What is a "Human Being"?

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Curious, why did you not have the taxi stop and let you out when you discovered he was going out of the way. Instead of arguing what you know to be an unwinnable debate. Men bully women because they can. You allowed him to bully you by staying in the car and paying the padded bill just because you were right. I'd suggest next time to inspect the driver before getting in. You know what these type of men look like. Or, start organizing these same foreign women to drive taxis.

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..."deeper powers we are encouraged to forget we have " Deep calls to deep, an important Hebrew idiom from a culture that promotes sovereignty of conscience for every one.

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make Tammany Hall American again (or at-least Irish or Irish-American again)

just a joke I thought the goood DR would appreciate from one of her biggest

mumbo-italiano fans

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Dr. Wolf, coming at this issue your'e reporting on from a "what can we do - what can I do about it" perspective... do you think we should vote Trump in 2024 -- -here's my issue with that, and when I say "my issue with that" voting Democrat for me is completely off the table It should go without saying... i'm planning to not vote or vote for RFK Jr if he's on my ballot

and I first respect that your vote is a private matter. That just because you blog about this and blog about that, Dr. Wolf is at end of day private citizen and her vote is her business, I'm not entitled to know unless you disclose it-- who you plan to vote for.

This is all I can say and maybe I speak for a # of your readers who are conflicted on this

If Dr. Wolf is voting for ex-Prez Trump, that would be the only thing that could make me consider following suit... here are my issues against voting Big Orange-- he just praised-- I mean this is just in -- He just praised TRavis Kelce - who is the anti-Dr.Wolf in the sense that footballer Kelce took 20 million to promote dangerous EUA vaccine -- Trump had dinner with Kanye (after his explicit nazi comments, not the joke about I want my kids to study hannekah not quanza to learn financial literacy, if kanye had stopped there that would've been funny-- he went far far beyond that with his anti-semitic rhetoric - Trump then had him over for dinner at mar o lago with Nick Fuentes -- an american nazi punk ass 24 year old--- Marjorie Taylor Greene for her part made apologies/did PR on Trump's part, Trump never explicitly disavowed/condemned fuentes said I didn't know who that was, doesn't secret service prep everyone ex-prez on who's coming over for dinner??

all this said I do get how bad open border Mad Jabbin Joe as I call him is

you know not that she would have been any better in fact we know from how she behaved on Covid she's likely have been worse -- but I compromised voting for Joe Biden in the primary in 2020 and then again for president -- that was compromise for me -- i was a deep deep Warren supporter (now i hate her politically speaking anyway) --- the point is as bad as Joe Biden is this is who I got for compromising as they say

i'm just wondering what fountain fuentes (in spanish means Lol) what furentes of BS will I get from Orange Man for compromising my vote again?????

So if Dr. Wolf can publicly endorse Trump that's the only thing that could possibly make me CONSIDER possibly make me CONSIDER voting for the guy

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If you were given a choice of being shot or hanged, what would you say? The proper answer is NO. Likewise if offered a rotten apple or rotten orange.

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thank you

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Your report is horrifying--but I can't look away. I know it is true and all these illegals funded by our govt and the UN are here for some nefarious purpose. The only hope I see is that Pluto in Aquarius is bringing up "Revolutionary energies of the people, for the people, by the people. It is critical to spread the word and the warning. We are not safe! There is criminal intent and destruction to our country, our Constitution and our people and we must take action. This destruction is coming towards us from many directions but my knowing is that God does what works. These Astrological, Evolutionary energies are meant to assist us at this very difficult time. It will not be easy and it will not be without death and destruction on both sides--but we are meant to win this if we can keep our heads and our hearts and unite with other brave freedom fighters. We must see the REALITY of what is facing us. We no longer live in the same country. Our government is betraying us and we must pray to know the right action to be taken. First off we must let our representatives know they are a bunch of scum bags for taking no action to protect our country and the American people. This is a huge conspiracy and this is NO THEORY. As I have said before, there is an Off-Planet element behind what we are seeing. Thank you dear Naomi.

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I have followed all your work since 2020. Along with all the criminal genocide of Covid. And now This. Why is this the one. How much more can we take.

What can men do against such reckless evil?!?!

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Thank you truth-speaking, freedom-fighting Naomi. I bought your book and will share it. A Canadian Grandma

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We must define our own culture, from the bottom up, instead of letting corrupted entities do t from the top down.

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Thank you! Thank you for saying the truth about what’s going on— and HOW you say it: straight, clear and with such palpable depth of soul. You’re amazing.

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Excellent Essay Dr Naomi. My guess is just as they organised the riots during lockdowns , the next chaos will happen during elections & who better to set it off !!

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Inspired by your first book, I ordered your most recent one on courage also. It is a bargain for such an eloquently written narrative that gives so much insight & inspiration thank you for sharing your talents in working for promoting freedom!

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Watching/listening to you recite your essay is better than story hour from my school days (I enjoyed reading it as well, BTW)! Even though the subject matter is much more intense, you've animated words on the page and brought to life the images, ideas an impressions that you so eloquently recorded. Thank you. So exciting (yet difficult) to watch your awakening and re-orientation to the realities of the world as it is and not as we wish it would be (and recall it once was). But you are also inspiring hope that if enough of us stand and refuse to simply accept the "new normal" -- the modified status quo that's suited to the aspirations and machinations of globalist exploiters, we can at least create a stir and perhaps even a formidable barrier to the advancement of these seriously psychopathic ideologies and rantings of truly mad elitists who are so distanced from whatever humanity may be left of them, they can only see their objective and the obstacles to attaining it - as expediently and satisfyingly as possible. Regardless of the "collateral damage" that will and is already ensuing. The power of words written and spoken and echoed among those who value them is proving as powerful as the cheap opportunistic propaganda so intricately woven into the fabric of societal beliefs and trends. Persist!

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Dr. Wolf, this essay should have a different title. I almost didn’t click on the email because I’m on limited screen time for the next 30 days. Please consider sending another email with a new subject line and link to this substack entry. Thank you for all you do!

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I don’t understand. You thought it was a duplicate? Thanks for the feedback.

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No, the subject line on the email and the title of the article "What is culture"" just didn't sound like something that I needed to read, and I'm skipping over more emails than usual due to limited screen time. I'm glad I did click on it to check it out.. I think it's way more important than the title indicates. In case other subscribers might miss it, I recommend sending another email out with a subject line that indicates it's about how what's happening at our southern border is or may impact our culture.

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I'm guessing, but I think she was not trying to the alert the "wrong" wires with that title, which of course led to the problem both you and I had. , identifying our need to read. So, now we can let others know. If I'm not mistaken, this is one leg of how something goes viral. Letting others know something that is not out in the open. Highlighting it to our friends so that it gets the biggest travel before its popularity alerts the gov.

But admittedly, this is just my conjecture.

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Yes, I was realizing that might be the case a little later on. I don’t have a solution, but my concern is that other subscribers won’t realize that they very much want to read it, and I don’t know how to send it to them. I have sent the article to a few friends.

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yes, that is the issue, how to be coy , without being too good at it. If this is headed toward some serious conflict, maybe this is our chance to practice. Or think up viable solutions.

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That may be true, but I’m not sure about that. Isn’t being coy the same as complying with what they are training us to do? It’s, at the very least, a very fine line. I agree with the idea that we need to think very carefully about all of that, and figure out what the best strategy is to overcome whatever “their” plans are. Right now, the only thing I know is that we need a vast majority of the 300M citizens in the u.s. to unite in support of each other and our most capable leaders who are helping us be aware of the predicament we’ve unwittingly walked into. In my mind, Dr. Wolf’s essays are helping us do that. I will just pray that every subscriber will read this one. I have experienced that my prayers are often (maybe even usually) answered.

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Ann Vandersteel has accompanied Michael Yon for weeks, even months and reported. Mike Adams (Health Ranger) and Michael Yon were recently interviewed by UK personalities and estimate it's MILLIONS from 140+ countries and if this isn't an invasion, then someone has changed the definition from the commonly understood one. If there were only brown-skinned, Hispanic families seeking to find a better life (while still violating the Consitutional Law that the Supremes recently attempted to invalidate and got backtalk from Texas and 25 other states on for their failure to correctly enforce the Federal Government's OBLIGATION to defend the borders of states when threatened, etc.), then it would at least be UNDERSTANDABLE. Military-aged men from Venezuela, China, the Middle East, South America -- significant numbers per day -- 3,000 - 5,000 are crossing the border and the UN and several other NGO's and the US are funding and promoting and facilitating their journeys. Several others have actually made the journey and reported the same -- and Mike Adams has featured them on his show multiple times. What's sad is that when the cross, they get a shower and a debit card, a cell phone and a ticker to wherever in the U.S. they wish to go (your tax dollars at work). Homeowners are being asked to house them. In one instance students a t a school were asked to stay home so the school building could be used as a temporary shelter for them. Locals along the border are having to guard their properties with weapons and have had thousands if not more in damage done, items stolen, and lack security in their homes. What we're witnessing is occurring simultaneously in Europe/abroad as well -- we will soon seen infrastructure and urban warfare being conducted by imported mercenaries who will simply take homes, vehicles and wives they want at gunpoint and it will not be difficult unless people are awakened to the reality that our government is a fraud -- the chief sock puppet and the uniparty disloyalists are all in on sacrificing America to the globalists for a shot at a place at the table when the dust settles.

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I wish this could be viewed by every single student in our public and private schools across this country.

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