Crowdsourcing getting the book translated (as ChatGPT4o will not do the entire text in one go) would make this all go very fast. Steve Bannon would be proud? In any case I WOULD BE PROUD. Thank you. Peace and God Bless.

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PLEASE translate the entire book "The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity" in relevant foreign languages ASAP including by using appropriate LLM for translation. GET HELP if desired from native speakers, but (frankly) the translations will be good enough with, e.g., ChatGPT4o, surely with some others as well. Not saying the following numbers are (absolutely) trustworthy, but this can be checked from other sources. ChatGPT4o is telling as:

Here are the top 10 most spoken languages in the world by the number of native speakers:

Mandarin Chinese – Approximately 920 million native speakers

Spanish – Approximately 485 million native speakers

English – Approximately 373 million native speakers

Hindi – Approximately 345 million native speakers

Arabic – Approximately 310 million native speakers

Bengali – Approximately 234 million native speakers

Portuguese – Approximately 232 million native speakers

Russian – Approximately 154 million native speakers

Japanese – Approximately 125 million native speakers

Lahnda (Western Punjabi) – Approximately 101 million native speakers

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It was trivial to translate the entire text to Korean using ChatGPT4o. PLEASE translate msg above into a wide range of foreign languages ASAP. (Using whatever method provides good translations. I happen to know that this LLM does quite well for English to Korean--I am not arguing for it or against others (Claude, etc, etc). System is not allowing me to post the entire translation--a pity. So--I show just the first part.

Our book, The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity, was published two days ago; it is already a bestseller. This is a book that three governments — the US, the UK, and Australia — all sought to suppress. The story of how it came to be is extraordinary — 3,250 highly credentialed doctors and scientists, under the leadership of one extraordinary woman, Amy Kelly, worked for two years on the 450,000 internal Pfizer documents released under court order by a successful lawsuit by attorney Aaron Siri. In the process, these volunteers confirmed the greatest crime against humanity of all time. Read on.

저희 책 The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity는 이틀 전에 출간되었으며, 이미 베스트셀러가 되었습니다. 이 책은 미국, 영국, 호주 3개 정부가 억제하려 했던 책입니다. 이 책이 탄생한 과정은 놀라운 이야기입니다. 3,250명의 매우 자격 있는 의사와 과학자들이 Amy Kelly라는 한 비범한 여성의 지도하에 2년 동안 성공적인 소송을 통해 변호사 Aaron Siri가 법원 명령으로 공개한 화이자의 450,000개의 내부 문서를 분석했습니다. 이 과정에서 이 자원봉사자들은 역사상 가장 큰 인류에 대한 범죄를 확인했습니다. 계속 읽어보세요.

Introduction by Naomi Wolf

This book in your hands is the result of an extraordinary set of confluences. It also presents, in a format available in bookstores for the first time, material that has already changed history.

Naomi Wolf 서문

여러분이 손에 들고 있는 이 책은 놀라운 인과관계의 결과물입니다. 또한 이 책은 서점에서 처음으로 구할 수 있는 형식으로 역사를 바꾼 자료를 담고 있습니다.

You are about to embark as a reader on a journey through an extraordinary story—one whose elements almost defy belief.

여러분은 이제 거의 믿기 힘든 요소들로 구성된 놀라운 이야기 속으로 여행을 떠날 준비를 하고 있습니다.

The Pfizer Papers is the result of a group of strangers—ordinary people with extraordinary skills, located in different places around the world, with different backgrounds and interests—who all came together, for no money or professional recompense at all; out of the goodness of their hearts, and motivated by love for true medicine and true science—to undertake a rigorous, painfully detailed, and complex research project, which spanned the years 2022 to the present, and which continues to this day.

The Pfizer Papers는 세계 각지에서 온 다양한 배경과 관심사를 가진 보통 사람들이 자발적으로 모여 이루어진 결과물입니다. 이들은 금전적 보상이나 직업적 보상을 받지 않았으며, 오직 진정한 의학과 과학에 대한 사랑으로 인해 이 복잡하고 고통스럽게 상세한 연구 프로젝트에 참여했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 2022년부터 현재까지 진행되었으며 계속되고 있습니다.

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Dr. Wolf, I want to thank you, but thank you is hardly adequate to express my gratitude for what you have accomplished against unbelievable odds. Thank you to Steve Bannon. Thank you to Amy Miller. Thank you to the thousands of volunteers that made this most important volume possible. There, unfortunately, is more to come about this satanic affront to humanity. It is my hope that because of your (and your team) efforts and the will of millions of freedom fighters, those responsible from the top (our government) to the bottom (Big Pharm employees) will receive their just rewards, God willing. Again, thank you, and may God look over and protect you.

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Right now it doesn't matter if I survive this, as long as the Truth Be Told. God Bless you and your colleagues. This is a very difficult part of human history and the cries of "Never Again" should become global and enduring across time and space. I thought it was interesting that Israel were first in line to get the experimental shots and they gave the CEO of Pfizer an award. Interesting but not surprising if you go to my substack post about the sacrifice of Jews and Palestinians, it is down the bottom of my archives.

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Remember …they wanted to keep all this secret for 75 yrs….Now! you know that any death or disability was purposeful … they wanted the FDA to be free to allow injections without full disclosure of these major side-effects. This is pure deception and deceit on the part of those at the FDA and the owners of these papers….indictments are warranted as are full compensation for any and all complications…in the least a Jury trial!

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Dear Dr. Wolf.... I've ordered the hardcover, just now. This made me cry:

===By the time Pfizer's vaccine rolled out to the public, the pharmaceutical giant knew that they would be killing babies and significantly harming women and men’s reproduction. The material in the documents makes it clear that damaging human’s ability to reproduce and causing spontaneous abortions of babies is “not a bug, it is a feature.”===

The depth of their evil is mind-boggling and heart-stopping. We need millions of people to buy your book and read as much as they can---or at least read this article!

God bless you and your incredible team, a thousand times.

Peter Brown

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My healthy grandson was born to my un-jabbed daughter and her un-jabbed husband, and I am forever grateful to the voices that were raised in protest! My now son-in-law had to petition his university for a jab exemption and endure repeated tests while in school. I think my 96yo father has so far dodged the bullets and I am trying to get him to reject the booster this time around. Last year his next door neighbor collapsed and died 3 days after the whole complex was injected.

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What about vaccination "Shedding", are we all subjected to the toxins in the shots???

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Real facts no BS … thank u Naomi

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I just received my hard copy of "The Pfizer Papers" this week. The book is so beautifully done! There is so much more to the book's contents than readers can imagine. Incredible graphics, images, charts, illustrations and more complement the text perfectly. The book itself is nice and big - solid. And the information is organized meticulously. Thank you, Naomi and Amy Kelly, for putting this huge project together! I can't imagine the time it took you two to edit all the material. Your efforts are so appreciated!

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We just received your amazing book. It's beautiful and so rich. We've all suspected this, but this is stunning. Thank you so much. Yes, we do need to convene Nurember II. These sociopaths are disgusting and less than human.

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We need Nuremberg II to convict and hang the mass murderers:


Without truly severe punishment, Pfauci and his ilk will smirk and do it again, and again, and again.

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🌷Hi Naomi🌺

Currently at work, I am going through being marginalized,ostracized,targeted,slandered,character assassination,rediculed,gossiped,backatabbed, wrote up for false anything, scrutinized.

I work healthcare. It is picking up steam 2024 election. I avoid politics but they do not. If you do not joim the hive or collective, they retaliate.

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Thank Naomi for this monumental work. My wife and I were just discussing last night the fact that no one has gone to jail for perpetrating these crimes. Yet, Steve Bannon was jailed for refusing to appear before Congress.

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Excellent observation!

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