Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf
Dr. Naomi Wolf's Outspoken
"'Ethical Hacker' Ehden Biber Reveals Evil WHO Plans"

"'Ethical Hacker' Ehden Biber Reveals Evil WHO Plans"


Ehden Biber, a cybersecurity expert with a pharmaceutical background, has broken one of the biggest stories of our time. Using documents on the WHO website, he demonstrates that the ‘Science Council’ of the WHO includes some grave offenders of the ‘pandemic’ and ‘lockdown’ past. He also shows their plans for injecting MRNA into humans and animals as a platform for would-be genetic manipulation, and he shows that they also plan to harvest all the DNA sequences of all humans, to create a database of everyone’s DNA. The purported reason will be ‘to cure disease’, but one can also theoretically use DNA manipulation to create a server class, a sex slave class, and/or supersoldiers — a dystopian future.

Related links:

Sense of Awareness
As we approach the final stages of the #WHO coup d'état attempt, it is time to expose the group of unelected people who will control your future and their alarming agenda! mRNA is coming! In December 2023 the WHO produced a report entitled “Potential benefits and limitations of mRNA technology for vaccine research and development for infectious diseases a…
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Originally Published on DailyClout.io

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Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf
Dr. Naomi Wolf's Outspoken
Essays, updates and arguments from an eyewitness to a new dark age, with thoughts on how to keep liberty, justice and human rights alive.