What a powerful piece. Perhaps the most appalling aspect of the whole thing is that so few people are appalled. I am another public intellectual who was widely denounced, condemned, and cancelled for my Covid heresies. As an anti-Semite, for daring to bandy about terms like genocide. As a racist (for thwarting the delivery of life-saving…
What a powerful piece. Perhaps the most appalling aspect of the whole thing is that so few people are appalled. I am another public intellectual who was widely denounced, condemned, and cancelled for my Covid heresies. As an anti-Semite, for daring to bandy about terms like genocide. As a racist (for thwarting the delivery of life-saving vaccines to the minorities that disproportionately die of Covid). As a purveyor of disinformation. You know the routine. Once upon a time, my audience tilted strongly to the Left. Since 2020, as the putative Left uncritically accepted the pronouncements of the most criminal elements of Big Pharma and the surrounding medical-industrial complex and its captured regulators, we've been in the midst of a huge realignment. Naomi, you've been one of the voices that has assured me that I am not crazy.
Ah but you and I (and a lot of others) are crazy. We live in a crazy world so we are crazy. But we are NOT stark raving mad. People have to be stark raving mad to take a series of experimental gene therapy injections for a disease with an IFR of 0.3% (CDC, May 2020. Current variant is half that).
No. You are not crazy. You are a truth teller. Keep shouting from the rooftops, as we all must who know the truth, despite the consequences. And if you are a person of prayer, then pray without ceasing. The world needs revival.
So many people think they're woke, but when people beat you up for saying let's don't go down that road again like Germany did, they aren't functioning at all well mentally.
Such a well written reply. Thank you. Your words assure me also that I am not crazy: "Perhaps the most appalling aspect of the whole thing is that so few people are appalled."
They’re being dumbed down by psychotropics, Fluoride, chemtrails, brainwashing, education and lies. I had a lot of trouble understanding why more people weren’t more appalled myself- and had to wrap my head around the issue to finally figure it out.
you confirm ,sir, that I was right to reject the Left when i did. For 40 years i was a leftist but that fell apart nearly 5 years ago when I was in my late fifties.
It has concentrated my thinking marvellously, and I regret that i did not have the presence of mind to do so yeras before!!
May I suggest a default to right/wrong, moral/immoral? The politcal right engages in all sorts of usurpations as well. Perhaps not as egregiously as the left, but the right has no issues with considering you a subject and stealing from you either.
"I am another public intellectual." Who says such crap? And who deemed you so. Did you hear your mirror speak that to you one morning and hand you a certificate of public intellectuality?
That's how people describe me. Personally, I'm not especially proud of it. I don't think that what the world needs most right now is more intellectuals or intellectualism. But whatever -- that's the role I seem to have assumed. Writing about ideas etc. i didn't mean to come across as boastful.
The public needs to work through difficult and complicated concepts, without fear manipulating them into rash action. Is the 100th monkey effect going to end up with the herd running off a cliff or will it result in an action beneficial to the herd?
That depends on the work done first. Someone has to hash out the concept first, and then the herd receives it via a download.
This information is critical because without it, the human species' immune system cannot differentiate good tissue from bad. And thus it will attack everything or nothing, and end up cannibalizing itself.
Not boastful, just odd. Since when do we have to describe ourselves the way others "describe" us? We all write "about ideas" Charles. Don't set yourself aside. That's part of this dumb malady. Peace.
Yeah, it doesn't strike me as snobbery. It's a term people use to describe a person who expresses thoughts in a particular way, publicly. There are rules that govern the form of that expression.
There are people I'd describe as public intellectuals, and also as idiots. Not mentioning names.
"Folk singer" describes a person who, like a public intellectual, expresses thoughts publicly, but does so in a different form.
You interpreted it as snobbery due to your personal triggers. You aren't a psychic or psionic user, able to pick up people's thoughts and intentions online, ok.
Why does this make you angry? I believe he was using the term in reference to the fact that he is an author and writes publicly on sociopolitical topics. I don't think it was meant to imply others aren't intellectual or as some sort of statement about his IQ.
Btw, do you know how you'd find the comments you make on this site? I know on Reddit you can do that in your profile. Is there any way to do that on Substack?
Just good to have the opportunity to see what you comment on. Sometimes you might have second thougts, want to edit, etc. And then you have to search like crazy--unless someone REPLIED to you. Thanks.
I think you have to just search the page for your name, but I haven't tried it. I just hit reply from my email because I forgot to change my notifications settings and your comment popped up in my email.
Thank you Kathryn. My comment to Chuck may have sounded harsh but sometimes these self-designated "Public Intellectuals" need to get an echo of how they sound :)
Point well taken. I'm prone to have those reactions, too, so I don't know why I felt compelled to call you out on it. I guess I save my irritation for the MSNBC/WaPo echo chamber "intellectuals". : )
Not angry, more like slightly annoyed. It's presumptuous and arrogant. "I am a public intellectual." And yes, exactly, it DOES imply that he stands apart from others.
It’s not a stretch to state that the majority of those who acquiesced are not appalled. In this video (36:18) mark, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcA5TotAkhs, Peter Robinson states how shocked he was that so many university students just went along with what they were told, with no pushback, in spite of the fact that they were at almost no risk (of dying from Cov). I also have been very surprised (appalled) that the majority of this demographic has been so passive during the past 2 years. Historically university students have not been shy of rebellion, nor of inciting riots for change. The theory posited by Peter Robinson is that they lack beliefs in the transcendent (divinity etc). And Jordan Peterson sums it up with “If you believe nothing, you’ll fall for anything”. I have been reflecting about this. When I asked my 21 year old neighbour why he went for the jab, his response was “I dunno, I just did.” Yes, I was appalled and continue to be appalled about a lot. Charles, you count among those who have been my sanity check during the past couple of years, for which I am very grateful!
These ‘university students’ are a direct product of the public (and often private)school system education they received. A System that supports compliance, don’t step out of line, do as you are told, that rewards one for that compliance and obeyance and so on and so forth. Unless they were a person that bucked the ‘System ’ (and these types didn’t last long or fell through the cracks), you learned to fall in line. That these young adults are like this is not surprising. In my experience they ‘couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag’ if they had to! They learned that ‘go along to get along’ mantra quite well.
There were key events in Eastern Europe for example, of which I have first hand recounts from people I know, when students were not influenced by "forces" outside of their own group (they were rising up against existing regimes- at first very underground, then gaining momentum). It can be said of course that they were subject to peer influence.
Historically maybe yes, but this crop of college age youth, from what I have observed, have been raised on their devices and it’s attendant technological propaganda. They have little to no ‘life skills’ and from my POV couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag. So I don’t see them as ‘very useful political tools’…’easily manipulated’ maybe but not too full of ‘vigor’.
I had that experience of both public and private school, was never subjected to corporal punishment, and was a real pain in the ass to my more authoritarian teachers. One of the teachers complained in the coffee-break lounge that I was smarter than the teachers (there was one teacher who ratted them out on this, and who said he told them, "He's not smarter than *me*.").
I *never* got good at navigating the mazes of academia, so maybe that's part of the issue. I suppose I should be grateful.
"I was just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity
Someone had to reach for the risin’ star, I guess it was up to me"
Yes, the educational system is one of compliance, obedience, and yet this has always been the case. My parents have recounted stories of physical punishment during their schooling years (sometimes severe) for even the slightest transgressions. And yet, there are examples in history of students rising up in revolt. Maybe the university students of today did not deem the situation dire enough to do so? Or are they so in a trance, abetted by technology? I am reflecting real time as I write.
They are “in a trance, abetted by technology”. This has furthered their ‘state of slumber’. I just don’t see these classes of university grads waking up anytime soon…they are the people Klaus Schwab & The WEF are targeting for the “they will have nothing and like it” way of living. They will graduate, heavily in debt, there will be few ‘jobs’ in their field, (or pay enough to sustain their life and pay off the debt), so being on the Government dole, all drugged up on technology with brain implants, they will be content and compliant.
Historically perhaps most humans did not have the gift of self-reflection. I grew up in the south during the mid 50’s through the 60’s. Most people just went along with the Jim Crow laws nonsense as though it made sense. They never questioned any of it, they simply complied. A lack of core sense of humanity, just following the herd. These same types just went along with the ‘vaccine’ nonsense because that was what all the other bleating sheep were doing. I’m sensing a change in the air though, so there is room for optimism.
You're not crazy Eisenstein. You are just awakening to the invisible war between God's Own and Satan's Own, between the enlightened and the sleepers, between the false illuminati (qabal) and the true illuminati (Christ collective).
You are on the road, but there are many steps ahead of you. Keep walking on the journey.
I was born awake!! My rebel craziness has nothing to do with my awakening & everything to do with being outside the box of what others call “normal.” There is no “normal” - only rule followers who try to fit other’s beliefs.
I believe with all my heart and soul the only way to change the tide is our spiritual path. Thru meditation and yes Naomi, prayer we can send light and divine healing to these dark souled killers. Once the light shines thru even a small crack there can be no more darkness. ON MASS.... BRING THE LIGHT WITHIN ... OUT ... AND INTO THE PLANET. IT'S OUR ONLY HOPE. DO NOT GIVE UP !!!!!!! THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE EXPECTING.
Interesting comment Deborah. One of the A Course In Miracles (ACIM) writers, Gary Renard in his book The Disappearance of the Universe if I remember correctly, suggested nobody's going to heaven until everybody is; not until everybody's had a chance, but until everybody's coming along.
The "left" showed their true colors when they lost the 2016 election. They paid an ex-spy to fabricate lies about the person who won that election, and they spent 4 years talking about nothing but those lies. The worst, however, was the hatred and vitriol that they spewed out, not just at the winner of that election, but especially at fellow citizens who voted for him whom they deemed racist and deplorable. I used to think the "left" were the people who cared, the group who had compassion for their fellow humans. But once I saw the anger and hatred directed at working class--the group that they claimed they supported--I knew the "left" was no longer a group I wanted to associate with. (I used to consider myself "progressive".) After 4 years of Russiagate lies they went on to 2 years of covid lies and now they're spouting Ukraine lies.
I am incredibly grateful for Naomi Wolf, for the work she's doing here, for the fact that she too was part of the "left" but has had the willingness to seek out the truth and then proclaim it on these pages and elsewhere. Thank you! And thank you Charles and others here who are holding fast to the truth. God bless all of you!
Elon Musk wasn't wrong when he said we live in a simulation. People are imagining a sci-fi scenario but all it really is, is an artificial reality created by TV and media and a false "agreed upon" history. We're seeing them create it now in real time with the miraculous "vaccines" and "80 million votes for Biden."
Go back 100 years and apply the same - what is our history, really?
Thank you for your thoughtful post…I so resonate with what you have said about The Left…I used to be in that camp but left years before The COVID-19 Scam. At the end of Obama’s first term going into his second, I knew that the Left & The Dems were a party that I could no longer support…they had morphed into this elitist Woke progressive group of people that certainly did not support the ‘Liberal Ideology’ that I had grown up with in the late 60’s and early 70’s. As both RFK Jr. (and Naomi Wolf) say, the Left and the Democratic Party has little resemblance to the Democratic Party of his father or Uncle JFK, The Party of ‘classic liberal’ values. (But on the converse side of things the Republicans nor DJT held no a
sway over me either. I am a party-less ‘declined to state’ voter now. )
The Democratic party isn't particularly "left." They may represent the top 10% rather than the top 1%, but they still don't give the north end of a southbound rat about the bottom 90%.
They talk a lot of culture-war hoohah, but they don't really mean any of that either. It's a great big club, and you're most likely not in it, which means that neither party will give you anything but a bullshit-biscuit and a big middle finger.
"The left" should mean something, and if it means "The US Democratic Party," then it means nothing.
Oh I like what you said! I have been saying this, even before all the Scamdemic c**p, that both Political Parties are “just two cheeks of the same ass”, and neither party gives a rat’s ass about any of us 90%!
I think the "Left" has always shown its true colors -- at least in my experience. This "COV!D" crime has just made it really obvious. Their bottom line is that they want me to want what they want. They believe wholeheartedly in the use of force and coercion by other people in that "thing" we call government to 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒆 want what they want -- or at least be forced to go along (caring not if I would choose otherwise) and to pay for it via taxes. Of course, by default, not wanting what they want automatically makes me selfish or cruel or whatever other adjective is meant to bring shame.
What happened to "the Left" ? Did they get taken over by the dark(er) side? I keep trying to tell my fam that hey, this is not the same left we grew up with. Maybe it is and now only showing their true colors? Marxist b.s. I guess.
The Democratic Party got in bed with the plutocrats because no matter which party you're in, there's a huge F-ton of money in D.C., and even a Hobbit would have to lose a finger to resist. So Labor and the legacy of FDR became very expendable by contrast. From then on, the party was "left" in name only.
It started under Carter, went on steroids under Clinton, and into hyperspace under Obama. Biden isn't so ambitious, he's just a janitor.
I know I'm not crazy. But the pressure to make me feel so is psychotically powerful. I'm in Canada. The Liberal/NDP/Bloc Quebecois establishment has completely become unhinged keeping this society segregated. They're breaking the civil order.
I defy them to mess with me. I got my legal ducks in a row, stood my ground and refuse absolutely to be mandated about anything. The more they pushed, the more I push back. I have withdrawn consent to be governed, I refuse to vote (this is Oz it is "mandatory" and refuse to pay anymore taxes. The entire system goes down, it has only my enmity now. I expect to die on this hill, but I sure as hell am ready to take some b.st.rds with me when they try.
I would get out. It's only going to get "suckier". The libtards will have laid waste to such a proud country in a mere 5-10 years. Now they want your guns? That's got to be a line in the sand, right?
Ryan...I respectfully will say that republicans are just as much on board with all of this. The coof and deathstab craze should provide enough evidence of this. I don't see any difference in political parties anymore and really haven't in over 10 years personally. In my free time studies, I've come to realize that the last hundred years or so have been almost all uniparty. Sure some break through but they don't ever gain traction and are shunned.
It takes at least 99% of the population being compliant for a society to properly function. If only 1% or 3.5 million say screw you, it all falls apart. This newest and manufactured gun debate goes where I think it is, that line in the sand will be glaring and the war will be official.
There's more to this story. I'm a member of the National Firearms Association. Had a chat with them today. A lot of it was emotional theatre. The idiot is trying to capitalize on something that happened in Texas.
They're confident they can amend the proposal. There are no details in the proposals just the usual empty platitudes and lies that come naturally to Justin. He's a LIAR. It's worth noting Canada's gun culture is somewhere in between the USA and Europe. So it won't go Australia's route. At least I don't think. We own a lot of guns up here too. Not like the USA obviously, but per capita we're top 10 and most of the countries ahead of us are small, war-torn countries. In terms of the West, it's pretty much in the top 3-5 if memory serves me right.
Justin is a very weak leader. Both as an individual and politically. He's trying to project power in an effort to win over a majority government. He's too divisive and hated to pull it off.
That's true. But I feel like several of my friends in Canada have said the same thing about some of the other crazy comments he's made. And then they come to pass.
That's true. The assault on the unvaccinated is the main one for me. But he's not alone. 201 MP's voted to keep the mandates and travel bans in place. They're irrational and cruel buffoons at this point.
I agree. Cruelty is the point...at this point. Taking the guns doesn't seem that far fetched. They're basically treating you guys like vermin. Makes me so angry!
We've thought about leaving, as have many friends. Easier said than done. We leave behind a strong community, and aging parents. I now know why people didn't flee places like Poland and Austria during WWII.
But here's another thing. If Canada was a great place and people fled to my country, I might begin to wonder whether they'd stay and fight if the going got tough. Or would they just run away from here, too?
Is running away always the answer?
We have decided to get out if they start coming after our kids. That's OUR line in the sand.
Having already left, I can yes. Life is worth more than having to suffer. The Berlin wall did not go up until 1961. The wall will go up, and it will get worse.
Same considerations here. Plus the USA has made it harder to move there since 9/11. We have the means to go but to set up shop at our age would be hard. So we'll stay and fight for now. But we will be moving assets to the USA and plan to live there most of the year. Amazing. I never thought I'd have to be put in this position but Justin is sufficiently dangerous enough to at least justify discussing this scenario. I despise what's become of Canada.
I wish you well. My heart breaks for you. I don't know what my wife and I would do in a similar situation. But as you said: there's a bright line when it comes to our kids. I just hope you're not put in that position. Best wishes and stay STRONG!
Thank you, Ryan. Hardships seem to visit each generation. This is our cross. It is not easy, but we have been given the grace to carry it. And the reality is that they're after anyone who stands in the way of their globalist agenda. I just don't think they realize how many of us there are. Heh, heh, heh. :)
We're in Ontario. It's sickening what's happening in both our provinces. But we are not alone. I'm surprised at how many unvaccinated I meet. The government tells us we're at 90%. I'm having trouble believing it.
I still think it's possible that the tide will turn. It just takes a long, long time, lots of work, lots of prayer, and a flood of truth.
Hello Andrea, from Waterloo Region. I don't believe anything our government says but I feel the numbers are high here. For over a year until a couple months ago whenever I went to do errands I was the only one I would ever see without a mask on very sad. I had to leave my municipal government job of 16 years, so I stay close to home now. This City acts like the destruction they caused for the last 2 + years never even happened. Now the talk is all about the massive amounts of people that are homeless and have set up and stuck together in an encampment. The city is taking them to court because they refuse to leave. Telling the truth has got me banned or in jail on Twitter and Facebook. Joined a local neighbourhood app and I'm just floored how people in my community talk down and belittle people who are struggling. I posted about not being allowed service to take my dog to the vet last week because I refuse to wear a mask and a mandate is not the law. I must have gotten 40 responses of vile comments about how I don't deserve my dog and stop being a Karen, It was nasty. I've learned so much these last 3 years about people and myself. I feel sorry for them because their pride, ego ,fear and judgement will be their downfall. Not giving a shit what people think of me has been ultimate freedom. We are on the right side of history and the tables are turning.
We are just on the edge of Waterloo Region! I think the cities are worse. We live in the country and things are a little different, generally speaking. I do know a number of people who did not "believe" in masking, but they wore them, anyway, because they did not have the moral courage to go without. So not everyone with a mask was against us. But it was hard to feel so alone in the stores...
I stay off other com boxes, now. People feel they can attack anyone from behind their screens. I like this substack because others seem to respect one another here.
New York State lies the same way: State says 153,621 Nassau County residents 65 to 74 had been vaccinated by Friday--even though a state website says only 132,862 people in that age group live in Nassau. That would mean a vaccination rate of 116%. Rates for residents 55 to 64, and 75 and older, also exceed 100%.
....Our entire government, at every level, is awash in lies and liars.
The hugely worrying thing is that this isn't a phenomenon only in the US, it's exactly the same in the UK and many European countries, Australia, NZ. It's worldwide. That's what is most concerning to me. What are they all hiding? Or even more concerning, are all our politicians mad or stupid?
Nazi Scotia, here. Yes, in keeping with the giant Asch Conformity Experiment they're running, the Canadian government is grossly exaggerating the "vaccination" figures.
Combing through the government's own data (for what that's worth), the Daily Expose calculated that 37% of Canadians were completely "unvaccinated", an equal percentage were thrice jabbed and the remaining 26% had had one or two shots. Their figures are:
Not sure how they arrived at those numbers. The 'official' number is about 6 million (3 million of which are minors). The obtuse part about this is that Canada has yet to officially update what constitutes being "vaccinated"! I believe we're the only Western country not to have done so. It keeps the travel bans in place. Think of it. There are double dosed Canadians who have not taken a booster who got injected LAST YEAR and are permitted to travel whereas people who have recovered from infection and acquired natural immunity (which we all know to be superior)) can't board a plane. Or even have the chance to present a negative test! It's irrational and cruel - period. Those 201 MP's who voted to keep them in place Monday should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. Cowardly fools.
As for the Maritimes, I was shocked at how the provinces treated each other. We didn't behave like a strong, united country. The stories I read out of NB were outrageous.
Additionally, as the "vaccination" program was an experiment, up to 50% of those injected got a placebo. Yet, the Canadian government didn't recall those people, for actual "vaccination," before giving them vax passes. So, a person who received a placebo can travel and a person with naturally immunity cannot. Yes, that sounds like science - political science. On the other point, the evidence that governments are fudging their vaccine uptake numbers is overwhelming. In the USA, for example, the CDC released figures indicating that more people had had the second dose, than the first. My own lived experience makes me doubt Nazi Scotia's claim to have jabbed over 90% of the population. In February, I had to rush my husband to the emergency department of our local hospital. As one of the unclean, I wasn't allowed to go inside, with him. The parking lot was full of people, like me, waiting in their cars. It was nearly 20 below and snowing like mad, so I don't think many would have chosen to stay outside.
Heather, I’m in Ontario. This is news to me that, as you wrote, 50% of all vaxxes were placebos? How/where did you learn this? If true, I believe it is widely not known.
Sorry, for the tardy reply. I missed your post. Here's a link to sources regarding the use of placebos and varied doses. The Covid shot rollout is part of an experimental trial, so placebos and dose variation is standard protocol. (Not that much standard protocol gets followed, in Covidland.) http://internetmatter.com/varying_dose_quantities_in_these.html
Imagine maintaining a travel ban on people! Without evidence of any kind. Even Tam said there are no cases through air travel. Purely and wholly punitive and cruel. That's Canada.
I'm in the UK. All our governments have lied or been lied to by those they employ to inform them. I've never suffered such a loss of trust in all the institutions which used to be a structure of our society. Doctors, scientists, politicians and others have all lied to us.
They have indeed. It is utterly appalling, disorientating, bewildering, demoralising, and so on. But we at least have found fellow travellers on sites like this. We are not alone.
A Senator here spewed the same old cockamamie nonsense that the unvaccinated threaten him on a plane. Basically, his right to feel safe trumps civil rights. Doesn't say much about the shots now does it?
While I have always been a little on the crazy “good” side, nothing compares to those we’re dealing with. You are absolutely right, the unhinged. It’s not about the jabs - it’s about complete control.
What a powerful piece. Perhaps the most appalling aspect of the whole thing is that so few people are appalled. I am another public intellectual who was widely denounced, condemned, and cancelled for my Covid heresies. As an anti-Semite, for daring to bandy about terms like genocide. As a racist (for thwarting the delivery of life-saving vaccines to the minorities that disproportionately die of Covid). As a purveyor of disinformation. You know the routine. Once upon a time, my audience tilted strongly to the Left. Since 2020, as the putative Left uncritically accepted the pronouncements of the most criminal elements of Big Pharma and the surrounding medical-industrial complex and its captured regulators, we've been in the midst of a huge realignment. Naomi, you've been one of the voices that has assured me that I am not crazy.
Ah but you and I (and a lot of others) are crazy. We live in a crazy world so we are crazy. But we are NOT stark raving mad. People have to be stark raving mad to take a series of experimental gene therapy injections for a disease with an IFR of 0.3% (CDC, May 2020. Current variant is half that).
Me, I like crazy. It keeps me sane :)
Keep fighting!!!
Love the crazy peeps myself!
No. You are not crazy. You are a truth teller. Keep shouting from the rooftops, as we all must who know the truth, despite the consequences. And if you are a person of prayer, then pray without ceasing. The world needs revival.
So many people think they're woke, but when people beat you up for saying let's don't go down that road again like Germany did, they aren't functioning at all well mentally.
Such a well written reply. Thank you. Your words assure me also that I am not crazy: "Perhaps the most appalling aspect of the whole thing is that so few people are appalled."
They’re being dumbed down by psychotropics, Fluoride, chemtrails, brainwashing, education and lies. I had a lot of trouble understanding why more people weren’t more appalled myself- and had to wrap my head around the issue to finally figure it out.
you confirm ,sir, that I was right to reject the Left when i did. For 40 years i was a leftist but that fell apart nearly 5 years ago when I was in my late fifties.
It has concentrated my thinking marvellously, and I regret that i did not have the presence of mind to do so yeras before!!
So long as human original DNA corruption exists, people will have NPC zombie thoughts, whether left or right, blue or red.
May I suggest a default to right/wrong, moral/immoral? The politcal right engages in all sorts of usurpations as well. Perhaps not as egregiously as the left, but the right has no issues with considering you a subject and stealing from you either.
For example, Neomccain warmongers on Soviet Ukraine war.
"I am another public intellectual." Who says such crap? And who deemed you so. Did you hear your mirror speak that to you one morning and hand you a certificate of public intellectuality?
Eisenstein is an intellectual. Have you read his articles?
Look deeper into why his one liner triggers you so much and you will get benefits.
No, Jon Rappoport is an intellectual. He never felt the need to identify himself as such.
Okay, Doctor Freud.
That's how people describe me. Personally, I'm not especially proud of it. I don't think that what the world needs most right now is more intellectuals or intellectualism. But whatever -- that's the role I seem to have assumed. Writing about ideas etc. i didn't mean to come across as boastful.
The public needs to work through difficult and complicated concepts, without fear manipulating them into rash action. Is the 100th monkey effect going to end up with the herd running off a cliff or will it result in an action beneficial to the herd?
That depends on the work done first. Someone has to hash out the concept first, and then the herd receives it via a download.
This information is critical because without it, the human species' immune system cannot differentiate good tissue from bad. And thus it will attack everything or nothing, and end up cannibalizing itself.
Not boastful, just odd. Since when do we have to describe ourselves the way others "describe" us? We all write "about ideas" Charles. Don't set yourself aside. That's part of this dumb malady. Peace.
Eisenstein's actions set him apart and people notice that. Just as your actions define you.
Yeah, just like I noticed the snobbery.
Yeah, it doesn't strike me as snobbery. It's a term people use to describe a person who expresses thoughts in a particular way, publicly. There are rules that govern the form of that expression.
There are people I'd describe as public intellectuals, and also as idiots. Not mentioning names.
"Folk singer" describes a person who, like a public intellectual, expresses thoughts publicly, but does so in a different form.
You interpreted it as snobbery due to your personal triggers. You aren't a psychic or psionic user, able to pick up people's thoughts and intentions online, ok.
I didn't think you did. That's why I responded to the comment. Anyway "Public Intellectuals" is a good band name.
Why does this make you angry? I believe he was using the term in reference to the fact that he is an author and writes publicly on sociopolitical topics. I don't think it was meant to imply others aren't intellectual or as some sort of statement about his IQ.
Btw, do you know how you'd find the comments you make on this site? I know on Reddit you can do that in your profile. Is there any way to do that on Substack?
Click on your profile icon on the upper right, and click activity. That will show all the replies.
There's no way to see your comments by themselves (without replies) ?
your profile tracks your posts but I don't see one for comments. Why do you need it?
Just good to have the opportunity to see what you comment on. Sometimes you might have second thougts, want to edit, etc. And then you have to search like crazy--unless someone REPLIED to you. Thanks.
I think you have to just search the page for your name, but I haven't tried it. I just hit reply from my email because I forgot to change my notifications settings and your comment popped up in my email.
Thank you Kathryn. My comment to Chuck may have sounded harsh but sometimes these self-designated "Public Intellectuals" need to get an echo of how they sound :)
Point well taken. I'm prone to have those reactions, too, so I don't know why I felt compelled to call you out on it. I guess I save my irritation for the MSNBC/WaPo echo chamber "intellectuals". : )
See, you're an intellectual who's secure enough to KNOW it without "declaring" it. ;)
Not angry, more like slightly annoyed. It's presumptuous and arrogant. "I am a public intellectual." And yes, exactly, it DOES imply that he stands apart from others.
It’s not a stretch to state that the majority of those who acquiesced are not appalled. In this video (36:18) mark, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcA5TotAkhs, Peter Robinson states how shocked he was that so many university students just went along with what they were told, with no pushback, in spite of the fact that they were at almost no risk (of dying from Cov). I also have been very surprised (appalled) that the majority of this demographic has been so passive during the past 2 years. Historically university students have not been shy of rebellion, nor of inciting riots for change. The theory posited by Peter Robinson is that they lack beliefs in the transcendent (divinity etc). And Jordan Peterson sums it up with “If you believe nothing, you’ll fall for anything”. I have been reflecting about this. When I asked my 21 year old neighbour why he went for the jab, his response was “I dunno, I just did.” Yes, I was appalled and continue to be appalled about a lot. Charles, you count among those who have been my sanity check during the past couple of years, for which I am very grateful!
These ‘university students’ are a direct product of the public (and often private)school system education they received. A System that supports compliance, don’t step out of line, do as you are told, that rewards one for that compliance and obeyance and so on and so forth. Unless they were a person that bucked the ‘System ’ (and these types didn’t last long or fell through the cracks), you learned to fall in line. That these young adults are like this is not surprising. In my experience they ‘couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag’ if they had to! They learned that ‘go along to get along’ mantra quite well.
"Historically university students have not been shy of rebellion, nor of inciting riots for change."
Yes, when influenced to do so. Students are very useful political tools, easily manipulated and full of the free time and vigor possessed by youth.
There were key events in Eastern Europe for example, of which I have first hand recounts from people I know, when students were not influenced by "forces" outside of their own group (they were rising up against existing regimes- at first very underground, then gaining momentum). It can be said of course that they were subject to peer influence.
Historically maybe yes, but this crop of college age youth, from what I have observed, have been raised on their devices and it’s attendant technological propaganda. They have little to no ‘life skills’ and from my POV couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag. So I don’t see them as ‘very useful political tools’…’easily manipulated’ maybe but not too full of ‘vigor’.
I had that experience of both public and private school, was never subjected to corporal punishment, and was a real pain in the ass to my more authoritarian teachers. One of the teachers complained in the coffee-break lounge that I was smarter than the teachers (there was one teacher who ratted them out on this, and who said he told them, "He's not smarter than *me*.").
I *never* got good at navigating the mazes of academia, so maybe that's part of the issue. I suppose I should be grateful.
"I was just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity
Someone had to reach for the risin’ star, I guess it was up to me"
Of course, it worked out a bit better for Bob.
Yes, the educational system is one of compliance, obedience, and yet this has always been the case. My parents have recounted stories of physical punishment during their schooling years (sometimes severe) for even the slightest transgressions. And yet, there are examples in history of students rising up in revolt. Maybe the university students of today did not deem the situation dire enough to do so? Or are they so in a trance, abetted by technology? I am reflecting real time as I write.
They are “in a trance, abetted by technology”. This has furthered their ‘state of slumber’. I just don’t see these classes of university grads waking up anytime soon…they are the people Klaus Schwab & The WEF are targeting for the “they will have nothing and like it” way of living. They will graduate, heavily in debt, there will be few ‘jobs’ in their field, (or pay enough to sustain their life and pay off the debt), so being on the Government dole, all drugged up on technology with brain implants, they will be content and compliant.
Historically perhaps most humans did not have the gift of self-reflection. I grew up in the south during the mid 50’s through the 60’s. Most people just went along with the Jim Crow laws nonsense as though it made sense. They never questioned any of it, they simply complied. A lack of core sense of humanity, just following the herd. These same types just went along with the ‘vaccine’ nonsense because that was what all the other bleating sheep were doing. I’m sensing a change in the air though, so there is room for optimism.
Steiner talked about two kinds of human souls. Non players and human player souls.
You're not crazy Eisenstein. You are just awakening to the invisible war between God's Own and Satan's Own, between the enlightened and the sleepers, between the false illuminati (qabal) and the true illuminati (Christ collective).
You are on the road, but there are many steps ahead of you. Keep walking on the journey.
I was born awake!! My rebel craziness has nothing to do with my awakening & everything to do with being outside the box of what others call “normal.” There is no “normal” - only rule followers who try to fit other’s beliefs.
I believe with all my heart and soul the only way to change the tide is our spiritual path. Thru meditation and yes Naomi, prayer we can send light and divine healing to these dark souled killers. Once the light shines thru even a small crack there can be no more darkness. ON MASS.... BRING THE LIGHT WITHIN ... OUT ... AND INTO THE PLANET. IT'S OUR ONLY HOPE. DO NOT GIVE UP !!!!!!! THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE EXPECTING.
Interesting comment Deborah. One of the A Course In Miracles (ACIM) writers, Gary Renard in his book The Disappearance of the Universe if I remember correctly, suggested nobody's going to heaven until everybody is; not until everybody's had a chance, but until everybody's coming along.
Bless you Charles, you do wonderful work.
This book and the C-SPAN Book TV talk by it's author is chilling in light of Naomi's article, and this is from 2003! https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=war+against+the+weak+cspan+book+tv&cvid=5e9d540152484336aaceb376450b5d74&aqs=edge..69i57.9605j0j1&pglt=131&PC=U531&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3dwar%2bagainst%2bthe%2bweak%2bcspan%2bbook%2btv%26cvid%3d5e9d540152484336aaceb376450b5d74%26aqs%3dedge..69i57.9605j0j1%26pglt%3d131%26FORM%3dANSAB1%26PC%3dU531&view=detail&mmscn=vwrc&mid=118EFC75422A226E4E45118EFC75422A226E4E45&FORM=WRVORC
The "left" showed their true colors when they lost the 2016 election. They paid an ex-spy to fabricate lies about the person who won that election, and they spent 4 years talking about nothing but those lies. The worst, however, was the hatred and vitriol that they spewed out, not just at the winner of that election, but especially at fellow citizens who voted for him whom they deemed racist and deplorable. I used to think the "left" were the people who cared, the group who had compassion for their fellow humans. But once I saw the anger and hatred directed at working class--the group that they claimed they supported--I knew the "left" was no longer a group I wanted to associate with. (I used to consider myself "progressive".) After 4 years of Russiagate lies they went on to 2 years of covid lies and now they're spouting Ukraine lies.
I am incredibly grateful for Naomi Wolf, for the work she's doing here, for the fact that she too was part of the "left" but has had the willingness to seek out the truth and then proclaim it on these pages and elsewhere. Thank you! And thank you Charles and others here who are holding fast to the truth. God bless all of you!
Elon Musk wasn't wrong when he said we live in a simulation. People are imagining a sci-fi scenario but all it really is, is an artificial reality created by TV and media and a false "agreed upon" history. We're seeing them create it now in real time with the miraculous "vaccines" and "80 million votes for Biden."
Go back 100 years and apply the same - what is our history, really?
The simulation is created by Godhead and Satans.
It's called the Valley of the Shadow of Death in the Bible.
Thank you for your thoughtful post…I so resonate with what you have said about The Left…I used to be in that camp but left years before The COVID-19 Scam. At the end of Obama’s first term going into his second, I knew that the Left & The Dems were a party that I could no longer support…they had morphed into this elitist Woke progressive group of people that certainly did not support the ‘Liberal Ideology’ that I had grown up with in the late 60’s and early 70’s. As both RFK Jr. (and Naomi Wolf) say, the Left and the Democratic Party has little resemblance to the Democratic Party of his father or Uncle JFK, The Party of ‘classic liberal’ values. (But on the converse side of things the Republicans nor DJT held no a
sway over me either. I am a party-less ‘declined to state’ voter now. )
The Democratic party isn't particularly "left." They may represent the top 10% rather than the top 1%, but they still don't give the north end of a southbound rat about the bottom 90%.
They talk a lot of culture-war hoohah, but they don't really mean any of that either. It's a great big club, and you're most likely not in it, which means that neither party will give you anything but a bullshit-biscuit and a big middle finger.
"The left" should mean something, and if it means "The US Democratic Party," then it means nothing.
Oh I like what you said! I have been saying this, even before all the Scamdemic c**p, that both Political Parties are “just two cheeks of the same ass”, and neither party gives a rat’s ass about any of us 90%!
Unfortunately the article is fake
??? Are you trolling?
I think the "Left" has always shown its true colors -- at least in my experience. This "COV!D" crime has just made it really obvious. Their bottom line is that they want me to want what they want. They believe wholeheartedly in the use of force and coercion by other people in that "thing" we call government to 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒆 want what they want -- or at least be forced to go along (caring not if I would choose otherwise) and to pay for it via taxes. Of course, by default, not wanting what they want automatically makes me selfish or cruel or whatever other adjective is meant to bring shame.
What happened to "the Left" ? Did they get taken over by the dark(er) side? I keep trying to tell my fam that hey, this is not the same left we grew up with. Maybe it is and now only showing their true colors? Marxist b.s. I guess.
The Democratic Party got in bed with the plutocrats because no matter which party you're in, there's a huge F-ton of money in D.C., and even a Hobbit would have to lose a finger to resist. So Labor and the legacy of FDR became very expendable by contrast. From then on, the party was "left" in name only.
It started under Carter, went on steroids under Clinton, and into hyperspace under Obama. Biden isn't so ambitious, he's just a janitor.
Nailed it!
I know I'm not crazy. But the pressure to make me feel so is psychotically powerful. I'm in Canada. The Liberal/NDP/Bloc Quebecois establishment has completely become unhinged keeping this society segregated. They're breaking the civil order.
Over mRNA injections.
They're the crazy ones; the extremists.
Not us.
I defy them to mess with me. I got my legal ducks in a row, stood my ground and refuse absolutely to be mandated about anything. The more they pushed, the more I push back. I have withdrawn consent to be governed, I refuse to vote (this is Oz it is "mandatory" and refuse to pay anymore taxes. The entire system goes down, it has only my enmity now. I expect to die on this hill, but I sure as hell am ready to take some b.st.rds with me when they try.
I stand with you!!! In complete agreement.
The problem isn't "anti-vaxxers," it's vaccine extremists.
I would get out. It's only going to get "suckier". The libtards will have laid waste to such a proud country in a mere 5-10 years. Now they want your guns? That's got to be a line in the sand, right?
You assume they will be alive 5-10 years from now.
Ryan...I respectfully will say that republicans are just as much on board with all of this. The coof and deathstab craze should provide enough evidence of this. I don't see any difference in political parties anymore and really haven't in over 10 years personally. In my free time studies, I've come to realize that the last hundred years or so have been almost all uniparty. Sure some break through but they don't ever gain traction and are shunned.
It takes at least 99% of the population being compliant for a society to properly function. If only 1% or 3.5 million say screw you, it all falls apart. This newest and manufactured gun debate goes where I think it is, that line in the sand will be glaring and the war will be official.
There's more to this story. I'm a member of the National Firearms Association. Had a chat with them today. A lot of it was emotional theatre. The idiot is trying to capitalize on something that happened in Texas.
They're confident they can amend the proposal. There are no details in the proposals just the usual empty platitudes and lies that come naturally to Justin. He's a LIAR. It's worth noting Canada's gun culture is somewhere in between the USA and Europe. So it won't go Australia's route. At least I don't think. We own a lot of guns up here too. Not like the USA obviously, but per capita we're top 10 and most of the countries ahead of us are small, war-torn countries. In terms of the West, it's pretty much in the top 3-5 if memory serves me right.
Justin is a very weak leader. Both as an individual and politically. He's trying to project power in an effort to win over a majority government. He's too divisive and hated to pull it off.
We're not done. Yet.
Keep fighting man! We're on your side down here. Really proud of our fellow refusnik's in Canada. Stay STRONG!
We do draw inspiration from America.
That's true. But I feel like several of my friends in Canada have said the same thing about some of the other crazy comments he's made. And then they come to pass.
That's true. The assault on the unvaccinated is the main one for me. But he's not alone. 201 MP's voted to keep the mandates and travel bans in place. They're irrational and cruel buffoons at this point.
I agree. Cruelty is the point...at this point. Taking the guns doesn't seem that far fetched. They're basically treating you guys like vermin. Makes me so angry!
We've thought about leaving, as have many friends. Easier said than done. We leave behind a strong community, and aging parents. I now know why people didn't flee places like Poland and Austria during WWII.
But here's another thing. If Canada was a great place and people fled to my country, I might begin to wonder whether they'd stay and fight if the going got tough. Or would they just run away from here, too?
Is running away always the answer?
We have decided to get out if they start coming after our kids. That's OUR line in the sand.
Yep - hands off your children. Stand strong
Having already left, I can yes. Life is worth more than having to suffer. The Berlin wall did not go up until 1961. The wall will go up, and it will get worse.
I hate to say this, but I agree. History does indeed tend to be repeated.
Same considerations here. Plus the USA has made it harder to move there since 9/11. We have the means to go but to set up shop at our age would be hard. So we'll stay and fight for now. But we will be moving assets to the USA and plan to live there most of the year. Amazing. I never thought I'd have to be put in this position but Justin is sufficiently dangerous enough to at least justify discussing this scenario. I despise what's become of Canada.
And it just pisses me off they're doing this to good folks like you guys
I wish you well. My heart breaks for you. I don't know what my wife and I would do in a similar situation. But as you said: there's a bright line when it comes to our kids. I just hope you're not put in that position. Best wishes and stay STRONG!
Thank you, Ryan. Hardships seem to visit each generation. This is our cross. It is not easy, but we have been given the grace to carry it. And the reality is that they're after anyone who stands in the way of their globalist agenda. I just don't think they realize how many of us there are. Heh, heh, heh. :)
We're in Ontario. It's sickening what's happening in both our provinces. But we are not alone. I'm surprised at how many unvaccinated I meet. The government tells us we're at 90%. I'm having trouble believing it.
I still think it's possible that the tide will turn. It just takes a long, long time, lots of work, lots of prayer, and a flood of truth.
Hello Andrea, from Waterloo Region. I don't believe anything our government says but I feel the numbers are high here. For over a year until a couple months ago whenever I went to do errands I was the only one I would ever see without a mask on very sad. I had to leave my municipal government job of 16 years, so I stay close to home now. This City acts like the destruction they caused for the last 2 + years never even happened. Now the talk is all about the massive amounts of people that are homeless and have set up and stuck together in an encampment. The city is taking them to court because they refuse to leave. Telling the truth has got me banned or in jail on Twitter and Facebook. Joined a local neighbourhood app and I'm just floored how people in my community talk down and belittle people who are struggling. I posted about not being allowed service to take my dog to the vet last week because I refuse to wear a mask and a mandate is not the law. I must have gotten 40 responses of vile comments about how I don't deserve my dog and stop being a Karen, It was nasty. I've learned so much these last 3 years about people and myself. I feel sorry for them because their pride, ego ,fear and judgement will be their downfall. Not giving a shit what people think of me has been ultimate freedom. We are on the right side of history and the tables are turning.
Hey Christa,
We are just on the edge of Waterloo Region! I think the cities are worse. We live in the country and things are a little different, generally speaking. I do know a number of people who did not "believe" in masking, but they wore them, anyway, because they did not have the moral courage to go without. So not everyone with a mask was against us. But it was hard to feel so alone in the stores...
I stay off other com boxes, now. People feel they can attack anyone from behind their screens. I like this substack because others seem to respect one another here.
New York State lies the same way: State says 153,621 Nassau County residents 65 to 74 had been vaccinated by Friday--even though a state website says only 132,862 people in that age group live in Nassau. That would mean a vaccination rate of 116%. Rates for residents 55 to 64, and 75 and older, also exceed 100%.
....Our entire government, at every level, is awash in lies and liars.
The hugely worrying thing is that this isn't a phenomenon only in the US, it's exactly the same in the UK and many European countries, Australia, NZ. It's worldwide. That's what is most concerning to me. What are they all hiding? Or even more concerning, are all our politicians mad or stupid?
Nazi Scotia, here. Yes, in keeping with the giant Asch Conformity Experiment they're running, the Canadian government is grossly exaggerating the "vaccination" figures.
Combing through the government's own data (for what that's worth), the Daily Expose calculated that 37% of Canadians were completely "unvaccinated", an equal percentage were thrice jabbed and the remaining 26% had had one or two shots. Their figures are:
Unvaccinated: 13.06 million people
One Dose Vaccinated: 1.25 million people
Two Dose Vaccinated: 10.7 million people
Three Dose Vaccinated: 13 million people
Not sure how they arrived at those numbers. The 'official' number is about 6 million (3 million of which are minors). The obtuse part about this is that Canada has yet to officially update what constitutes being "vaccinated"! I believe we're the only Western country not to have done so. It keeps the travel bans in place. Think of it. There are double dosed Canadians who have not taken a booster who got injected LAST YEAR and are permitted to travel whereas people who have recovered from infection and acquired natural immunity (which we all know to be superior)) can't board a plane. Or even have the chance to present a negative test! It's irrational and cruel - period. Those 201 MP's who voted to keep them in place Monday should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. Cowardly fools.
As for the Maritimes, I was shocked at how the provinces treated each other. We didn't behave like a strong, united country. The stories I read out of NB were outrageous.
I believe Canada is one of if not the “test site” to see just how far they can go before unleashing it on other countries.
Additionally, as the "vaccination" program was an experiment, up to 50% of those injected got a placebo. Yet, the Canadian government didn't recall those people, for actual "vaccination," before giving them vax passes. So, a person who received a placebo can travel and a person with naturally immunity cannot. Yes, that sounds like science - political science. On the other point, the evidence that governments are fudging their vaccine uptake numbers is overwhelming. In the USA, for example, the CDC released figures indicating that more people had had the second dose, than the first. My own lived experience makes me doubt Nazi Scotia's claim to have jabbed over 90% of the population. In February, I had to rush my husband to the emergency department of our local hospital. As one of the unclean, I wasn't allowed to go inside, with him. The parking lot was full of people, like me, waiting in their cars. It was nearly 20 below and snowing like mad, so I don't think many would have chosen to stay outside.
Heather, I’m in Ontario. This is news to me that, as you wrote, 50% of all vaxxes were placebos? How/where did you learn this? If true, I believe it is widely not known.
Sorry, for the tardy reply. I missed your post. Here's a link to sources regarding the use of placebos and varied doses. The Covid shot rollout is part of an experimental trial, so placebos and dose variation is standard protocol. (Not that much standard protocol gets followed, in Covidland.) http://internetmatter.com/varying_dose_quantities_in_these.html
Imagine maintaining a travel ban on people! Without evidence of any kind. Even Tam said there are no cases through air travel. Purely and wholly punitive and cruel. That's Canada.
Coercion to get the shots.
I'm in the UK. All our governments have lied or been lied to by those they employ to inform them. I've never suffered such a loss of trust in all the institutions which used to be a structure of our society. Doctors, scientists, politicians and others have all lied to us.
They have indeed. It is utterly appalling, disorientating, bewildering, demoralising, and so on. But we at least have found fellow travellers on sites like this. We are not alone.
A Senator here spewed the same old cockamamie nonsense that the unvaccinated threaten him on a plane. Basically, his right to feel safe trumps civil rights. Doesn't say much about the shots now does it?
Well, see, the shots are, um, ... *partly* effective! Yeah, yeah, *that's* the ticket!
While I have always been a little on the crazy “good” side, nothing compares to those we’re dealing with. You are absolutely right, the unhinged. It’s not about the jabs - it’s about complete control.