Please Naomi, can you get your message and advice directly to Trump?! I doubt he has advice and handlers like Kamala has, so who is it that can advise him wisely? I so agree he loses his way message wise, too busy entertaining his audience.

It's you Naomi, you need a sit down with him, do for him what you did successfully for the Democrats. He so needs to know how to, as you said, surgically get his message out.

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Wow I just listened to this Naomi, Thank you for giving such good advice and I reallyhope they will listen !

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That was great advice Dr. Wolf gave to Dr. Navarro. I hope he takes it back to the team. She should be invited to become an advisor to the campaign.

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They need to hire you.

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Navarro may be a hero, but he has not "ears to hear". Like so many academics, he confuses language with function, and has very little understanding of the real world. E.g., he does not see any difference between presenting policy as a message and examining it in tiny, unnecessary (to the task at hand) detail to all and sundry. No wonder you are worried about the Republicans losing this election: they still won't listen to people who know the enemy, they still can't get out of traditional ad hominem attack mode, they still don't understand who the audience that needs to be persuaded is. He's too old because long ago his worldview got cemented during the Nixon years and he still sees things in those terms. You're right, these folks need a media course to grasp that it is ONLINE that this contest will occur; that a message (not one of chickbaiting but one of " the country needs X and we're gonna' ...") needs to be repeated and repeated and repeated so that people have a response to "what is Trump policy platform?" in three sentences or less.

But I would respectfully suggest that you stop repeating "respectfully", and just lay it out there ... just as they do, eh? (I'm CDn so that phrase just pops out every now and then!) That word is a 'dismissal' signal as it is a clear marker of subordination and will automatically close the ears of any egotist on the receiving end, no matter the quality of the information following.

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You were spot on with comments about the Trump campaign. We're tired of hearing Kamala called names--her reputation speaks for itself, no need to spend time on it. We're so much bigger than that! Also, drop the transgender and gay issues that apply to a minute portion of the population. What do we want to hear about? The border, the economy, stopping an impending war, fair trade, stopping censorship and the Deep State, and reinstituting our republic. Emphasize that abortion laws are up to the states-- too many still think all abortions are outlawed. (Sadly, that's an issue important to some.)

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“Famed Economist?” Peter Navarro? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 The products you Hoc are not supposed to be smoked!

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It is an admission of guilt to be proud of any country or group that got “96% fully vaccinated”, since the vaccine was known & shown NOT to be safe (myocarditis) or effective (no prevention of viral spread).

And the Spike protein was known to be dangerous with previous vaccines using it (2003)

1. That vaccine KILLED all the lab animals once they were infected w/ Corona virus after their vaccination…. (Published in UP TO DATE Medical text - due to Antibody Enhancement phenomena…….


2. the SALK INSTITUTE’s Study on giving Spike protein solo in early 2021 showing its toxicity (ignored by the media): below:


Originally Published 31 March 2021

Free Access

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2

Yuyang Lei, Jiao Zhang, Cara R. Schiavon https://

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Trump didn't know. DARPA did what they intended. Lied to Trump and he could do nothing right according to the press so he bent over backwards for the pandemic advisers. He knows now. RFK Jr would have put him right.

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True !

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As a lifelong conservative I am begging the campaign to listen to you. I fully agree with everything you have said - they never have a message other than the other side is bad or dumb or immoral. Every time I listen to a Republican I turn it off as it is such a childlike approach to problem solving. Peter is not dumb but he is so like the rest in that they just don’t listen or they just don’t get it. God help us.

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President Trump has given four hours long press conferences and campaigns this week. You might want to tune in to hear his thoughts, and his policies. The Press followed with questions both in MAL and Bedminster. You’re missing out.

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If it takes 4 hours to get the message across than that is exactly the problem. In addition, I have watched some of his campaign messages and he loses me five minutes in after the constant repeating of the same old uninteresting drivel. I am not against Trump - I am for Trump staying on point with a proper message.

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Next time you talk to Dr Navarro ask him this: In early 2022 you were on Steve Bannon’s Warroom podcast and you said when the pandemic started you and Trump selected a vaccine candidate that was “already in the pipeline.” How long had that “vaccine” candidate been in the pipeline, how did it get in the pipeline in the first place, and do you still believe a virus with an IFR no different than the flu and less harmful to children qualifies as a pandemic?

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Ask Fauci. He’s an Economic advisor with a JD, not MD.

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Oh, and follow up by asking him how he feels about the vaccine candidate they selected that’s killed millions of human beings, after being told they were safe and effective.

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So good to hear from you again, Dr. Navarro. You were missed during your absence. I respect your decision to act honorably in the face of injustice.

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She publicly insulted him due to Walz’s lie about his war experience. She said he lacked loyalty to the USA.

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I heard JD’s question as what have you done as Vice President, something I would very much like to know to understand how she could be considered electable without a record to tout. ( Harris judicial record was skimpy).

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* Additionally, I can’t imagine Vance asking out of nowhere”what have you ever done?” It was prompted by her stating she is not sure about his loyalty to the USA.

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So true about Roe. It’s the states and the people’s decision now! And Trump has publicly said he will not ban abortion, and he believes in the three exceptions.

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Dr Naomi Wolf—appreciate your comments, but loved your facial expressions — you said volumes more without words. Thanks

Dr Navarro—God bless you for your willingness to sacrifice for principles. Thank-you for your willingness to become educated on this important topic—and continuing to stand in the breach on these issues.

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So very kind of you, Naomi, to offer your excellent campaign advice for free. I hope they utilize your in valuable wisdom. As a traditionally liberal voting woman (pre-plandemic) I feel you are spot on!!

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Her advice should dang well be free if she cares more about saving the country than getting paid for advice!

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