The inflammation was the result of ligaments of the knee that were stretched and as a result walking irritated the bursae. It took about 3-4 months of little to no walking before the ligaments healed to where the bursae was not inflamed. Tumeric and ice packs really helped me to tolerate the pain by helping to reduce the inflammation. After 5 months i stopped taking it as the pain was gone. That was a year ago and no pain since then. A month ago i went on a trip to Chattanooga, TN with two of my adult children and hiked some moderate to difficult mountain trails in the rain and had a blast. Not bad for a 72 year old guy.

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May 2Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Turmeric + black pepper in my chicken soup => excellent digestion, that's my latest discovery.

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May 2Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Every morning, I make a “shot” of OJ/apple cider vinegar/turmeric/cayenne/vit D drop and acerola cherry powder, which I take my beef liver capsules with. It’s like a shot of spicy sunshine!

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You are a Jew. There are no two sides.

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turmeric was my gateway drug

tried ‘cause of a health guru’s plug

then got into black oil seed

and saw palmetto’s what i need


of course i take some B complex

vitamin C as you’d expect

and don’t forget the seaweed pills

packed full of healthy chlorophylls


zinc and extra calcium

add iron and magnesium

there is some ginko in there too

and st john’s wort if i’m blue


plus probiotics and leutine

all part of the daily routine

and with each supplement i got

soon found what it cured i forgot


i hope these all are doing good

‘cause i don’t have room for real food


The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

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Ahahah Yes, you can go overboard with those for sure!

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ironically enough, when i was young-n-stupid, i used to mock my grandmother for all the supplements she took...

now i are her...

what goes around, comes around...


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The thing is, you remembered when the time came :)

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Apr 30Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf


Here's an article on Lion's Mane mushroom, another wonderful food that is useful for Alzheimers and Parkinson's and perhaps diseases of the brain that haven't been fully studied. I read today that the mRNA shots are causing prion disease. Perhaps Lion's Mane could help alleviate some of the symptoms.

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thank you so much! 🙏

This will really help my wife!

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Apr 30Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Nano curcumin is what I have been taking- more absorbable than powder. Piperine can affect the liver,

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Naomi, I'm glad you, or your staff, have finally found the benefits of turmeric. I noticed you have not been too "Outspoken" about the Hanas October Massacre. I'm just wondering why since you have a huge audience and you are a Jew.

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I constantly call for peace and for all ‘sides’ to obey international law.

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As you are unquestionably an actuve and prominent member of The Liberty Movement; please forgive my boldness in suggesting that you be a bit more judicious in the word "force" ... even if means "forcing" your loved ones to (rightfully) consume more turmeric and curcumin.

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Apr 30Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

There are SO many natural antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatoires & anti-carcinogens.

Turmeric is great but find trusted sources also on:

Garlic, ginger root, rosemary, cloves, citrus fruits, olive leaves, cinnamon, thyme, cider vinegar, bicarb, black seed, sage, dandelion, elder flowers & elder berries, flax seed, zinc, selenium, green tea, vitamins C & D, hibiscus flowers, licorice root. And sources of omega3, quercetin, glutathione, berberine & astragalus.

To name a few!

Pharma & governments have systematically hidden this information from 2 generations now. Once you start really looking into these sources of good health, it’s inspiring.

(Personally I haven’t used any Pharma stuff for years & hope to avoid it forever!)

Greenmedinfo is a good place to look; so is Dr Mercola’s website.

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Apr 30Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Naomi. This has nothing to do with turmeric ( which I do use) but your April 19 double episode of weird people will not play on the podcast app I use ( castbox) .

I'm just telling you in case it affects all of the podcast apps. Your other outspoken episodes play just fine but this one ( 2) will not load or download. I don't understand any of this or how it works, but I wanted you to know.

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Thank you! I’ll tell my producer

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Apr 30Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

turmeric is only effective if it is taken with black pepper. I watched a young man buying a bunch at the farmers market last Sunday and he says he put them in juice I believe. Unless he's putting pepper with it he will not get the benefits. I've known about turmericfor 30 years

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Many great natural wonders out there.💟. Taxol , part of the treatment for ovarian cancer comes from the sap of a specific tree .

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One of the many good things coming from the horrors of the last few years is knowledge being shared about wonderous healing plants that have NO SIDE EFFECTS - except tasting good!

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Apr 30Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

I wonder if the Simply Organic version of Tumeric works as well.

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