I’m trying to vet Dan Lyon’s claim that Whole Foods is spraying their vegetables with linoleic acid. Obviously you can’t Google it. Bezos wouldn’t publish it. I need a way to verify this.

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Has this been actually tested?

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I love what u have been doing

But what r u doing now

How can u doubt del Bigtree?

What r u thinking

U need to apologise

And now

We all need to stick together or we r all toast

If I don’t hear an apology

Then I’m going to have to delete u

And that would be sad

He has been speaking up about this long before u came on the stage

What r u thinking🙆‍♂️🤔🤷‍♂️🙏

Jack Hopkins


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You are certainly free to have your own opinion! However, the Bible tells us that each man has a portion that must be shared when gathered together. Every single person, no matter how humble or low in educational achievement, has something to share that will add to the picture that we need to see in order to understand what is happening. While I enjoy Bigtree, I must confess that I love Naomi! May I suggest to you that you listen to her and enjoy what she has to contribute as the Bible indicates that we should and then listen to Mr. Bigtree whenever you choose to do so? Add the two together and eliminate anything that bothers you. Filter it through your gut instincts. Watch and wait! While I love Mr BigTree I have found Naomi to be spot on about everything! May God bless you as you go through this process of combining the viewpoints of all of those around us that have so much to share!

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Dr Mercola has been coming out strongly about the linoleic acid in seed oils. I’ve stopped using them as completely as I can. He’s also coming out against milled flaxseed which is high in omega 3. I’m reluctant to give that up but it’s concerning regarding the documentation he presented. I avoid processed foods for me, but I have a hard time with my husband. He’s been a lifelong food junkies. Thanks for this informative interview. Dan is doing a great service for us.

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I am on a detox from diet culture after 56 yrs of following every plan and the next best fix I had to stop the insanity. I agree with everything Dan is saying here, particularity regarding seed oils - they are in Everything !!!! example reading the back of Organic salad dressing -is there such a thing as organic canola oil-??? Twenty yrs ago I had gastric bypass surgery -went in weighing 230 lbs, and yes I lost weight but nearly lost my life from a major complication 1 month post -op I had a major GI bleed and lost nearly half of my blood volume . I had emergency surgery and spent 4 days in ICU on a ventilator and 2 weeks in the hospital. Came home with a feeding tube in my stomach for a month. It took me nearly a year to recover completely--I lost too much weight along with muscle, lost my hair from malnutrition. Today at 68 yrs I still struggle with weight issues but I have a much more balanced approach--I refuse to go back to having panic attacks in the grocery store !!! We attempt --not always successfully to to eat whole foods ,locally grown produce and meats, daily fermented foods, and avoid processed junk --we have a thriving garden this yr and just planted raspberry bushes---doing the best I can but also not not beating myself up if I get off track --- stay calm. keep moving on --

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Is methalene blue good for your mitochondria? Is so how much and how often should it be taken? Also nitric oxide, is it too, good for mitochondria. What type should be used and how often? I've also heard changing toothpaste from fluoridated to xylitol is good for mitochondria. I'm thinking the biggest thing is staying away from seed oils.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Naomi--if you would like to explore the resistance training component further I encourage you to interview my mentor Drew Baye (at baye.com). While I can't speak for Drew and have never discussed this with him directly I believe Drew is of the opinion that the background environmental contributors to obesity and poor health that Dan Lyons discussed are not generally of the significance or magnitude suggested in this interview.

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Metabolic function can be restored easily. After 16 hours of fasting, most cell's insulin receptors have switched from the insulin activated anabolic (growth) state to the ketogenic catabolic (fat burning) state. The mere act of spending time in ketosis restores metabolic flexibility. Insulin resistance will reverse quickly when cells are not deluged with insulin 24/7. Our standard American diet (SAD) tells us to eat many small meals throughout the day which is a prescription for disaster (insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, obesity/overweight, hypertension, fatty liver, heart disease, cancer). Please search Dr. Cate Shanahan, Dr. Thomas Seyfried, Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Christy Kesslering, Dr. Anthony Chaffee, for starters. These are a few of my favorites who I credit with saving my life. They are not behind paywalls and are literally trying to save the world.

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Thanks Dr. Wolf.

BTW: did you watch Thehighwire.com latest episode where he includes several audio soundbites from someone who sounds quite alot like you but is highly critical of the proposed Vaccine Confidence legislation?

Host Del Bigtree spends alot of time explaining the thinking and revealing the strategy.

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After going keto everything flipped for the better

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so if this is being sprayed on our fruits and veg obviously it is not coming off when we wash them. What is best way to get it off; or has it been absorbed and impossible? Many of us depend on food supply; so how do we circumvent any if this? Even grassfed beef will be shot with MRNA V$ax

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Soak 15 minutes in apple cider vinegar

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Hi Dr. Wolf,

Unfortunately to learn anything, I must spend $70 to start Dan Lyons nutritional course.

Can you provide another free link or even a summary? I can't afford to spend just to hear him talk.


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I am sorry - I meant to have him explain everything important to you for free. I’ll ask him for a blog or summary

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Hi Dr. Wolf,

Unfortunately to learn anything, I must spend $70 to start Dan Lyons nutritional course.

Can you provide another free link or even a summary? I can't afford to spend just to hear him talk.


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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

This health slide has been a long time building. Who have been the main sponsors of television programming for the previous decades? That would be big pharma and big food. How much television have we watched instead of going outdoors to play? I shudder to think. That’s a lot of memes we have consumed.

And seed oils! Don’t get me started. They are everywhere. Especially in processed foods. Condiments. And even meat and eggs where the animal feed contains this component. Mercola posts a lot about the sea of linoleic acid we are awash in and how to avoid it. His research has led him to believe it is a main driver of our epidemic of ill health that is an opinion in agreement with this guest.

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Shoot your TV

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1st laugh of the day !!!

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I needed that laugh!

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Seed oils are like diesel in a gas engine. They block energy production at the mitochondrial level. Less energy, your body begins to conserve through pathways using stress hormones, making the whole process worse by taking energy substrate from organs, bones and soft tissue. Metabolism drops, weight comes on. Eat less food to lose weight? More metabolism dysfunction. Makes it worse. Calories in, calories out is a fraud and not scientific at all. Eat less, move more—the same.

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Thank you for this! Not so easy to paint such a masterful picture with so few words. It reveals a depth of understanding we can all benefit from- another way we can all work on returning this nation to the beacon of hope and morality it once was! Much appreciated.

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BTW, Dr Mercola would make a good interview.

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Jun 14Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Go to the gym several times a week in Yuma. I am 70 in good shape and weight my trip to the gym part of a 10 mile bike ride. Lots of seniors there working out. 90% of them have significant BMI issues. I applaud them for their lifestyle choice but a life of nutritional deficiencies makes it tough to achieve a semblance of goals

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Jun 14Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

I had to quit keto and lowcarb. It destroyed my metabolism and damaged my thyroid after several years. I wasn’t hungry so my metabolism tanked from under eating and nutrition deficiency (like calcium). The gurus don’t tell you any of this. I’m eating plenty of carbs in fruit and easy to digest carbs like potatoes. I have more energy and sleep very good now. I cut back on hard exercise—it’s too much stress on a nutritionally deprived body. No more IF or OMAD. So glad I have done this. I’m on a forum of past lowcarb eaters. The damages are hard to overcome. I’m 9 months on this journey to correct my metabolism and heal my thyroid. Dr Mercola tipped me off last year. Cheers! If folks quit seed oils they would get changes but restaurants still use them so I rarely eat out. Our food supply must be the most tainted and polluted food in the world. Check out another pesticide coming called RNAi. It messes with the genes in plants but no testing on what it will do to humans.

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Yep! We are being slowly poisoned to death.

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Jun 14Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

It’s not a shock that “they” are still telling us that linoleic acid is good for us.

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