear" with government and Big Pharma censorship.

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